Friday, April 6, 2018

Catching Up.......

Yes, this is a "catch up" post.  I haven't shared with you, my sweet readers, about a few things that I KNOW you want to know about. ~chuckle~  So, without further adieu, let me catch you up.........

A couple of weeks ago we went to Oklahoma to see our daughter and her family.  She was on Spring Break so we had a little Mother/daughter time.  We went to one of our favorite places, Inspirations Tea Room, in Edmond, for brunch one morning.  They have the best quiche I have ever eaten in my life.  And, it's a cute shop as well. We browsed through and found a couple of items we decided we couldn't live without.

They had some of the cutest signs, the one above made me chuckle.

And, this sign says such truth!

And, Poppa and this little guy enjoyed some time on the golf course.  I'm not even sure how Clancy could even hit a golf ball because the wind was blowing soooo hard.  I get so tired of the wind in Oklahoma and it's especially bad in March.

And, this little guy had to endure a shopping trip with his CiCi and Momma.  But, playing on the IPad made it a little more doable for Coleman and for us as well. ~giggle~

Last week Hanna Beth stayed with me a few days during her Spring Break.  She had asked me a couple of  weeks before if we could go shopping while she was with me.  She has never asked this and I was plum excited to tell her that I'd love to take her shopping.  We have a new "tween boutique" in our area (for the locals, it's Uptown Girl) and that's where we headed.  It makes it really, really hard when everything she tried on looked so stinkin' cute on her.  So, needless to say, we left with a nice bagful.  I'm thinking it was probably the first of many shopping trips for me and my Princess.
And, here is my Princess with her little sister on Easter.  Aren't they the cutest?  An added note:
I have had a few bloggers inquire as to why my sweet Gran girls faces are always covered when I post their pictures.  Their parents do not wish for them to have the exposure to the internet and I will always honor their wishes.  So, now you know. ~smile~

We enjoyed Easter lunch with friends.  We had our family Easter on Good Friday so they invited us to have lunch with them and two of their family members.  Everything was perfectly gorgeous and we enjoyed good food and fabulous fellowship.  It doesn't get much better!

This is our daughter (2nd from left) with her teaching team in Oklahoma.  They are participating in the teacher walk out in hopes of getting a pay raise that will move them from next to the lowest pay scale in the nation.  Hundreds of teachers from across Oklahoma are gathering at the state capitol for a polite protest.  I am sure hoping that the "powers that be" get their heads together SOON and give these hard working folks the raise they deserve.  

And, I wanted to mention that Stephanie, over at The Enchanting Rose, is hosting her 12th teacup/mug exchange right now.  You have until April 8th to register to participate.  If you have never participated in this exchange then you don't know what you are missing.  I urge you to click on the link above and go read the details about the exchange and then decide.  This will be my 3rd exchange and I can hardly wait.  Stephanie is such a charming gal with the most beautiful blog and does everything with such flair.  Go check it out! AND, you do NOT have to have a blog to participate.

And, there you have it, all the latest "goings and comings" of my life.  Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. Looks like you had a great time . Your family is precious . Happy Friday dear Lea . Hugs and blessings , cindy

  2. Little Hanna Beth - she knows her Grandma well. Looks like a great day of smiles and shopping. Hope your daughter get their well-deserved raise. Have a wonderful weekend, dear Lea.

  3. Hanna Beth looks beautiful! And yes! I see lots of shopping trips in your future! Have a fabulous Friday!

  4. Oh my goodness I love seeing what you’ve been up too. Yay for quality Mom and daughter time and granddaughter time. Hannah Beth is just precious, well that whole beautiful fam of yours is precious!!!!! Enjoy a sweet weekend too!

  5. Hi Cici love reading your blog, but am just curious to know why do you block off Hanna Beth's and her sister's face?

  6. It was fun to read your "catch up" post and see what you've been up to. I am a mother of three sons and my oldest son and his wife gave us our first grandchild - a boy. Now our second grandchild is on the way and I will be the grandmother to a girl! I loved that Hanna Beth asked to go shopping with you. I am dreaming of this. She was darling in all the outfits.

  7. I hope Oklahoma assists the teachers. It sounds like they just don't invest in schools which is just so sad for everyone. I am a teacher by trade and I know just how hard those teachers work and all the things they do that they are not compensated for! What a fun time shopping with your sweet is that :)! xoxo ERIN

  8. Thanks for the "catch up" post, I just did the same thing:) What a fun time! I just returned from a visit with the grands too:) No better time that being with them:) Have a blessed weekend dear friend, HUGS!

  9. That first sign about not letting anyone dull our sparkle ... so true!

  10. It was fun to see what you have been up to!! Busy gal!

  11. Wonderful memories being made! I am all about letting no one to dull my sparkle! To put it another way, steal my joy! Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Lea!

  12. Busy busy busy! Seems like this time of the year is. Your family is beautiful. I can see why they want their faces covered. My DIL did too until she started posting. It does make you nervous though!

  13. It is so fun to see what has been happening! It's been busy, busy, busy here, too. Love all the pictures of your sweet family.

    I LOVE that sign that said a group of kids is called a Migraine. My 15 year old said, "that is not even funny, Nana". Someday she will think it is funny.

    Have a blessed week-xo Diana

  14. Five weeks ago my boyfriend broke up with me. It all started when i went to summer camp i was trying to contact him but it was not going through. So when I came back from camp I saw him with a young lady kissing in his bed room, I was frustrated and it gave me a sleepless night. I thought he will come back to apologies but he didn't come for almost three week i was really hurt but i thank Dr.Azuka for all he did i met Dr.Azuka during my search at the internet i decided to contact him on his email he brought my boyfriend back to me just within 48 hours i am really happy. What’s app contact : +44 7520 636249‬


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!