Monday, January 2, 2017

Lea's Favorites

Well, Happiest of New Year's to you!  A new year, a fresh start, a clean slate!

Now, perhaps some of my favorites will become your favorites and make your 2017 an even better year.😊

These have most likely been around for a long time but I only found out about them a few weeks ago.  We have a filtration system in our house and it pretty much keeps any ugly rings from forming in our commodes but I have noticed some slight stains so thought I'd give these a try.  They are like magic folks!  And, I hear from someone who had really bad rings in her commodes that these took care of those.  So, if you have commode ring issues, get yourself some of these.  And, yes, they are on Amazon!!!  They are good for a lot of other things too but the commode is the only thing I can attest to.

These have been around for quite some time as well but I just purchased one.  As I've said before our Acacia wood floors are just beautiful but they show every little piece of lint, crumb and footprint.  I have been  using the plain Swiffer but it does have the suction that this little fella has and this is by no means like a regular vacuum  but it works like a dream for lint, crumbs, etc plus it has the cloth attachment.  So, between the suction and the cloth it will take care of the floors between the big cleanings. It's for hard surface floors only.  It operates on a rechargeable battery so there are no aggravating cords to fool with. As my Dad would say, "it's the cat's meow."

If you are like me and do not fry, then you need this Pyramid Pan Liner.  I cannot stand the smell of fried food in my house and we just don't eat fried food very much anyway.  But, if we do, it's always at a restaurant, except for French Fries.  There are times that we want some FF and cooking them in the oven with this liner is awesome.  They are crispy just like they came out of good ole' cooking oil but far more healthy.  Yes, it's on Amazon as well. ~isn't everything~

I've been reading about the wonderful things concerning these Hymalayan salt lamps for a long time.  Just before Christmas my Dad decided that he wanted a couple for his little apartment.  So, I ordered 2 for him and got them set up for him this past week.  If they do half of what the articles say they will do then he'll be a happy man for sure.  You can read all about them here.  Aside of the benefits, they are quite attractive.  I'm thinking we need one in our bedroom, so am going to wait and see what Daddy thinks of his before ordering ours.  I did start using Hymalayan salt to cook with several months ago.

Have you met Alexa?  If not, I highly recommend her.  She's like having your own personal assistant. ~chuckle~  There is the Echo tower and the Echo dot.  My finding is that the big difference is in the sound they produce.  I wanted something small and out of the way.  It's about 4" in diameter and 2 inches in thickness.  You can ask her pretty much anything and she will give you an answer.  She knows great jokes too.  She gives me a Flash Briefing each morning (that's the latest news and weather).  You just say her name and then tell her what you want.  I also use her to play music when I don't want to use our sound system that goes throughout the house.  Oh, you have to download the Echo app on your smart phone and part of that app is your lists.  You can tell her to add something to your list and it will appear on your phone.  So, if you want to do your grocery or to do list that way she's ready to do it for you.  You just say, "Alexa, add milk to my grocery list."  Truly amazing and sort of scary to think that some gadget is that smart.  Amazon had them for $39 the week before Christmas so I got the kids one and us one.  The Grans had a blast with her and nearly wore her out with them asking her to tell them jokes.
In closing I wish for you abundant blessings for this new year.  May you have more happiness than sadness, more smiles than tears, and more than anything may you have a peace that passeth understanding in any and every situation you may face this coming year. 

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. I knew we had so much in common! I don't fry foods in our house, either. Simply can't stand that fried food smell. If we do fry something, I make Wayne do it in our outside kitchen! Ha! Can't wait to try those liners for our oven french frying, too! Thanks for sharing, Lea!

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  2. We don't have an Alexa, but they sure sound interesting! And I'll be heading over to Amazon right now to add in a scouring stick or 2. Our hard water is a pain, even though we too have a filtration system. Happy New Year!

  3. I may have to check a couple of these things out. Thanks for sharing.

  4. This is very informative! I will have to try your Pyramid Pan Liners. Please let us know what you think of the Himalayan Salt Lamp after some time has passed. I am interested to know.

  5. Hi sweet Lea! I wanted to wish you a Happy New Year. I hope 2017 is filled with lots of love, delightful joy, and sweet blessings from the Lord.

    Looking forward to following you blog this year. Hugs to you!

  6. Happy New Year, Lea.

    I had read about the Himalayan Salt Lamps, and was waiting to hear if they actually have any affect. I'll have to look into getting one for our bedroom.


  7. Happy New Year, dear Lea. Thank you for sharing these great tips.

  8. Happy new year to you too, I hope this year bring you a lot's happiness, btw if anyone there who are looking for an academic help they contact me without any hesitation.

  9. hello! Dear Lea, I just wanted to say happy new year to you. I pray that upcoming year of great love, wonderful joy, and beautiful blessings from the Lord.

  10. These are some really useful household items that I’d love to add to my house especially; the eco dot because I’d love someone else to write a grocery list for me. I don’t why I run from writing so much. I was fortunate to have found the Professional Essay Writer at otherwise I don’t know what would have I done with my writing projects.

  11. We don't have an Alexa, but they sound pretty cool. I'm going to Amazon right now to add one or two scouring sticks. Even though we have a filtration system, our hard water is a pain. Merry Christmas! MCA Leads

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So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!