Monday, August 7, 2017

Questions and Answers with TBB

And, once again, I'm linking up with the gals over at The Blended Blog to answer their questions.  It's always fun to read everyone's answers as it lets us know a little more about them.  Always interesting!

 1. Pool, lake or ocean? I love the ocean, but I rarely go to the beach.  I'm not fond of sand, but to listen to the waves is so soothing and peaceful.  But, I prefer our little pond just a few feet behind our house. ~just sayin'"
 2. Camping, cottage or hotel? Well, there's NO camping for this gal!  So, a lovely cottage or hotel room will work for me.
 3. Favorite ice cream flavor?  It's rare for me to eat anything but vanilla.  Now, I might add some slivered almonds to it. ~grin~
 4. PJ's, Nighgown, T-Shirt/Shorts or Birthday Suit? I bought some of the silky soft tee shirts from Soma a few years back and that's my sleeping attire.  I cannot stand anything on or around my legs when I am sleeping.
 5. Fave Summer Beverage? I'm a big time water drinker, but, especially in the summer, I love to drive thru Sonic for a cherry vanilla Diet Dr. Pepper.  LOVE!!!
 6. Would you rather be hot or cold? Well, I can warm up easier than I cool down so I'm going to say cold.
 7. Sandals with heels or flats? Heels, always!  I do not like flats at all.  And, I only wear a moderate heel but I love the wedges that are elevated flats with just a slight curve. ~great description, don't you think~ 😉 
 8. Shorts or skirts? This would be a tie, I like them both.
 9. Sit in the sun or the shade? It would be SHADE with a capitol "S."
10. Water, tea or soda? I like all 3, I try to drink mostly water but I do indulge in tea and soda on occasion.
11. Favorite summer fruit, vegetable I'm not a big fan of fruit, but I love some peas and okra
12. Sunrise or sunset? I would have to say a sunset but here on the hill we live on we have some gorgeous sunrises too.
13. Bike ride or walk? I have not ridden a bike in a very long time so I'm going with walk because I do enjoy walking and not so sure I would enjoy a bike ride anymore. ~it's just the truth~
14. Winery or brewery?  Neither
15. Garden or no garden? We have a nice little Farmer's Market where I can get all the fresh produce I want, so it's no garden for me.
16. Big summer concert or music in the park? I'm not much into big crowds anymore so I'd choose music in the park on a cool evening.
17. Fave cookout food  It would b e a grilled hamburger. ~the best~
18. Dine indoors or patio? 90% of the time we eat indoors but we have enjoyed some back porch dining on particularly nice days a few times. 
19. Fave summer destination I have no particular favorite summer destination now.  Growing up my favorite place to go was to see my Grandparents and cousins.  We lived 1000 miles apart and we always traveled to see them in the summer. ~sweet memories~
20. Big theme park or local carnival? Again, at this point in my life I'm not much into either one but I might could have my arm twisted and go to a local carnival.
21. Drinks blended or on the rocks? I love my tea or soft drink over lots of ice but my water anywhere from cool to room temperature is fine.
22. Popsicle or freezie flavour of choice  I'm not much into popsicles or anything of that nature.  They hurt my teeth.
23. Hot dog or hamburger?  A hamburger with spicy mayo, lettuce, onion, and pickles.  Not much better!  
And, there you have it.  

Added Note: If you are connected with me through Facebook then you saw my post about my good report from my Retina Specialist on Friday.  I was most thankful that he said my eyes are healing nicely and he lifted the restrictions.  I will go back in two months.  He did say that I should be mindful of lifting anything that strains my neck muscles because if it strains the neck, it also strains the eye muscle.  I did not know that.  He said folks are always concerned about their backs when lifting but they should also be concerned about their eyes.  Who knew?  I'll stop and think a little harder now before lifting a heavy object.

Have a great new week!

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. Yay for the good news on your eyes! Headed over that way myself this morning to get these new contacts under control!

  2. I am not a crowds person either. I love a sonic drive thru soda from time to time too, a simple pleasure in life for sure. I am so glad your eyes are on the mend - praise the Lord :) xoxo ERIN

  3. Good post, I'm not a crowd person either. Glad your eyes are healed, that was so interesting about straining the neck.

  4. Sooooo happy about your peepers! Thrilled you joined us, loved reading your answers! I am NOT a camping girl either. Man, your burger sounds scrumptious, I would love that for lunch today, lol!

  5. Lovely post Lea. A little more insight you as a person. I agree with most of your answers. Hope you are staying cool .

  6. Yes...I was so glad hear the great report! God is GOOD!

  7. Great news. God is good.

  8. One of the most tangible benefits of blogging is to read and learn from the experiences of others. This time I am thinking of how you shared what your eye doctor said about heavy lifting and straining, how it can adversely affect the eyes. I did not know that and really appreciate you telling us.

    I would have answered many of these questions as you did. We prefer to eat indoors most of the time when there is a choice at a restaurant and I really don't like to be in big crowds nor heavy traffic if I can avoid it.

    Thanks for sharing! Have a good week, Lea!

  9. I am not one for crowds either.

  10. Hi Lea, so glad you got a great report!! Such good news about your eyes. I'm not on FB now so I missed this. Thanks for sharing the lifting info. It's something we don't think about but should.
    Enjoyed reading your answers. I'm with you on so many of the same.
    Have a lovely week and blessings to you! xo

  11. So glad I can join you today dear Lea. What fun.
    1. Pool, lake or ocean? Ocean for me...lake or hubby. (LOL)
    2. Camping, cottage or hotel? Cottage or hotel.
    3. Favorite ice cream flavor? Butter pecan, vanilla or oreo cookie dough.
    4. PJ's, Nighgown, T-Shirt/Shorts or Birthday Suit? Pj's and prefer capri's.
    5. Fave Summer Beverage? Water
    6. Would you rather be hot or cold? COLD for sure.
    7. Sandals with heels or flats? Heels and like you, prefer the wedge. I am so dang short I need all the help I can get! LOL!
    8. Shorts or skirts? Shorts
    9. Sit in the sun or the shade? Shade
    10. Water, tea or soda? Water and soda. Tea drinker on Sunday for dinner. One diet coke a day and I try to drink lots of water.
    11. Favorite summer fruit, vegetable Love mango's. Love any kind of veggie.
    12. Sunrise or sunset? sunset
    13. Bike ride or walk? Walk
    14. Winery or brewery? Neither but for a special occasion at home I might have a glass of wine with my man. Last bottle of wine I bought last two years! LOL!
    15. Garden or no garden? Garden. Love my little garden.
    16. Big summer concert or music in the park? Neither really.
    17. Fave cookout food Steaks on the grill
    18. Dine indoors or patio? Indoor everyday except for Friday or Saturday afternoon and weather permits, we eat outside.
    19. Fave summer destination To the beach with my family.
    20. Big theme park or local carnival? Neither. I know...I am boring. But I do try to go to the local carnival with the grandkids if that counts. LOL!
    21. Drinks blended or on the rocks? Ice
    22. Popsicle or freezie flavour of choice Popsickle
    23. Hot dog or hamburger? Both. Prefer hamburger but now If we are going to have chili I love to take the leftovers and make me a good old chili dog.
    Lots of fun today Lea. Hope you have a great rest of the week. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. I loved that you answered in the comments! I'm sharing this post on my Friday Favorites this week :)

  12. Thanks for linking up----I can't say that I have tried or seen okra before.

  13. Yay for the good news on your eyes! I like looking at the ocean but don't like going in it...too many living things in there to get ya. And I'm all about vanilla too, if there isn't anything I like or looks good, vanilla is always my fall back. Thanks for linking up with us! Going to share you post on my personal blog for my Friday Favorites!


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!