Friday, January 5, 2018

Lea's Favorites

Well, have you missed my "favorites" post?  It's been probably 6 weeks since I shared any of my favorites with you, so thought it was "high time."

We are big "soft butter" folks here at this house.  I have not refrigerated butter for the last several years.  It makes spreading it sooooo much easier.  I get so aggravated when I go to a restaurant and they bring me cold butter to use on my warm/hot bread.  Ugh!  Anyway, I saw this butter keeper on Facebook a few weeks ago and I just couldn't resist ordering one.  It holds 2 sticks of butter and I always kept 2 glass butter dishes on the counter and I thought  this would serve the purpose better.  It comes in 3-4 colors and easily comes apart for washing.  And, yes, you can find it on Amazon!

One of Hubby's staff shared these little jewels with me the other day. Just the name will certainly grab your attention.  These are the softest facial wash cloths you have ever used, so,so much softer than any regular washcloth (no matter how much fabric softner you use). I use mine to clean my face before using the cleanser in my skincare regime.  It claims to clean your face without any cleanser or soap but I just cannot buy that.  But, they certainly get the bulk of my makeup off before I use my cleanser. And, I'm quite sure their softness is much better for my face than the washcloths I have been using for years.  They wash and dry beautifully too and they are in such happy colors.  I got mine at Bed,Bath and Beyond for $9.99 and they were a whooping $19.99 on Amazon.  Yep! gotta be careful!

I am a big time lotion user.  I slather it all over from head to toe every morning when I get out of the shower.  Of course, my back always poses an issue since my arms are just not quite long enough to reach most of it.  And, in this bitter cold weather we've been having, my skin and especially my back, needs moisturizing.  I recently bought this lotion applicator and it's super!  I've tried a couple of others that just were not all they were cracked up to be.  You actually put lotion into the end container on this and the little rolling balls spread it all over.  The handle has enough curve to reach your entire back area.  A novel idea for sure!  I also bought this at Bed,Bath and Beyond for $9.99.

NOTE:  The following is definitely favorites of mine but of a different favorite, they are just something to admire, not use. ~yes, more stuff~  But, I wanted to share them with you. 

I have been on the lookout for some decorative plates that were non-seasonal.  I want them for a couple of times during the year, one of them being right now.  I don't really decorate for Valentine's or Madi Gras but love to have decorative plates on my stands.  While out and about during the holidays I saw these Clementine Hunter plates.  When I saw them I knew they were what I wanted to use during the non-seasonal times of the year.

Some of you may be saying, who is Clementine Hunter? She was a self taught black folk artist here in Louisiana.  She died in 1998 at the age of 102.  She went to work at the Melrose Plantation, on the Cane River, as a young girl and lived most of her life there.  It was there that she picked up brushes and paints left behind by a visiting artist and began painting.  All of her paintings depicted her life there at Melrose.   She is Louisiana's most famous woman artist and one of  the most famous folk artist of all time.

The painting on this square platter is named, "Baptizing on the Cane River."

This painting is "The Cotton Wagon." 

The painting on this round platter is Melrose and if you notice, you will see that her s in Melrose is backwards.   The vase is called "Cotton Pickin'."

Her work is very childlike and likely there's none other quite like it.  I am thrilled too death with these pieces and love the look they give.  They were my Christmas present to myself. ~chuckle~

Now, have yourself a great 1st weekend of this new year!!!

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. Alise's class had a field trip to Melrose Plantation in the fall and it was amazing to see Clementine's murals and art work. Unfortunately, the plantation was the last stop of the day (we went to three other plantations/sites) and I don't think the students appreciated her artwork as much as the moms did. Have a great weekend, Lea!

  2. Oh Lea! The painted plates are amazing, so much talent and charm! That lotion applicator is brilliant and so are you! Stay cozy this weekend!

  3. Hunter's work is new to me - intriguing! I agree with you in regards to the cold butter, aggravating. I have a few butter dishes and like it soft!

  4. I may have to look for the roll a lotion item. I discovered the face cloths a couple of months ago and everyone got them for Christmas! Amazing the things that are out there. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Thanks for sharing these great items! There are a few parts of my face I wouldn't mind erasing ;)

  6. Lea, Happy New Year! I'm in love with your art pieces. Several years ago I read an article about southern folk art - this reminds me of that article. I love that it's on pottery instead of a flat canvas.

    Favorites lists always capture my attention. That lotion applicator for your back is pretty smart!

    So glad you enjoyed the home tours at Poofing the Pillows. More great homes to come. :)

  7. Oh my goodness I love the Clementine Hunter pottery! We inherited a few paintings of hers when Trip's mom passed away.

    Happy New Year!


  8. These all look like great products...I especially like those cute dishes and the history behind them. Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. What fabulous Southern pottery pieces!! You will enjoy those year round! I appreciate your other finds too, love the lotion thing especially. We keep our butter out too, 1/2 stick in a little ramekin, so convenient!

  10. We like soft butter, here, too. This dish that holds the long cubes is a good idea. For several years I used the ceramic 'butter bell' but eventually grew tired of having to put the hard cubes into the round bowl of the 'bell.' This is a much better solution. Thanks for sharing.

  11. That butter dish is very nice. Some interesting products and I love the plates.

  12. I concur about the hard butter :) I started making spreadable refrigerated whipped butter using 2 cups olive oil to 1 lb. a butter and blending together. Lovely butter dish and your platter collection.

    ~olive & plaid {formerly Beautyfull Slow - & I've started a new year with 52 lists and would love to have you join us!}

    1. Regarding your comment: "Do you give us the subject for the lists each week?" Yes! The first list is posted and the topic is: List the words that touch your soul :) On that same post, is next week's topic and the list link comes out every Monday. I hope to see you!

  13. I always love your favorites. Last time I ordered the roux (probably spelled that wrong ;) for the gumbo and we used it and made some! It worked great. Those facial clothes look awesome too! xoxo ERIN

  14. So fun to read your favorites! I have to get the one that reaches your back! Utah is so dry and my back is often itchy - especially after using the hot tub or swimming. I could use that one!

  15. Great favorites, Lea! I've seen clothes similar to the "erase your face" before and considered getting them to do the same thing you do...removing the gunk before my real cleanser. Right now I'm using a cleansing wipe to remove most of the makeup. You've got me really thinking about these though. I'm with you on the butter in restaurants. I always hold it in my hot little hand for a few before trying to use it so it will warm up a little. Those plates are charming and I love that they have meaning for you coming form near by. Very sweet. Hope you had a wonderful weekend. XOXO

  16. Oh dear, my comment disappeared! I'll try to recreate it, lol... I loved all your favorites, the lotion roller and the butter dish were two that really piqued my interest. We keep our butter out as well. I like that it holds two sticks of butter. I also loved the plates you found, such an interesting peek into times gone by! Happy New Year to you :)

  17. Five weeks ago my boyfriend broke up with me. It all started when i went to summer camp i was trying to contact him but it was not going through. So when I came back from camp I saw him with a young lady kissing in his bed room, I was frustrated and it gave me a sleepless night. I thought he will come back to apologies but he didn't come for almost three week i was really hurt but i thank Dr.Azuka for all he did i met Dr.Azuka during my search at the internet i decided to contact him on his email he brought my boyfriend back to me just within 48 hours i am really happy. What’s app contact : +44 7520 636249‬


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!