It's time for Five on Friday and I may or may not have more than five things, but will try my hardest to keep it to five. I sure wouldn't want to bore you. ~sigh~
1. This past Saturday myself and a whole host of other Southern Belles gave a lovely Bridal Brunch for a lovely bride to be.
Elisabeth grew up here but is now a very proud resident of The Big Apple. We were glad that she could make the time to come "home" so that we could celebrate her upcoming wedding.
My "job" for this affair was to create a fruit tray. I had never done anything like this in my life, but I was given a picture to go by and I must admit, I was mighty proud of the finished product. It made quite a statement I thought.
As I've told you before, we absolutely love having parties, events, whatever you may want to call them. It's just a part of being Southern. I want to share with you a few pics from the event that will make you wish you had been there.
Aren't these flowers absolutely gorgeous!!
All the ladies had a wonderful time.
And, of course, we presented the bride with a gift.
It was a most perfect morning for a most perfect Southern affair. Don't you wish you had been there?
2. Last week, while my cousin was here, we went to an area not far from here called, "Antique Alley." I do not get over there often, but when I do, I so enjoy myself. There are charming antique stores, clothing boutiques, jewelry shops and a little of anything one could want. We went in an antique shop called, "Southern Lady" and this little antique beauty caught my eye.
This isn't the greatest picture, but hopefully you can see the mirrored back and top. I had this one empty corner in our dining room and knew it would fit perfect. So, yes, it came home with me.
3. Tuesday evening Hubby and I went for a ride and ended up at a friend's lake camp sitting on the back porch. It was the perfect time of day to photograph these beautiful cypress tress with all the hanging moss.
There are all kinds of these types of waterways in NE Louisiana and they have a beauty all their own. I did not enhance the colors on these photos at all, this is just as they were. Some are almost a lime green, while others are a deep hunter green. Truly a creation of God's artistry!
4. Meet Becky Haight......
Becky's blog is Apples of Gold and it can be found here. I can't remember exactly how I came across her blog, but from the first visit, I was hooked. Becky writes from her heart and I have felt such a connection to her through our blogs. Just recently we began communicating outside of our blogs and it has been such a blessing.
Becky is a beautiful young lady that loves the Lord, her husband and daughter and strives to "do it right" everyday. She is a sweetie and I recommend you stop by and find out what I'm talking about.
5. I was with some of my running buddies a couple of weeks ago and somehow we began talking about "phrases" that folks use that "bug" the daylites out of us. I bet you could add to this short list..........
Not a problem.....this is used a lot by cashiers at fast food chains when you go up to the counter and ask for ketchup, napkins, a drink refill or such. We all agreed that they need to come up with a different response. What cha think? I mean, no it's not a problem, it's their job for goodness sakes! ~chuckle~
Have a good one.......hummmm........this is generally used when someone is leaving and causes one to wonder, "have a good one" what? A good day, a good night's rest, a good meal, a good time, I mean, the list goes on and on of the many things this could mean. Yes, we all realize that when most folks say that, they are referring to "have a good day," but why don't they just say that? ~big smile~
Let's not and say we did..........can I just tell you that our son just about wore that one out when he was in high school! Of course, it meant that he did not want to do whatever it was that we were about to do. At one point his Daddy had to threaten him within an inch of his life not to use that again. He wore it out and he grew up ~thankfully~ and I bet he hasn't thought about that in a long, long time.
Honey, darling, folks, if you are a sales clerk and you call me that, then I'll probably leave in a flash! And, if you are someone else, well, I might also leave in a flash! Those are the names I call my little Princess and I don't happen to be a little Princess. Shucks! I'm the Queen and you don't call a Queen, honey, darling or sweetie. Endearing terms spoken to me are reserved for my "honey, darling and sweetie," better known as my husband.
I'm outta here on that one.............
I ALWAYS want to respond to "have a good one" with "good one what?" so I laughed out loud when I read that amongst the phrases that bug you. ;-)
ReplyDeleteOh, Lea, you crack me up! Those phrases ALL bug me. "Have a good one" used to bother my parents something terrible when they heard it out in public. If you come to Baltimore (old Baltimore nearer the city, people in certain 'burbs will most likely call you "hon." No matter who you are, they take it on. "All righty, hon, you have a good one." BTW , your fruit tray was gorgeous. And you're not a fruit lover, either, are you?
ReplyDeleteGood morning! First of all that salad WAS spectacular! Might have to try and copy that some day. Congrats to the pretty bride. Great photo shoot of the trees! And thanks for the chuckles on the phrases...great way to start my morning! Enjoy your week-end! (or I could just say....ENJOY! haha)
ReplyDeleteGreat post...lovely photos.
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely party and your fruit try looks amazing! The flowers were very pretty too. Hope your having a wonderful weekend.
ReplyDeleteOh, the bride to be is an absoulute doll, and as far as that fruit is beautiful, and you have every reason to be proud of your self.
ReplyDeleteYes mam, I could add to that list. Neice and I were eating at Logan's the other day, and I tell ya, I don't think I could take much more of the litte waitress and her mouth. Neice is only 12, and she kept saying, "what is wrong with her?". Even I couldn't answer that one, lol.