Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What is ONE thing or area in your home or life you hope to report is completely organized when 2013 draws to a close?  Do you  have a plan to make it happen?
Well, I have been an "organizational freak" for most of my 60 years, and, while things in my home are not perfectly organized, they are really close.  Now, I truly am not bragging, it is just a fact. ~roll your eyes~  Both of my parents were highly organized, so I came by it quite naturally and I think it might even be genetic. ~big laugh~ This next Monday I am conducting a mini-seminar for a group of young Moms on organization.  Did I say that I love organization? ~laugh~

  2. What's the worst uniform you've ever had to wear for a job?
I have not had a job outside the home in 36 years.  The jobs I had up to that point did not require uniforms, but I can assure you that I did dress nicely.  Yep, most of the time I wore dresses with hose.  Can you even imagine that today?  I'm thinking there is bound to be a happy medium between that and what is seen in the professional workplace today.  Can I just say that I am appalled at what some call the "professional look." 

  3. What was your last kitchen 'mishap'?  This question comes to you courtesy of Betty who blogs over at A Glimpse Into Midlife...everyone go say hi to Betty!
It wasn't a huge mishap, but it did make a mess.  I made a big pot of veggie soup Monday and I was opening a can of tomato sauce with one of those electric can openers that attaches to the can and rides around the can.  Well, I had it sitting too close to my coffee pot and it got hung up on the edge and flipped the can over and the tomato sauce went all over my counter top.  It was very yucky but I was just thankful that it didn't drip down the counters and onto the floor.  That would have been "double yuck!"

4. How do you protect yourself from other people's negativity?
I have always steered clear of "negative Nancy's" and make sure that they are not on my "friend list."  Life has so much negativity and I do not have room for any  in my life.  If I am corned with one, I just try to spit back something positive and hope they get the message.

  5. Who in your family do you most resemble (physically)? If you have children, who do people say they favor? Do you agree? 

Taken in 1960 when I was 8 years old

I was often told that I looked like my Mom, especially with certain expressions.  But, I had and still have a lot of actions like my Dad.  I would like to think that I got the best of both of them. ~laugh~

Taken Christmas 2011

When both of our children were born, folks said they both looked just like Tommy.  This was not one or two people, but everyone that came by. ~grin~  As the years went by our daughter did favor me quite a bit and I think it was pretty obvious that we were Mother and daughter.  Our son, well, he really is a clone of his Daddy but he has many actions just like his Momma. ~big laugh~

6. January 8th is National Bubble Bath Day...will you be celebrating?

Are you kidding me?  I guess there must be a day for everything.  No, I'm afraid I will not be celebrating.
  7.  Some of the 'world's best winter festivals' are - Mardi Gras (New Orleans), Quebec Winter Festival (Canada), Sundance Film Festival (Park City, Utah),  Rio Carnivale (Brazil), Sapporo Snow Festival (Japan), Venice Carnivale (Italy) and the Harbin Ice Festival (Northern China).  Of those listed (and if cost were not a factor) which would you most like to attend and why?

Well, I suppose since I am a Louisiana gal and have never been to Mardi Gras that I should go.  I probably would not go to the celebration in New Orleans as I understand it can often get totally out of hand.  But, some of the smaller towns in South Louisiana have their own Mardi Gras festivities and I'm told they can be quite enjoyable. That might be more my style.  

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 
My precious friend, Martha,according to her Drs.  has entered the last hours of her cancer journey.  Her family is by her side.  Please pray for God's peace and comfort to surround her and her family at this most difficult time.

Taken on December 15th
Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. Ohhh! I wish I could come to your organizing seminar :) I am just always one or two steps away from feeling truly organized and could use some tips! I am not a bath fan either. Will be praying for your friend and her family.

  2. Good morning! I go through "seasons" of being totally organized, but it is NOT a natural state for me, haha. Always struggling to get that way!

    Praying for your beautiful friend, and her family.

    Enjoy your day!

  3. I wish I could say I have been organized for 60 years however D H is more organized than me. Praying for your friend's final journey.

  4. I am so sorry to hear about your friend. How very difficult to watch someone suffer. I pray peace for everyone at this time.

  5. A pray for your dear friend, and for you. Thank goodness that death is not the end... and although you will miss her, she will be enjoying all that awaits her in the kingodm triumphant.

  6. I'm so very sorry to hear about your friend. I will keep her family, and you too, in my prayers. Hugs.

  7. I would love to go to an organizing seminar. Those ladies are going to be blessed!
    Sorry to hear about your friend.

  8. It is most definitely appalling what some people consider "professional attire". It's also appalling what people deem appropriate to wear to the grocery store or even a regular restaurant. Yikes!

  9. I completely understand where you are coming from on professional attire because on certain Fridays of the month we have dress down day for teachers. OMG they look like they have just gotten out of bed and ran out the door. To me, when you dress like a professional, you feel better and are treated like a professional.
    So sorry to hear about your friend (hugs)

  10. I always enjoy reading your answers. Your daughter does resemble you. And did I miss Bubble Bath Day? I didn't know we needed a special day for that one. I try to be organized but don't always hit the mark.

    Blessings and love,

  11. Hi, I'm your newest follower. I found your blog through my daughter's blog, Ashley's Carnival Ride. I could use some of your organization skills myself!! Praying for your sweet friend as she is in her last hours. Praying for comfort and peace for her and her family.


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!