Monday, May 22, 2017

Monday's Musings

It's almost the end of May and what a full and busy month it has been.  We've had company every weekend, attended end of year celebrations, and we're gearing up for our family trip to Disney World in less than 2 weeks.  Summer has almost officially arrived!

Last Friday the door bell rang and when I opened the door there was a cute box that obviously had food in it.  As I opened the box I saw that my nephew and his girlfriend had sent the box as a "thank you" for our hospitality last weekend when they came to visit.  Amanda lives in Chicago so I'm thinking that she probably knows Lou Malnati's well and that their pizza is delicious.  We will be chowing down on this one day soon for sure.  It seems that today any and everything can be shipped, just add some dry ice and all is well.  It was such a thoughtful gesture on their part.  You should check out the website . They have all kinds of good looking food items that would be good for yourself or to send as a gift. And, I love that the side of the box says, "someone must really like you."  ~again, it's the little things~


Our #1 Princess had her dance recital this past Friday evening.  Need I say that she definitely looks like a ballerina with those pretty long legs.  But, of course, ballet is not her favorite part of dance, she's more into tap and jazz.  This dance recital is a huge production and very lengthy.  I would dare say that both Moms, Dads and daughters are relieved that the recital is over and they can think about something else now. ~smile~

While browsing through the new issue of Southern Living magazine the other day I ran across a recipe that intrigued me.  The name was Blueberry Cornmeal Cake.  I wasn't sure I had read the name correctly, I mean, cornmeal in a cake.  I wasn't too sure about that but I love all things blueberry and decided to make it.  And, it's made in a springform pan which is also different.  Well, the cornmeal is added, so the recipe says, for added texture, but I truly was not all that fond of it.  And, it's not very sweet at all but it is definitely full of blueberries.  Hubby and our company thought it was good and that's all that counts but it likely will not make my  favorite baked goods list. I'm wondering what would happen if I omitted the 1/2 cup of cornmeal and added that much additional flour.  I'll think on that one.

I can hardly believe that this rose bed is barely a year old and they have grown and bloomed by leaps and bounds.  They make such a statement as we look out the back windows.  And, our Bougainvillea that we planted a month ago in pots has already tripled in size.  I thought the pots we planted them in were entirely too big but Hubby assured me that they were not.  And, again, he was right. ~what can I say~  Of course, the backdrop of the pond is soooo pretty.  It's just a small body of water but it's right out our backdoor and we enjoy it so much.

Until next time...............

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. Lou Malnatti's is my favorite pizza!! Your flowers are gorgeous and that blueberry looks so delish. Have a wonderful week.

  2. sounds good and it's on;y 9:37 am in my neck of the woods. But...I can easily eat pizza anytime of the day. What a nice gift to receive. Awe...your sweet girl is so cute. Hope you have a great Monday. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  3. I can tell you from a mom that did the whole dancing thing for three years, I don't miss it! She was cute and it was fun but the recitals are just waaay to long!

  4. May has been busy for us too, CICi! Your little princess is so adorable, my, she is really growing up so fast! We have had several trips as a family to Disney World and it was wonderful, haven't been in a while, as the grandkids have grown up! ~smile~
    Your flowers are so lovely, ours are not quite as pretty yet, still working on that!
    Thanks for sharing always enjoy catching up! Have a great week!

  5. Good afternoon Lea,

    I wonder what the cornmeal blueberry mixture would be like as cupcakes, instead of a cake. I'm impressed you've been able to blog with so much company around.

    Have a blessed week,

  6. I think sending a thank you gift was such a nice gesture! How sweet! And the pizza sounds good! I agree too...your view with that pond is soo pretty! Have a good week!

  7. The blue gazing ball among your roses is really pretty as well!

  8. I've been thinking of you and then I saw your comment in my email :) so nice stopping by to catch up! Busy girl doing lots of entertaining house guests. Lovely roses and sweet times with your Princess too.


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!