Thursday, June 19, 2014

A Day InThe Life of Lea...........

Rachel Rewritten

Hats off to Rachel and Brittany are hosting their first ever link up today. They ask us to share what a typical day in our life looked like.  So, here goes...........

Monday thru Friday my day begins at 5:30AM.  I have always been an early morning person.  I thought I might change once the children were grown and gone, but that was not the case.  I love the early morning and feel very productive in the early part of the day.
I head straight to my Keurig for that first cup of morning coffee.  I actually get way too excited over that first cup, but, guess that's alright.  I then head upstairs to my little "private corner" for my morning devotional and prayer time.  I curl up in this big leather chair and bask in His glory for a while.

Then it is "shower time."  Ah! just nothing like a good extra warm shower.  It's almost as good as that first cup of java! ~laugh~  Then it's make up time.  I guess I can probably count on two hands the days I have not put on makeup in my 61 years.  It is so much a part of my day that I can do it blindfolded.  I guess I'm sort of like an old barn, I look a whole lot better with a little paint on me. ~chuckle~
I then head back up the stairs to walk on my treadmill. I know, weird, I shower and then walk, but, it's how I roll. I have been walking on a treadmill about 25 years and I'm hoping my consistency has paid off.  I am sure I need to be doing some strength training as well, but just haven't "gone there" yet.  I walk about 2 miles at 3.7 mph in about 30 minutes.  Surely it's better than doing nothing at all. ~I hope~

It's then time to stop by the computer and some mornings I hit "publish" for my blog and check my email and of course, check in with Facebook and see what everyone is up to.  ~whatever did we do before FB~
 I get dressed  ~aren't you glad~ and a couple of mornings a week will find me at Wal-Mart and doing whatever list of errands I have for that day.  Some days that includes a visit with my Dad at the assisted living facility he resides in.  I very much like to get out and about early and that means I'm back home early and can "hang out" here the remainder of the day.  On an ordinary day I am generally home by 11:00AM and the rest of my day involves things here at the house.

I am very routine ~in case you haven't figured that out~ and generally have a list for each day.  Some days that list may only have 1"to do" on it and other days it may have several "to does" on it.  I enjoy very much having something to do but often in recent years my wagon has been so overloaded that I felt overwhelmed most of the time.  But, thankfully, that is not presently the case.

There seems to always be household tasks.  I still never lack for things to do in that department.  There is always laundry, ironing, closets to organize and clean out, light fixtures that need dusting and baseboards that need deep cleaning.  None of which I really enjoy but I do feel such a sense of satisfaction when I am finished.

And, throughout the day I make stops by my desktop computer to check email,and Facebook and perhaps do some Quickbooks entries.  Then I might work on my blog, edit some pictures and all the other fun things one can do with a computer.

Hubby and I generally sit down to dinner around 5:30 and I must admit that it is often not at home.  We probably eat out 3-4 times a week.  I know, but it is what it is........And, we're generally with friends or family when we do eat out so it's sort of a social event as well as an eating event.  Doesn't life center around eating? ~grin~
After dinner, when we are home, I can usually be found in "comfy clothes" and likely headed to my comfy chair.  Hubby's in his comfy chair and we're settled in for the evening. ~one of my favorite times of the day~  I grab my laptop and either blog or read blogs in-between sort of watching whatever Hubby has on the TV.  Of course, an evening would not be complete without some sort of a snack and that varies for sure.  I do try to keep some low cal stuff on hand and one of my favorites, is popcorn.  

Around 9:00 I head towards the bedroom and read.  It's sort of my time to enjoy some peace and quiet  before laying my head on the pillow.  Can you tell that I enjoy starting my day with peace and quiet and ending it the same way.  And, it's not that there is ever a whole lot of noise around our house, but you know what I mean by "peace and quiet." 
This is just a recap of "most" days.  There's always outings, Drs. app'ts, time with the Grans, a little retail therapy that change the routine up a bit and keeps life interesting.  The "same ole, same ole" would be very boring and I don't ever want a boring life.  So, there you have it, "A day in the life of Lea."~now, didn't you enjoy that?~ big smile~

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. I'm just LOVING these posts! I love getting to see what everyone's day to day looks like. A lot of ours are similar--coffee then a little Jesus time! That's the perfect way to start off any day, if you ask me! I need to incorporate my elliptical into my day, like you with your treadmill! I am determined to make it a part of my daily routine. And I agree with the makeup part, even if I'm just running errands, I need a little something on this face! Thanks so much for joining us, Lea! I really loved your post!

  2. I'm big into my routine too! But, we're opposites when it comes to make-up. I try to get by not wearing any as often as possible! Most brands either irritate my skin or are just plain irritating!

  3. I thoroughly enjoyed fact, I might jump on board and share mine too, lol. Your day is similar to mine in MANY ways, (except the morning trips to Walmart and visiting your dad) but I am an early riser and keep myself busy the whole day before I settle in for one of my favorite parts of the day with hubby! I do my blog visiting early in the morning though. Isn't life wonderful in this season of our life? Enjoy your day!

  4. Lea, I enjoyed this post about your days. We have so many similarities -- early riser, time alone with the Lord, makeup, and more. We joke around here about "what's a day without a trip to Wamart!"

  5. I'm an early riser too, but unlike you, I haven't always been one. When I was working, I'd sleep in until 7:30-8:00 whenever possible (weekends, holidays, vacation) ... of course, I'd be up until midnight or later ... I'd finish up my must-do's and then have a couple of hours to spend on my want-to-do's. Now that I'm no longer working, I don't have to stay up so late, so I don't have to sleep so late in the morning in order to get enough rest.

  6. i did enjoy this! i love seeing into your world and imagining your day. : ) the treadmill definitely pays off - you look so great!

  7. You definitely have a very full day, Lea! I think it's awesome that you're walking on the treadmill...way to go!!!

  8. I did enjoy that post because I could visualize you doing a lot of those things. The bath before the tread meal still has me scratching my head though. LOL!

  9. Lea, I absolutely love your blog. You REALLY know how to roll!

  10. I loved your post! I need to be consistent on the treadmill as all esp since i have one at home too. I'm with everyone on the shower them treadmill thing... but hey its what makes you YOU. lol I love ho you are very routine.. I try to be that way but i am one random individual

  11. I loved this post!! I love to get in comfy clothes also when I get home.

  12. I loved reading about your day :)

  13. I am very similar to you! I also love my Keurig coffee maker and that first cup is always the best. I have my quiet time before getting on the computer. But I do shower after the treadmill. :) I enjoyed reading about your daily routine. I had a few years of retirement when I loved to get together with friends for lunch but as you know life has changed in the last few years. So I go to work.

    Blessings and love,


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!