Outside my window..........are signs that we had rain this past week-end. The grass needs mowing, and my newly potted plants are thriving, both signs that they got a lot of watering and must have enjoyed it.
I am thinking...........that life really is short and I need to start making more out of my days. Not that I do not enjoy my days, I do. But, I need to be out, meeting the needs of others more than I currently am. It might just be visiting with an elderly person, or a young Mom, but in either case, I could probably offer encouragement to them both. This would be something with eternal value and so much of what we can busy ourselves with today has no eternal value.
I am thankful for...........a husband with a "giving heart." If he hears or knows of a financial need and it is worthy, he will help out in some way. The need depends on the amount and he is always careful to do his best to know that it is indeed a "real" need. Just this past Friday evening we were at Lowe's and were loading the items we had bought into the back of our vehicle. While doing so a very loud truck pulled up and stopped right beside us and the driver rolled down his window. He began to tell us how he needed gas money to get somewhere. Well, I must tell you, it scared the "be-jibbers" out of me but Hubby carefully asked him a few questions and then handed him a $10 bill. I left like it was a scam and told Hubby that, but his reply to me was, "that is his problem if it was indeed a scam, but I did what I felt was right in my heart." If he had been absolutely sure the man wasn't lying he would have given him more. Who knows, but that is not ours to decide.
From the kitchen..........tonight will be grilled chicken breasts, a rice dish and some vegetable that hasn't been decided up on at this time. Then some time this week I hope to try out a recipe I got off of one of my "blogging buddies" site. It is "Chocolate Almond Crunch" (click on name if you would like recipe) and we love almonds around here and of course, chocolate is always good. The picture she posted of it was yummy looking.
I am wearing..........dark denim knee shorts, a white 3/4 sleeve top with "sparkles" on the front and denim flip flops.
I am creating.........hopefully a warm, inviting, comfortable home for my family and friends to enjoy.
I am going...........no where important, just likely around our little town this week.
I am reading.........still reading "Her Mother's Hope" and the book of James. I've been reading certain books of the Bible 3 times each for the past couple of months. I've chosen books that have profound messages and even after being in the Word my entire life, I'm still learning.
I am hoping...........that a precious older lady friend of mine will get a better report than she is expecting this week when she has a lung biopsy done. She will be 91 on Friday and until recently has been blessed with unbelievable good health. She's a most inspiring woman!
I am hearing..........the Easy Listening music playing through the cable on our TV. I am not a daytime TV person at all but I do enjoy pretty instrumental music throughout the day.
Around the house...........are some boxes of new light fixtures that Hubby assures me will be gone by the end of this week. We're updating some of our fixtures that were in this house when we bought it 30 years ago. Hubby's timetable is generally not the same as mine, but I'll try to be patience and wait for him to get motivated to change them out. If there were anyway I could do it myself, it would already be done. ~chuckle~
One of my favorite things..........is the feeling of being "caught up." I know, that's weird, but I can't help it. I can get in a "tizzy" when I am behind on things. Of course, I am definitely at a stage in life where it is a whole lot easier to stay caught up than it was when the children were home. It does still happen, but not often. So, all you young Moms reading this, just know that you won't turn around twice and you'll be all "caught up" too.
A few plans for the rest of the week.........will do some advance food preparation for our daughter and family's arrival next week for a few days and will be keeping our Granddaughter this Friday and not sure what else, but I'm sure I'll manage to find something. I always do!
Here is a picture thought I am sharing............
This is my Dad and Mom are their wedding day, April 8, 1950. Aren't they just too cute! The Lord blessed them with 58 1/2 wonderful years. My Mom was taken very suddenly, by a massive stroke, on Dec. 1, 2008. This picture brings a smile to my face and I am so thankful for my Mom's 78+ years and am so thankful to still be enjoying my Dad.
For more daybook reading check out The Simple Woman's Daybook.
This and That
1 hour ago
Loved your daybook today! I feel like I'm in a "tizzy" all the time. I'm so behind it's unreal, and I don't have children as an excuse!
ReplyDeleteYou mean there will come a day when I am not in a tizzy? I can hardly imagine! :)
ReplyDeleteI often feel the push to a more giving life. I want to see the needs people have and minister to them...even if it is just encouragement. But I confess that most of the time I am so caught up in schooling, taxiing, cooking, etc. that I miss those opportunities. I am trying, though!
Enjoy your weekend with family...what a priceless treasure!
I enjoyed reading your daybook! I love the feeling of being caught up too...though I haven't felt that way for awhile. There is always something to do, but sometimes my motivation is lacking...
ReplyDeleteI hope that you enjoy the rest of your week! :)
The picture of your mom and dad on their wedding day is sweet. I scrolled down and saw the picture of you and your mom. That one's sweet too.
ReplyDeleteWe had a young lady ask money from us for gas one night while waiting for our son to get off work about 3years ago (before he had his vehicle). That scared me too. We never saw where she came from or went to after she left us. She only requested $3 or $4 so she could get home about 30 miles away. She said she'd brought her friend to see her boyfriend and she was out of gas because of it. I had $0! Hubby had only $20 so she got none. If she'd had a baby or kids I'm sure there wouldn't have been a second thought to giving her money but I think she was hoping for more than $3 or $4 with that fishy story. Usually we're very giving people but that just didn't sound right. If one of us would have had $5 she would have gotten it, but not $20 with that story.
Another time my younger son and I were waiting in the car while the older son and hubby were in Hardee's ordering our meal and two odd looking men were knocking on car windows asking for money for food. When they got to our vehicle, I told them I didn't have any and to ask my husband when they got inside. When hubby and son got back to the car, I asked if they had asked them for money and he told me NO! They went inside immediately after I told them....so they had money. They had bought something and were back out in the parking lot asking others for money right away! OMG! Hubby noticed they had out of state license tags so maybe that's what they do for a living.
I'll have to say that I'm not in a tizzy today. First day in several days. My kids are older so I can't use them as an excuse most days either. I create tizzy for myself I think. Ha ha!
I enjoy visiting your blog and will return soon.
I actually clicked over here from your comment at "Life in a white house on Pennsylvania" :-)
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading today's random dozen and yesterday's daybook ~ So nice to meet you!
Now I'd better shut this off so I'm not in a big tizzy later trying to get ready for church tonight ;-)
Hi Lea! Thank you for visiting my daybook. I loved the picture of your mom & dad. Also, thank you for the advice to us young moms. I too "get in a tizzy" when I can't get on top of things. I've felt that way so much here lately. Thank you for reminding me that these days with my children and the "disorder" will not last forever. I need to cherish every minute that I can. By the way, from looking at your pictures (the azaleas) and reading some of your posts, I think that you and I may live in the same neck of the woods! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by my blog. I enjoyed reading your daybook. Sound like you have a great hubby. May the Lord bless you with many more years together.