Friday, November 14, 2014

Lea's Daybook - November 14th

It's a daybook sort of day, so sharing what my day looks like........hope you enjoy!


Outside my window...a beautiful morning but a mere 27 degrees. That's cold my friends!!  And, we will only reach 47 today.  This is the deep South and we aren't into cold temps. ~grin~

I am thinking...that there is enough drama in the 5th season of Downton Abbey to float a battleship.  I have been watching it via  I so love that I do not have to wait until January to watch it. There's so much crammed into this season and I have to think really hard to keep it all straight from show to show. 

I am thankful...that my Dad was introduced to "the reader" provided to him by the La. Center for the Blind.  It has added such enjoyment to his life and he has listened to countless books since getting "the reader."  Listening to these books takes him to a very "happy place" and I am so thankful for that.

In the kitchen...I'm going to be stirring up some "vittles" for the weekend.  A Pumpkin Pound Cake, and some pumpkin muffins.  Our daughter, SIL and Clancy are coming in tonight for the weekend and I want to have a few yummies for them.

I am wearing...a bulky sweater with a cuddle dud cami under it, blue jeans and warm boots. Remember, I said it was c-o-l-d here!

I am the Ophthalmologist for my annual visit on Monday.  My family history with eye issues is not the best so I do NOT miss these checkups.  In fact, I don't miss any of my annual checkups.  I'm all about preventative care!

I am some folks can be so passive about really important things.  It just seems that so many things no longer rattle folks as they once did.  And, less and less folks are willing to take a stand for what is right. ~we don't want to get involved~

I am cousin will continue to do well.  You may remember that I asked you to be in prayer for her as she endured a 9 hour brain surgery on the 6th due to an anurysm. Each day she does better and better and Drs. are saying she may get to go home next week with home health coming everyday.  She is so, so fortunate!

I am looking forward to...both of our kids, their families and us getting to be together this weekend.  The guys are going to do a little hunting and then we are going to do family Christmas pictures on Saturday afternoon (weather permitting).  The guys always humor us gals by patiently enduring the whole picture taking process. ~bless their hearts~

I am learning...that there is so, so much to building a house. There are so many important decisions and thankfully my Hubby has dotted every "i" and crossed every "t" to the best of his knowledge. ~he's the best~

Around the house...same ole, same ole....the going through process is never ending.  Well, I guess it will end, but it's a ways away right now.  So, so much accumulation goes along with 33 years of living in the same house.  But, with each closet, drawer, or cabinet that I go through I have such a sense of accomplishment.

I am pondering...moving into our new house and how it will all come together.  I have it all envisioned but who knows if that is the way it will be.  I really wish I could just snap my fingers and the actual move would be magically done.~dream on~

A favorite quote for today...
 "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." 
Teddy Roosevelt

One of my favorite things...silly as it may sound, sitting in my recliner covered with a throw and enjoying the company of my Hubby and laptop in the evenings. ~big smile~

A few plans for the rest of the week.....enjoying my family!

A peek into my day...running errands, baking a cake, making a pot of soup,  going to visit my Dad and whatever else comes along.

A picture worth sharing.........
Our son and DIL's house is for sale and has been for some time.  The realtor called them this week and had some potential buyers wanting to look at it.  Windy was busy tidying up things and asked Hanna Beth to pick up her toy room.  When Windy went in to check it all out, the above picture is what she found.  Hanna Beth had very pain stakingly placed her tubs of toys in their proper places but she made sure that all of her dolls heads were outside of the boxes.  How cute is that?  I'm not sure if her Momma left it like that or not. ~grin~

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. Oh how exciting to have your whole family together! Having your daughter soo close now is just going to change everything for you...soo happy you have got that now. And that new baby coming...and your new house taking shape and waiting for you to begin memories there...well, can't get a whole lot better in my opinion. Glad your dad is enjoying those reading books. BTW, one of your favorite things is mine as well. haha on the way your grand daughter has those it! Enjoy your week-end!

  2. Your evenings sound like mine! Pumpkin pound cake sounds so good- I need to try that!

  3. Oh! I totally get the doll thing! They have to be able to breathe, ya know!!

  4. Your evenings sound like ours, only he gets the recliner and I get the couch with ottoman. Both of us are on laptops though. Hope you have a great weekend, family photos are always such fun...we have a lot of good memories with those


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!