Wednesday, February 17, 2021

A Fired Up Wednesday Hodgepodge

It's Wednesday and Joyce supplies the questions and we supply the answers.  I'm especially thankful for the HP today as answering these helped me deal with this bad, bad winter storm we are in the middle of here in good ole Northeast Louisiana.  I mean, I think Mother Nature forgot that we aren't cut out for this mess.

1. This week's Hodgepodge lands on Ash Wednesday which signals the beginning of Lent. Do you mark this season in some way? If so tell us more. Did you grow up 'celebrating' Lent? Is attending church part of your weekly routine? Are churches open for in-person worship where you live? 
I have never marked the season of Lent in any particular way now or in the past.  I did not grow up celebrating Lent.  Yes, indeed, church is a huge part of my life and thankfully we are having "in person" worship now and our Life Groups just started back up this month.  They had been started back up in the fall but when Covid became so rampant, they stopped them until it calmed down.  We still have online worship as well because there are still many folks who are just not comfortable coming back to church at this time.  Thankfully we have an awesome media team that does a stellar job with our online worship.  

2. When is the last time you sat beside a 'real' fire? Do you have a fireplace in your home? Wood or gas logs? Favorite thing cooked over a fire? 

I've been sitting by the fire way more than I care to the past few days.  We have gas logs as we did not want to fool with the work that goes into a log burning fireplace.  We have a remote switch and have total control over our gas logs from our chairs.  We love it!

3. Something that's currently got you fired up? 

OUR WEATHER!!!!!! As I mentioned above we are presently enduring a winter storm unlike anything we have seen in 50+ years or longer.  We will have snowfall every couple of years.  It's here today and gone tomorrow.  But, this, my friends, has moved in and is staying through the end of the week.  It started with sleet and ice and then came the snow and now today we're suppose to get more wintery mix on top of what's already out there.  We're having single digit temps and folks around here (unless they go skiing) do NOT have attire for such as this.  I have been doing bulk cooking and of course, baking cookies.  I have not so much as stepped my foot out of the house since Sunday afternoon.  I feel a little like a bird in a cage and I'm planning my escape. ~chuckle~  Schools are out all week, most all businesses are closed and it's just a really big mess.  But, as my precious Mom would say, "this too shall pass."  But, my question is, WHEN?????? By the way, my sweet across the street neighbor took the above picture of our house for me from her front door.  I was too afraid I might break my neck and more if I tried to walk out to the street to take it myself. 
4. February also happens to be National Cabbage Day. Who knew? Do you like cabbage? Is cabbage on your menu Wednesday? Of the following cabbage dishes which is your favorite-coleslaw (mayo or vinegar?), sauerkraut, cabbage rolls, cabbage soup, kielbasa and cabbage, grilled cabbage, bubble and squeak, kimchi, or haluski? 

I LOVE cabbage!  It is not on our menu today but if I had some it sure would be and lest you forget, I can't get to the store to get any. ~boo~ I like mayo coleslaw, sauerkraut, cabbage rolls, grilled cabbage and boiled cabbage.

5. Do you hang on to pennies? What do you do with them? Last thing you purchased for $1.00? Last thing you purchased for $5.00? 

We do not save pennies per say, but Hubby does have a change jar in his dressing area and he puts all his coins in it at the end of the day, pennies included.  I go to the Dollar Tree a lot and was just there a couple of weeks ago and I know I got 2 padded envelopes for $1 and a host of other items that I can't recall.  I enjoy meandering through the store every couple of weeks or so.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Hubby and I were scouring Netflix and Prime for a series to watch about 3 weeks ago.  I came across this on Prime and we became "fast fans."  There are 4 seasons with about 12 episodes in each.  It is an Australian series and is from 1993.  The filming is definitely not up to today's standards but, nonetheless, it is a great series.  A great family series, so very clean!  I can't remember at what point but I think it was after the 1st season that we had to switch over to UP TV for the remaining seasons. It seems that Prime will often do that and it is a bit aggravating but, I will go in and cancel it once we finish.  There are lots and lots of series out there but so many are just so "off color," so it was good to find one such as this. We finished this last evening and I'll say that we both thought it needed at least one more season to wrap things up, but, we still enjoyed the series. 

And, I'm so thankful for this..............

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. Stay safe. I have been watching the news where so many are without power; so sad. Praying for sunny days and power restored soon.

  2. Stay warm and cozy. Everything feels upside down right now including the weather. We have several friends in Texas on day 3 of no power. Spring always finds a way though and will burst forth in all her beauty before too long. Your pecan brittle looked yummy and dangerous : )

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Lea,

    Y'all are certainly having some terrible weather. Here in the Tennessee Valley it's not that bad. It's pretty cold this morning but no accumulation to contend with you unlike you folks. I keep reminding myself after this week the forecast looks better and soon March rolls in. I'm eager for spring to arrive but even after its official return the weather is unstable. Oh well...your mama said it best "this to shall pass." I hope our next home has a gas fireplace. That would be so nice! Thanks for sharing your answers. Have a blessed day!

    Curious as a Cathy

  5. Hi Lea:
    I used to live in Shreveport, Louisiana and never had
    the bad weather you all are having. I now live in Missouri
    which is my birthplace.
    I save change too and put it in a container to save for later.
    Unfortunately, I can't eat cabbage.
    Your fireplace looks so cozy.
    We have an electric fireplace with artificial logs, but it gives
    out good heat.
    Thanks for sharing your pictures and I enjoyed your answers.
    Have a good Wednesday.

  6. Stay warm! The snow is beautiful, but we're planning to escape this weekend, too! Hopefully life will be back to "normal" by then!

  7. The weather is backwards for sure! It was 48 degrees and sunny here on Long Island yesterday and the South had snow and ice. Your home is beautiful. I love the birds on your mantle. Stay warm!

  8. Your home and fireplace look beautiful! Thanks for telling us about Snowy River. I just called hubby and told him about it. We're always looking for something new to watch.

    Have a great day.

  9. Yeah, sounds like you've had some really bad weather. Stay safe.

  10. We are praying for so many having this bad weather. Mercy! Stay safe and warm Lea. We love cabbage and matter of fact I am ready for a pot of corn beef and cabbage. YUM! Stay warm. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  11. My neighbor took a photo of the front of our house in the snow from her front door. Very thankful for that because as you said, I was not about to risk breaking my neck and more to get a shot!

  12. I'm in Texas and we are having so much C O L D this week.....and snow! Another day below freezing is in the forecast for tomorrow. We are very thankful we have not lost power or water like so many of our friends in the area and across the state.

    That's a pretty photo of your home.

  13. Lea, You may be watching it already but we have enjoyed the PBS series on Sunday nights called "All Creatures Great and Small". It is a nice series.
    we also have enjoyed Stanley Tucci's series On Italy. He travels around Italy sharing about the country's regional cuisines. It also comes on on Sunday nights.

    Hope your weather moderates soon. We have had rain for over two weeks and cold temperatures. Thinking of all those without power and water. My son is without water in San Antonio.

  14. Hal Borland is a fave author of mine. I am definitely ready for the snow to melt and spring to arrive!
    I agree with Bonnie--the new All Creatures Great and Small is great--well done.

  15. I got started on "Heartland" on Netflix while at John's at Michelle's recommendation. It is easy to watch and I will watch a few of the episodes every few days or so. We don't have the TV on during the day as a rule, unless I get really bored. We have been watching a series John recommended since Dick had read all the books, but I don't think it is anything you would tolerate. LOL! We are having a slight melting here today, but will freeze back over tonight. Like you, we are looking forward to getting out and doing some exploring next week.

  16. Y'all's snow is lovely (says this southern gal who very, very, very rarely sees snow...did I mention snow is rare here??) I'm sure it can be a huge headache though. A very good friend lives in TX, but thankfully she has never lost power. Your home is just beautiful. Several years ago it actually snowed a decent amount (well, enough to cover things) and a sweet neighbor took a photo of my snow-covered house/yard. It's a gorgeous picture and I just love it! Have a great week:)

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So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!