Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The Wednesday Hodgepodge

I am so thrilled to be participating in the HP today. Joyce always comes up with such thought provoking questions that are fun to answer.  I have gotten so slack in blogging and often think that I'll get back with it.  But, life gets in the way and the weeks turn to months and the months to years.  I have a lot of thoughts and subjects rolling around in my mind for good blog fodder.  So, perhaps I'll surprise you and get back with it.  Time will tell.

1. Growing up, at what age did you think you'd become an adult? At what age did you actually become an adult? 
Oh, my goodness, that was a VERY long time ago but I'm pretty sure I thought I would be an adult when I celebrated my 18th birthday.  I can remember thinking, "if I were only 18."  I was 2 months shy of my 19th birthday when I got married.  Yes, scares me too death to think about that now.  But, thankfully, Hubby was 5 years older and had plenty of patience and I can assure you that I tested it in our early years (and he might say I still do). ~ chuckle~  I probably didn't actually take on an adult mindset until  I became a Mother at the age of 23

2.  What's a favorite item you've bought this year?

This little cherry wood accent table.  Did I need it, NO! Did I want it, YES! This is one of our guest bathrooms and one that company uses and Hubby and I use it if we don't want to go all the way to our bathroom.  I have been in this bathroom a bunch of times and putting an accent table in it has never crossed my mind.  But, a couple of weeks ago I walked in and I thought the bird picture would look so nice with a small table under it.  So, the hunt began.  I found this on Wayfair and it arrived 2 days later and it could not be more perfect.  I have two arrangements being created right now to go on it, one on the top and one on the bottom shelf. It will be complete and I think a nice addition.  And, yes, it is just one more thing that our kids will likely have to add to an estate sale one day.  But, until then, I will enjoy it. ~smile~

3. May 28th is National Hamburger Day...are you a fan? If so, how do you like yours? When was the last time you had a hamburger? Besides the backyard grill, what's your favorite place to go for a burger? 

It's been a couple of weeks and yes, I am a fan.  But, I do not like thick patties and I want them completely done.  I really prefer to eat my own hamburgers as so many places make them so thick.  I like mine with a chipolte mayo, lettuce, onion and dill pickles, NO tomatoes.  I rarely, if ever, eat a hamburger when we go out to eat.

4.  How have your priorities changed over time? 

I think for most, as we age, our priorities change for the better. We realize what is really important and don't sweat the small things nearly as much.  I place more priority on meaningful relationships (family and friends), my own self improvement, my walk with the Lord  and making a positive difference in the lives of others. And, I'm sure I still have more work to do in this area. And, way back when, I'm pretty sure I didn't even have any idea what priority meant and certainly had none. 

5. What's one thing on your June calendar you're really looking forward to? 

In about 3 weeks these 2 "monkeys" and their Momma will be coming for a short visit. Their big brother and Daddy will stay behind to mind the dogs, horses and sheep. They have a super busy summer and the #1 priority at their house is to give Momma all the time she needs to finish up her dissertation.  Yes, she's almost to the end and "if the Lord's willing and the creeks don't rise" she will defend her dissertation towards the end of Oct. And, at that time will be "crowned" with her Doctorate in Math Education.  All in 3 1/2 years.  It has taken the boys and her husbands full support to accomplish such.  Anyway, we look forward to seeing her and the two littles for 2-3 days.  

6. Insert your own random thought here

This guy right here, my sweet Daddy, has kept me hopping in recent months.  As you can tell from the picture, he has no teeth.  That's right, it was decided last summer that the teeth he had left needed to come out.  That took about 4 months and then after some time to heal, we started in on the process of getting dentures.  Good grief, what a process! I've taken him for 4 visits and we have 2 more and he will finally get them.  Now, is he going to wear them, that remains to be seen.  It will be a huge adjustment for him as he hasn't had a full mouth of teeth in many, many years. 

And, he has another Squamous Cell cancer on his left hand.  I say another because he had one last year, on the same hand,  and it was a huge ordeal because it was misdiagnosed for months and he almost lost his little finger.  But, this one just came up and we will begin the removal process in 2 weeks and hopefully it will be a much simpler and quicker process.  Might I add, these Drs. are all 25 miles away, so it takes some time and some of the visits are rather long.

It can be overwhelming to me at times and yes, I am blessed to still have my Daddy but it doesn't mean that his care doesn't get heavy at times.  I have someone who assists me in the overseeing of his day to day care but when it comes to Drs. visits, that needs to be my responsibility. And, trying to work in my own routine Dr. appointments along with his, well, it gets challenging at best.

On a lighter note, as you can see in the above picture, he is on a scooter.  Can I tell you that he has been like a kid with a new toy since getting that.  I really tried to talk him out of it as I feel like his walking is very important to keeping the use of his legs.  He has used a cane and a walker for the past several years and manages just fine with those.  But, he got it in his head that he "needed" a scooter to go down to the dining room.  My bother and I discussed it and decided that he has very few bright spots in his life and if he wanted a scooter that badly then he could have one.  It is truly  the neatest means of transportation for such a reasonable price and far, far better than an electric wheelchair.  It will turn on a dime, it's rechargeable, has some great features and above all, he's so cute on it. ~wink~  I worried, at first, about his very limited vision and how that would work.  But, thankfully, he has managed just fine and tells me daily how much he enjoys it. I made a bargin with him and told him he "had" to walk to one meal a day just for the exercise.  Not sure he's holding up to his end of the bargin but...............

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. Your daddy is so cute!! Juggling his care, along with your own stuff, is tough. My mother-in-law will be 99 next month. She is still in her house with 24 hour care but my husband and two of his siblings rotate taking meals for her and the caregiver plus doctor's appointments, etc. Congrats to your daughter -- I can't imagine how tough that has been!!

  2. I love the bird picture in your bathroom!

  3. Your dad really is cute and I'm glad it has worked out for him to have the scooter. I'm sure one of your concerns was that he not run over anybody but it sounds like he's managing that very well.

    The cherry wood accent table is perfect. When the arrangements for the shelves arrive, I hope you will update us with a photo of them.

    Congrats to your daughter. I admire anybody who can enjoy and do some extremely well with anything related to math!!!!

  4. Aww your dad. I know that caring for him is a big job for you. And I remember you writing about so many other loved ones that you have cared for. Your really are a responsible and kind relative!

  5. We've had some issues and decisions to make with my mom recently and it has me thinking about my own children and how I will be cared for when I'm in that season. Family is so important and I'm so glad your dad has you to accompany him to his appointments. My mom lives with my sister so she carries most of the load, and it's been a bit trying lately. We are all so appreciative of all she does and tell her so, and I try to send her small fun gifts now and then as a reminder. Your dad looks pretty happy on that scooter! I love the print in your bathroom! It's so nice to see you here today : )

  6. Glad your dad has you and your brother to keep an eye on him and his care. Wow, what a journey your daughter has been on and almost completed. Good for her. Enjoy your time together!!

  7. Your dad is so precious and you can tell he loves the scooter!! Joyce gave us another interesting Hodgepodge!! Enjoy those kiddos!!

  8. Your daddy looks sweet and I bet that scooter is quite a bit of fun for him. Hope you have a great week and an especially wonderful time when the kiddos come to visit!

  9. We too are so proud of Bridgett and all she has accomplished, especially the part of rearing three outstanding sons. Enjoy your visit and say “Hello” for us. At a gathering not long ago, oldest granddaughter asked if we have made plans for our latter days. I assured her other than having made all legal arrangements possible, we’re leaving all those care decisions to our trusted son and daughter and oldest granddaughter. 🤣Hopefully by that time neither of us will care what happens to us.

  10. Love reading about your priorities! You are a good, patient caretaker and what a legacy & example you are leaving for your kids.

  11. You definitely are blessed to still have your dad, but I can understand that it is hard and heavy at times to be a care giver. I enjoyed your answers.


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!