Monday, January 23, 2017

Monday's Musings

Well, I am still hyped up over this past week ends Inauguration events.  I have to admit that I have never, ever watched an Inauguration, perhaps bits and pieces, but NEVER for hours on end.  Friday found me with 3 TV's on for most of the day trying not to miss any part of it.
I enjoyed every aspect of it, but when he took the oath of office I found myself in tears.  My prayers will be with he and Mike Pence in the days, months and years ahead.  What a job they have ahead!
And, could Melania been any more gorgeous!  My goodness, what a classy lady! Now, if the media would just "back off", quit stirring the pot and giving the naysayers attention!
I had invited two couples over for dinner Friday evening and when I invited them I wasn't even thinking that it was Inaugural day.  When it dawned upon me this past week I decided to make it an Inaugural dinner.
 I pulled out some of my patriotic decor and my red dishes and our guests thought it was such a cute and cleaver idea.  We had such a good time visiting and talking about the hope we feel being restored in our great country.  It was the perfect ending to a perfect day!
I am a member of a study club and we meet monthly and always have a program.  We met this past week and one of our members did a program on Foot Reflexology.  Oh, my goodness, how interesting!  And, do not mistake a foot massage as the same thing.  It is not, even though it can be very rejuvenating.
 Foot Reflexology is pressure applied to certain areas of the souls of the feet. You can see from the chart above that different areas of the feet are connected to every area of the body.  I find it all pretty amazing!   I won't go into all of it here but you can Google it and find out all you could ever want to know about it.  While it is best to have someone else do the reflexology for you, it is possible to do on yourself.  Certainly not near as enjoyable but it can be done.  I was informed that there are Foot Reflexology spas and we have one not far from us.  I may just have to give it a try! 

Speaking of Google..........what on earth did we ever do before it came along.  I use Google multiple times a day.  I've gotten to where I use it to pull up a recipe that I have either in one of my recipe books or my clipped recipe file.  It's so much quicker to just Google it than to look for it.  And, that's just one of a bazillion things I use it for.  Google came into existence in Sept. 1997.  So, it will be celebrating it's 20th birthday this year. Google has totally transformed so much of what we do.  What will "they" come up with next?
Hubby and I are not big movie goers but we've been to 2 in the last week.  I mentioned Hidden Figures in my post last Monday and what a fantastic movie it was.  Well, we decided to go see LaLa Land this past weekend and I'd probably give it 1 star out of a 5 star rating.  No joke, the above picture is of the best scene in the entire 2 hour and 10 minute show.  It was shallow with no real point as far as I was concerned but I'm betting there are those that went and just loved it.😁  It grabbed my attention because the reviews said it was a "musical." certainly wasn't the type of musical that I was expecting.  So much for that.........

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. Your table is lovely and I'm sure spending that particular evening with special friends was as well.

    Foot Reflexology is very interesting and I remember studying it back in the 70's. Did you know that applying your oils to these various parts of the feet is effective as well? My massage therapist highly believes in this.

    Kanell and I saw the movie yesterday. It was fun, but I had already been warned by a granddaughter that the ending was not to her liking. I agree, it was shallow and really no point to it, but it was a fun way to spend a chilly, rainy Sunday afternoon with a good friend.

  2. Your comment about La La Land is interesting as I heard it was about a 1 star movie and then it won so many awards. So now it's a 1 star award-winning movie! Beautiful table - I love to decorate for special events and holidays.

  3. Good morning! Loved your table setting. Very creative and fun. I found the foot thing very interesting and I will look into a bit further I think. I saw la la land and had the same thoughts. Empty and pointless. Lol. We saw the resurrection of Gavin stone this weekend and it on the other hand was wonderful. I thoroughly enjoyed it, though the theater was empty....sigh.....the public can hardly be cohersed into something with actual meaning. Lol. Have a good week!

  4. L.O.V.E.!!! your table scape for the inaugural dinner! And once again you have used one of those beaded table runners. It is all so beautiful!

    We, like you, are praying for our new administration. I enjoyed the inauguration events so much.

  5. I watched quite a bit of the inauguration too. I enjoyed it too. Love your table setting.

  6. Your tablescape looks beautiful!

  7. Hi Lea, I felt the same way about the inauguration and I have been fervently praying for our country and our president and those who advise him. Such a great idea to make it the theme for your dinner that evening :)


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!