Joyce makes up the questions and we "make up" the answers and together they make for a most interesting blog post on Wednesdays. As always, today's questions were most fun and gave my brain some exercise for sure. Enjoy!
1. What's something you're dealing with that might be described as tricky?Well, I don't mean to sound trite when I say this, but LIFE! We never know what it's going to throw our way and to say it can sometimes be very tricky, well, that would be an understatement. I sometimes feel like I've had more than my share of trickiness in recent years.~smile~ But, hey, I somehow manage to keep "rising above."
~thank the Lord~
2. What's your treat of choice?
Humm.........I assume we are talking about food and if so, it would be a warm piece of Pecan Pie. I'm not tempted by much in the sweet department, but if Pecan Pie is an option, then I'm probably going to indulge in a at least a bite or two.
3. Did you/will you carve a jack-o-lantern this month? Which real (living or dead) or fictional 'Jack' would you most like to meet in person? Why?
Oh, it has been years since I carved a pumpkin, guess since my now, 34 and 37 year old children were little. And, even then it was not something that I took a lot of pleasure in doing. Loved what it looked like when a candle was put in, but the carving was work!
The first Jack that came to my mind was Jack Lord, star of Hawaii-Five-O. I loved that show and I guess if he were nearby and I could meet him , that would be nice but I've certainly never given meeting him a thought until this very moment. ~grin! And, since he's dead, not much chance I'm going to meet him in this life. ~smile~
4. In your opinion, what's the grossest sounding word in the English language?
I absolutely cannot stand to hear someone use the word "sucks." I not only think it is gross but nasty as well. As far as I'm concerned it has no place in anyone's vocabulary!!!
5. When did your heart last skip a beat?
About two weeks ago a lizard got in our house. I didn't know it until I was walking down the hallway that night and he was slithering by. I screamed bloody murder and not only did my heart skip a beat, but my dear Hubby's heart skipped a beat because he was certain that someone had attack me. When he found out it was "only" a lizard he was NOT happy with me. ~need I say more~
6. Monster Mash by Bobby 'Boris' Picket, Michael Jackson's Thriller, Werewolves of London by Warren Zevon, or Ray Parker Jr.'s Ghostbusters...your favorite 'scary' tune?
It would have to be Ghostbusters as our son was 8 and our daughter was 5 when the first Ghostbuster movie came out and that song was all we heard for months and months to come. Shucks, I even found myself singing it, it was such a cute and catchy tune. Now, I'll probably sing it the rest of today since I've got it on my mind.
7. It was a dark and stormy night when..... From Snoopy quotes: “It was a dark and stormy night. Suddenly, a shot rang out! A door slammed. The maid screamed. Suddenly, a pirate ship appeared on the horizon! While millions of people were starving, the king lived in luxury. Meanwhile, on a small farm in Kansas, a boy was growing up.” ~only Snoopy~
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I just recently purchased some of the new battery operated candles with timers. What will they think of next??? I mean, I am thrilled too death with them and now every evening at 5:30, Hubby and I get to enjoy candles burning. I have them set to burn for 5 hours and then they go off and come on again the next day at 5:30. And, the candles flicker, which makes them even more realistic. I get plum excited when they come on each evening and thoroughly enjoy their calming presence. ~ I know, it doesn't take much for some folks.~ But, in case you are interested in purchasing some, here's the site - And, the price is very reasonable compared to some I've seen and the candles are waxy and uneven at the top. Can you tell, I'm proud of these "smart" candles.
Happy mid-week!!!
Hey Mrs. Lea, those candles are too neat!! I need to order some! I love the timer option. I wanted to let you know I'm blogging again:) hope you have a great day!
ReplyDeleteI love the battery operated candles too. My sister got some for her boat since it's often windy and these do the trick!
ReplyDeleteGood morning! Believe it or not I too had a lizard scare me to death last week. A tiny little thing right there on my kitchen floor. I had no idea at first what it was. I thought I may have dropped a piece of fabric scrap or something when it slithered off. I screamed too but was all by myself, haha. It just came out without me thinking. Oh, and thanks for the sight on the candles...LOVE this idea, definitely going to get me some! Enjoy your day!
ReplyDeleteSnoopy is always good to write an ending to that sentence.
ReplyDeleteI am so going to check out the lights with the "timers"...with my bad lungs I don't burn much of anything :-) Those I can do ...
ReplyDeleteI love that you thought of Jack Lord...made me laugh!
Hugs and have a great day!!
Love those battery operated candles. I have been eyeing a set for a while already. Maybe I'll find them under the tree on Christmas morning. :)
ReplyDeleteLove your story about your heart skipping a beat! I find the Ghostbuster song going through my head often. I love your battery operated candle. I have some on my mantle that I bought last Christmas from QVC and I keep them out all year long. I love when they come on each night.
ReplyDeleteLea, I really struggled with my replies to Hodgepodge this week. I take things sooo seriously!!! Anyway, I was eager to see your responses and you did so well!! Thanks for the tip about the candles!!! I love stuff like that.
ReplyDeleteI would miss the scents of a battery-operated candle - a huge part of the appeal of candles to me, is the scents. Yum
ReplyDeleteI think that my heart would go have stopped at the sight of a lizard in my house! Yikes!
I could not agree more with the "Sucks" response. I hate the way that word is used so freely by young and old alike. And, thanks for the web site for the candles. I friend was wanting some. They look so nice in your house.