Friday, June 17, 2011

Checking in and Update

friday favorite things | finding joy

Good Morning Ladies, I am hoping the "two Rachels" will not mind my using their memes to "check in and update" with you dear folks.  Thanks Rachels, I should be back on a regular schedule next Friday, but who knows, life happens sometimes and all we can do is just "keep it between the ditches."  That's where I am right now. ~smile~

As a result of working out in his flower bed last Thursday morning with a tiller, weed eater and then using a blower, my Dad bruised his spinal cord.  It was not until after he had gone to bed that night that he realized he had been injured.  About an hour after he went to bed he was awaken with what he described as terrible pain surrounding the area of the back of the neck where it attaches to the spine.  The next day he began losing the use of his limbs and everything went "south" from there.

We carried him to the ER on Saturday evening and he was admitted to the hospital and then had a "bazillion" tests ran.  They called in a Neurologist and he is the one that finally put the pieces together to come up with the diagnosis of a bruised spinal cord.  He said the vibration of the yard tools that he used caused it.    He says he will recover, but can't say how long it will take.  Dad can hardly walk, even with a walker, and certainly can't walk unassisted.  He cannot use his hands very well either.  Some of the feeling has come back but not nearly all of it.  It is very scary and very discouraging to Daddy and to all of us.  

He was moved to the  rehab facility at our local hospital yesterday afternoon where he will hopefully make great strides in his recovery.  He is still is a great deal of pain and it's hard to think about rehab when you are still in a lot of pain.

I do covet your prayers for him and most specially that he will see some "glimmers of hope" in his rehab in the next few days.

Tommy and I did come on to Dodge City today and my baby brother is flying in to assist with his care on Sat.  My step Mom has been such a trooper throughout the entire ordeal but I know she is very tired.

Dad and Sybil - March 2011

It is just hard to believe that in one 24 hour period a perfectly healthy, active man can go to an almost helpless individual over something that is seemingly harmless.  But, the Dr. told Dad that while he was in excellent shape, he would have to start realizing that he was 81 years old and that there are likely some things that he might not need to do anymore.  

It's great therapy for us to be here in Dodge City with our Clancy man and his Dad and Mom.  It is a nice diversion and I'll have lots to share with you when we get home next Tuesday.  

Again, your prayers for my Dad's recovery would be much appreciated and I will keep you posted.  And, I'll get back to my regular blog posts soon. Also, prayers that I can relax and enjoy our time here without allowing the concern of my Dad's condition to "overtake" me. 

Love you my blogging buddies and my world's a better place since I've met up with each of you!

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. Praying for your dad. I am really sorry that this is the road you are walking right now -- it's challenging -- but I'm also glad that he's receiving such good care.

    Blessings to you, my dear blogging friend.


  2. Wow, who knew that something so "simple" as working in the yard could cause so much injury? I'm so glad that your dad is already showing some improvement and will definitely be praying that he continues to heal/improve.

    I'm glad, too, that you were able to get away as you had planned. I'm sure that "Clancy fix" is just what you needed.

    I'm praying for you, too, dear one.

  3. Oh, CiCi I will certainly pray for your dad (and you!!!). Please keep us posted on his recovery. You are loved and prayed for you!!!

  4. I am so sorry about that injury .I never would have "connected the dots"--I probably would've assumed stroke. Thank God for doctors and rehab. I'll pray for a full recovery and renewed strength for ALL of you.

  5. hugs to you and i'll be praying for your dad... and you and the rest of your family. xo hugs

  6. Wow, that does sound scary. I'll be praying for his recovery. Thank heaven for brilliant doctors who are able to connect the dots!

  7. Prayers coming your way. I do hope you can relax and enjoy your trip, knowing that your dad is being taken care of.

  8. Praying for all of you! those kinds of things are scary! So glad youget some Clancy time~enjoy!
    Blessings on your day my friend!

  9. really is kind of scary that something as simple as that could cause such injury. Thank God the doc figured it all out. I will be praying for his speedy and full recovery. Hugs to you, Debbie

  10. Oh! I am so sorry to hear about your dad. Wow, it is hard to believe what one 24-hour period can bring. What a reminder of many things I take for granted. I hope you are all comforted by the help you're able to give one another at this time. I'm glad that you have caring family. I pray your dad will be able to endure the pain and recover sooner rather than later.

  11. Praying for your father for healing and strength and energy for you and your stepmom.

  12. I will definitely be praying!

  13. Praying for your family. Hope he recovers soon. Have a wonderful Father's Day with him.

  14. Your dad is in my prayers for a speedy recovery.
    I know you will have a wonderful weekend in Dodge City. Fathers day weekend was a great time to go.
    Have a safe trip home.


  15. Prayers for your Dad. My Dad did something like the recently also...he is only 73, but scary for all.

    Blessings and prayers right now for full and rapid recovery.

  16. I am new to your blog but I do want you to know I will pray for your Dad's complete recovery and peace and comfort for him and your mother......

    It's hard watching our parents get older but you obviously have been blessed beyond measure with yours.......

    I hope to visit you again soon....

  17. I have been following your dad's condition on FB but haven't been able to comment since I've been more or less away from home the past 3 days. I'll keep him in my prayers. I'm glad your brother will be there while you are away. Trust in the Lord.

  18. Aw, Lea ~ That's so tough to see your dad suffering with pain. I will remember to pray for him. Enjoy your days with Clancy while you trust God to heal your dad ♥


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!