Monday, January 8, 2018

The BB Asks............

It's that fun time with the Blended Blog gals to answer their monthly questions.

1. Resolutions or No Resolutions?
No resolutions for me.  I use to make resolutions but grew weary of that several years ago.  But,  I do  have a "word for the year."  I seem to really do much, much better with a word than I ever did with resolutions.  My word for this year is "Abide."  Abide in Him through prayer, Bible Study, witnessing, loving others and on and on.  I've already pondered this word a lot and will continue to this year as I hopefully grow closer to in my walk with HIM.

I even found this little plaque to sit on my desk to remind me daily to ABIDE.

2. Love snow or No Snow?
Well, a light dusting is fine but any more is not to my liking.  And, thankfully, we don't have to worry about it very often at all here in NE Louisiana.

3. Name a New Place you want to go this year?
There are some interesting places right here in our own state and some would make a real nice day trip.  I think it might be fun if Hubby and I planned to visit 1 or 2 of these.  Sometimes we miss what is "in our own backyard" by thinking we have to travel many miles to see or do something.

4. Would you rather have a new Hair cut or Hair color?
Well, to tell you the truth, I'm pretty pleased with both right now.  I do change hair styles occasionally but I've never been one to play around with my hair color except for hi-lites every once in a while.  And, while we're on the subject, what is with the "wild colors" that some gals are coloring their hair.  I just don't get it! ~probably shows my age for sure~

5. Name one special thing you want to do for yourself this year?
I want to and plan to go to Virginia to see some  cousins and an Aunt on my Mom's side.  I love going and am working to make it happen, probably in early spring.  It's been 2 years since I've been and non of us are getting any younger. ~if you know what I mean~

6. Least Favorite thing about January?
It's sort of a "ho-hum" month and can be very dreary weather wise.  I'm a sun shine kind of gal and dreary days and I don't do well together.

7. Most Favorite thing about January?
It's the start of a new year and I do love new beginnings.

8. When do you take down your Holiday decorations?
As soon as possible and this year it was Christmas Day.  Our Christmas was over and we had nothing to do that day so I stayed busy undecking. ~don't think that's a word~  I was one happy gal when it was all down and put up for another year.

9. Do you diet in January?
Well, I wouldn't say diet but generally am more conscious about what I eat than usual for a while. I figure it's a heck of a lot easier to lose 1-2 pounds than 10-20. ~ugh~
10. What area of your home do you want to organize the most?
My home is pretty much organized and I work real hard to keep it that way but my closet could use some extra organization right now.  And, I am working on it, a little at a time and it is looking somewhat better.

11. Favorite Winter Comfort Food?
Well, it would be soup of all kinds and that probably doesn't qualify as a "comfort food" but it is for me.  Give me soup of any kind and piece of corn bread and I'm very comforted. ~chuckle~

12. Favorite Guilty Pleasure
Well, the first thing to come to my mind is Hershey Chocolate Nuggets with almonds.  I love those little sweet blocks of chocolate and keep them in a container on the kitchen cabinet.  I entitle myself to at least one per day and sometimes I give in to having two. ~shame on me~ 

Have a great 2nd week of 2018!!!

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. Lea, It is fun to come here and read what you are up to. I can relate to so many of your answers myself.
    I hope you have a blessed, wonderful week. xo Diana

    1. Five weeks ago my boyfriend broke up with me. It all started when i went to summer camp i was trying to contact him but it was not going through. So when I came back from camp I saw him with a young lady kissing in his bed room, I was frustrated and it gave me a sleepless night. I thought he will come back to apologies but he didn't come for almost three week i was really hurt but i thank Dr.Azuka for all he did i met Dr.Azuka during my search at the internet i decided to contact him on his email he brought my boyfriend back to me just within 48 hours i am really happy. What’s app contact : +44 7520 636249‬

  2. A day without a sweet is no day at all....well sweets and sunshine for sure! Abide is a great word and I agree whole heartedly that I abide in him and do my part for His kingdom. SO thankful for you Lea and your cheery and lovely personality, you are a ray of sunshine right through the computer screen! xoxo ERIN

  3. When I was pregnant with #2 I ate a Hershey's Chocolate Almond BAR every day. I can't believe I did that. But they are so good. I love soups too. Have a wonderful time in Virginia - it's one of my favorite states. Enjoy your week, Lea!

  4. I was so surprised to read that you indulge in the little pieces of chocolate knowing you aren't crazy about it. But I would have a hard time limiting myself to only one or two a day. Yes to soups. They just seem so appropriate for this time of year. And, I wasn't surprised to see your word for the year. Although I don't usually do that, ABIDE would be a word for me also for some of the same reasons. Enjoyed my early morning visit with you and have a good day.

  5. I have a chocolate each day too and those little nuggets are the BEST! I love your outlook on life! Happy Monday beautiful!

  6. Soup is definitely a comfort food for me as well. And I agree with you, you don't have to go far from home to have a great time. One of my favorite trips with my family was through out a small part of our state that I hadn't seen before. When you're up for an adventure there's always something to explore. :)

  7. I love the Hershey Kisses with Almonds, but I usually can't just have one! Happy Monday!

  8. Great answers! You do have pretty hair, and I love me some Hershey's nuggets with almonds!

  9. Oooo, I love a dark chocolate nugget with almonds. (it's practically a health food anyway isn't it?😉) I think it's funny that there were two ways to read the hair cut/color question. I read it as a fresh haircut/color instead of new. I'm with you. I don't do any big changes. As much as I'd love a real noticeable change in hair cuts I know I'd regret it the next morning if not sooner. Having said that, I'm in desperate need of a fresh cut right now. I've yet to find someone in CA that I want to continue going to so I'm now searching in Nashville or waiting til' I'm back home in the spring for my friend who owns a shop and did it when I lived there to do it. I hope you get to make a trip back to VA and the spring is such a beautiful time to go. My brother and I are planning to go by ourselves and spend some time with our parents in spring. We did that a few years ago and had the best time. Happy Monday, Lea! XO

  10. "Abide" That's a very good word and we would all do well to make that our word of the year.

  11. Yes to soups AND those Hershey Nuggets with almonds! I usually like my hair cut better after a week or two...same with the seems to look more natural. It was fun reading your answers! Have a blessed week!

  12. I love the idea of exploring new places where you live. I definitely need to do more of that. I totally agree on the soups - best comfort food there is! So glad you linked up with TBB today!

  13. Enjoyed this so much Lea.

    1. Resolutions or No Resolutions?
    No Resolutions. I have a word to focus on for 2018 which is Hope. My goal is be more attentive to listening and slower to speak my opinion. YEP, this will be a challenge on that last part for me!!!

    2. Love snow or No Snow?
    Living in Florida there is no worry of snow or excitement of snow. I love to look at the snow, and would enjoy it as a visit but not to live in it.

    3. Name a New Place you want to go this year?
    I so agree with you Lea on your answer. We surely do miss what's in our own backyard. I hear people say all the time that live near me that they have been lived here for years and yet never been to the nearest beach which there are several no more than an a hour away. There are several places within an hour or two that I also want to visit. Just getting back from Charleston it will probably be a few months before I go anywhere. But, I am thinking about a trip for me and my man.

    4. Would you rather have a new Hair cut or Hair color?
    Neither. I love my hair cut and color to be honest. In winter months I tend to go with only low-lights and then I will kick in with my highlights before Spring.

    5. Name one special thing you want to do for yourself this year?
    You know what Lea? I haven't thought about this until now! I think I would really like to have a day that I could get a massage, a facial, nails and toes done and then go buy myself a new outfit. LOL! That is sounding really good.

    6. Least Favorite thing about January?
    Well, I guess I would say the weather as we never know what is what. We have had freezing temps, no power and etc. and then today we have rain and it's going to be 70 degrees.
    7. Most Favorite thing about January?
    I just Praise the Lord that I have made it to a brand new year.

    8. When do you take down your Holiday decorations?
    Depends on when I got it all up!.LOL! This year I took down kitchen, dining room and bathrooms a few days after Christmas and then on Jan. 2 I took down my living room decor and tree.

    9. Do you diet in January?
    No. I try to eat healthy or lets say be conscious about NOT overeating and being a glutton. I've always felt that If I called it a diet then those first three letters say DIE and that I would do. LOL! For me personally, it's all about choosing healthier options and change of lifestyle. If I really want something....YEP, I am going to eat it.

    10. What area of your home do you want to organize the most?
    Nothing in my home right now but oh Lord have mercy do I need to get to that She-shed and do some major work. When the weather works me I plan too.

    11. Favorite Winter Comfort Food?
    Soup and chili and oh yes, I will take a piece of cornbread to go with it.

    12. Favorite Guilty Pleasure
    Chocolate peanut butter balls. OH MY! My daughter makes them every Christmas and that is one thing I have to repeat to myself...ONE Cindy....ONE...NOT FIVE!

    This was fun Lea. I have enjoyed this today. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  14. I enjoy alittle bit of chocolate each day! I am back to blogging. KIM


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!