Monday, August 13, 2012

Miscellany Monday

Oh, how I have missed MM these past two weeks!  What a roller coaster I have been on and it does my heart good to have a diversion like MM today.  And, just in case there's anyone out there that didn't know it, last Thursday was our sweet Carissa's birthday. ~wink~

Sweet family.......
The first stop that Hubby and I made on my "birthday trip" was The Galleria in Dallas, Texas.  It was my actual birthday and I had made a stop in one of the many stores and was busily looking at something when I heard this loud, "Happy Birthday!"  Of course, I looked up immediately and there was a young family from near our hometown (isn't it funny how you run into people you know almost everywhere you go).  They are my friends on FB and had seen that it was my birthday and when they saw me, could not resist letting everyone else know. ~grin~  It made my heart smile for sure!  This sweet family will soon be a family of five.  They are in the final phases of adopting a precious little girl from China.  They should be able to go get her within the next 90 days.  This is something they have anxiously awaited for a long time and what a blessed little girl she will be.  She will have two big brothers that have already fallen in love with her and a Dad and Mom that will add a dimension to her life that she would not otherwise know.  That makes my heart smile too........... 

Tater.........sweet Tater......

  Folks, I am not a "goo goo ga ga" kind of person about dogs.  Yes, we have two labs and I do like them but I am definitely not silly about them.  But, when it comes to my brother's family dog, I can be just about as silly as anyone about their dog.  I got to see Tater on my "birthday trip" and he struck the most perfect pose for me.  Don't you just love it?  He is a GoldenDoodle and he has no idea that he is not human.  I kid you not!  He feels just like silk and I don't know who enjoys petting him more, the one doing the petting or Tater.  It's soothing either way.  Okay, I know, enough of the silliness............

A "mustache" birthday.........

My "birthday trip" also took us by some dear friends house in Northern Arkansas.  When we stopped by there was "a party going on."  Our friends Granddaughter was enjoying her 12th birthday around her Grandparents pool.  It was a "mustache" themed party and of course, I had no idea what that was all about, but I was quickly informed.  Everything was decked out in mustaches and  it was a party with flair for sure.  I was so glad I was indoctrinated   on the mustache rage because I would surely not want to be "in the dark" about something such as that. ~big laugh~  It was a fun stop on my birthday adventure for sure. 

My heart............

As previously stated, these past two weeks have been such a roller coaster , from the mountain top of celebration to the valley of despair.  Yesterday I felt very weepy and came very close to feeling sorry for myself. ~have you ever had that feeling~  I thought back over the past 3 1/2 years and how I have had more than my share of loss and heartache. My Mom's untimely death, my Dad's sudden life threatening illness, issues too personal to share here, and now the loss of this precious baby.  But, the gentle nudging of my heavenly Father suddenly puts everything back into perspective. HE reminded me of how truly blessed I truly am, that HE is fully aware of my every loss and trial, and in the end it will be worth it all. So, I go forth with the knowledge that the losses and trials are not over and will not be this side of heaven.  But, great is HIS faithfulness and HIS mercies are new every morning.  That fills my despairing heart with joy!  
Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. This morning during my quiet time, the theme was that God is sovereign and sits on His throne. Nothing happens that doesn't first pass through His fingers of love. We may not understand. I have to admit I often do not understand, especially when a little one is taken. But His angels brought this baby to Him in loving arms. But the pain of this loss must be so difficult. Sending you a long distance hug.

    It's interesting that on this Miscellany Monday there are joys and there are sorrows. May you be encouraged and comforted by knowing that people are praying for you and your family. And that includes me.

    Blessings and love,

  2. Goodness knows I have spent A LOT of time recently feeling sorry for "me" too...and wondering what in the world the Lord is doing. But like you I have been nudged (a few times) into remembering how loving He is, how merciful, and how mighty. His timing is always so perfect. I just love it when He gives us those little glimpses and moments that we KNOW are just from Him, that fill our hearts with hope and love. Your daughter is soo beautiful and I am so sorry she has had to experience such a loss. I have been praying for all of you during this difficult time, and I will continue. HUGS

  3. Dear friend, I've been where you are ... within a 14-month period, I lost my mom, both my MIL and my FIL, and DD lost a little one, too. It's easy to fall into that "feeling sorry for me" mode, but God is always faithful to remind us that He is still in control, that His ways are still better than ours, and that He will see us through whatever we have to face. That doesn't guarantee that we still won't feel loss and sadness, but He will see us through. Please know that you are loved ... by our Father and by us here on this earth and that we are praying for you. {{hug}}

  4. Sending a great big hug to embrace you through both the joy and the sorrow, and a prayer that God may continue to show His ever presence in your life, and that comfort may be yours in good times and sad :)
    Look at that face on Tater and know that God is love. :)

  5. Great post for what I know has been a difficult ending to a wonderful time. This old hymn says just what your final section said so beautifully.

    "Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father,

    There is no shadow of turning with Thee;

    Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not;
    As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be.

    Great is Thy faithfulness! "Great is Thy faithfulness!"

    Morning by morning new mercies I see;

    All I have needed Thy hand hath provided—

    Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!"

    Love you, and praying.

  6. I have really learned to claim that verse in Lamentations this year. Great IS His faithfullness. His mercies really are new every single morning. A fresh start. A clean slate. Life brings hard stuff sometimes, really thankful we are not walking it alone. Take care and I am thinking of your daughter and keeping her in my prayers.

  7. What a great and diverse post, Lea. I loved seeing the family and hear about their upcoming adoption. I saved the pic to send to John. Okay, you will need to explain the mustashe theme. His Word tells us without faith, hope and love, we have nothing, and the greatest of these is love. You have experienced all three of these in the past several days; therefore, you have experienced His presence and blessings. Love ya.

  8. it really is so encouraging to know that there will be a day with no more pain... may you all continue to find hope in that Truth. still praying for your family.

    i am kind of in the dark with the whole mustache thing, too. i know it's cool, but i wonder why?!! because the last time i saw a man with a mustache i totally cringed. ; )

    i'm so happy for that family and their china "doll." i have a niece from china and she is the most beautiful thing!

    thank you for your sweet words. love you!!

  9. I am so sorry for all of the sorrow you have experienced, but so glad that you had a wonderful birthday trip to remember and to make you smile. I am a goo goo ga ga kind of girl when it comes to dogs, and that Tater is a doll of a dog! Still whispering little prayers for all of you.

  10. Life is hard, and when it's your parents it's just okay to feel sorry for yourself. They are your people. So sorry girlie. I understand completely. I wrote about it earlier this week. My dad's heart isn't doing well. Fear seeps in. Just praying and turning it over to my Lord.

  11. I love randomly bumping into friends! It's always a pleasant surprise...and that dog is so perfect! I would LOVE to own one just like him!
    I am so sorry about your daughter. I can't imagine how difficult it must be to miscarry. I started praying for her and for you just as soon as I read the comment you left me earlier. God will see her through and will be faithful to continue to comfort both her heart and yours. ((hugs))

  12. I'm so sorry that I missed this news. I pray for God's comfort for this sweet couple. Life can hurt, and this is one of those times we don't really understand. I love what my buddy Debbie said in the comments above... this baby was taken on angel's wings right to the arms of Jesus.

    Praying for peace and healing.



So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!