Monday, June 24, 2013

Miscellany Monday

lowercase letters

I love Miscellany Monday because it allows me the chance to share little snippets of several things at a time, and it keeps me from telling you more than you really want to know about things. ~smile~  So, it works for me and I thank Carissa for being such a gracious host each Monday.

Taken a couple of weeks ago during our visit
Yes, I guess that once you have been friends with someone for 48 years that you qualify to call yourselves, Best Friends Forever.  Lynette and I became friends in the 8th grade and with only about 10 months into our friendship, my family moved to Virginia.  We were living in Louisiana, so that was a far, far distance for two 13 year old girls.  But, we have managed to keep the friendship alive all these many years, even though she lives in Florida and I live in Louisiana.  She happened to be in my area a couple of weeks ago and we were able to spend the morning together.  We had not seen each other in two years, but we somehow always pick right back up where we left off.  I think that's what best friends do.  
Enjoying a little retail therapy together
 I have to share with you that Lynette is a Stage 4 colon cancer survivor.  Yep, that's right!  Her cancer was found in a routine colonoscopy 10 years ago this past January.  She had very serious surgery where nodes where also found on her liver.  But, after many long months of chemotherapy and healing, she made a full recovery and has not missed a beat!  She gives all the credit to the Lord and knows that He was not finished with her and gave her a second chance at life.  I could write a book about our friendship over the years, but as I said earlier, this post is about snippets, not long stories. I'm thankful for Lynette and the special bond that we share!

Spring Rolls..........
Oh, my goodness, can I just tell you that love Spring Rolls and my adopted Vietnamese daughter can make the best.  She made some for me a couple of weeks ago and sent them over by her daughter (pictured above).  The sauce she made to dip them in is almost as good as the roll itself.  Added NOTE:  Amy, my adopted Vietnamese daughter began doing my nails about 13 years ago.  I immediately fell in love with her and her family (husband and 3 children) and we share a very special bond and I'm blessed by their friendship.

CWS Bound............
A week ago this past Sunday morning we left DesMoines, Iowa heading to Omaha, Nebraska to take in a little of the College World Series.  We all went to the afternoon game on Sunday and can I just tell you that I thought I was going to die a literal death in the boiling sun.  It was only 83 degrees and not much humidity, so I figured it would be "a piece of cake."  Well, not the case!!!  This gal was so hot that I had to find relieve.  So, the Princess and I found our way to a breezeway, sat ourselves down on the concrete and had a popcorn and lemonade picnic and cooled off.  It was wonderful!!!  
Even though our Tigers were not playing until that evening, we all wore our purple and gold in support of them to the afternoon game.  And, our poor Tigers just could not pull it off, so Hubby and son witnessed a sad loss.  But, it's was fun just being in the stands and sharing in the fun of the games and they did get to see the victory of Mississippi State in Monday night's game.  So, they were happy with that.

To the zoo,zoo,zoo........
While in Omaha we went to the "famed" Henry Doorly Zoo.  It is the 2nd largest zoo in the US (San Diego is the largest).  We arrived shortly after it opened and were there about 5 hours.  It is definitely HUGE and has any kind of animal (other than a Panda), bird, reptile and butterfly that you can imagine.  Due to the heat a lot of the larger animals were hiding out and not very sociable and that was a disappointment, but we couldn't blame them, we were hot too.

Blogger verses Google+........
Okay, fellow bloggers, have you changed over to Google+?  I did about 6 months ago and I am NOT happy with it at all.  I am going to give it about another month to see what is going to happen with some of the changes that are coming down the pike, but I'm probably going back to regular Blogger.  Any thoughts you might have to share would be appreciated.  One of the most aggravating things is that I can't seem to get my blog to stay off of "No reply comment."  I'll set it to allow replies by email and it will revert back of its own accord.  Ughhhhhhhhhh! so, so aggravating! 

And, I leave you with this.......
Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. Yes, those LSU losses were hard to take, but at least you can say, "I went to Geauxmaha!"
    I have trouble with my font size always going to small. And, I'm sure mine is also reverting to "No comment" if yours is since it was before. I just don't know enough about this stuff, I guess.

  2. Life long friends are the best! I see that you and Lynnette share a love for the Lord. So glad to read that she is doing well after her cancer diagnosis. I can just see you getting your nails done. You are such a ray of sunshine so of course you become friends with everyone. :) Those spring rolls look amazing. Heat is something we have to get used to in Phoenix. Yes it is a dry heat but triple digits is hot regardless. Thank goodness for air conditioning. I always enjoy your Monday posts.

    I am on Google Plus too. I'm still learning. I will keep trying. I think we're connected there but if not, I'll be sure we are.

    Blessings and love,

  3. Good morning! Enjoyed your snippets as always! BFF's are one of life's best blessings for sure. I have a couple of those two and honestly your right, there is just nothing better. Happy for your friend that she best down the ugly cancer. Been to that San Diego zoo many times. Didn't know it was the largest, but I should have, lol. Soo big. I love to go in the winter time as you are right, they hide in the heat. Enjoy your day!

  4. What a wonderful friendship! I have several friends I still keep up with from middle school and I hope that we can continue that for our lifetimes.

  5. How blessed you are to have such a dear, dear friend.

    Those spring rolls look fabulous - yum!!

    No Google+ for me ... too many glitches being reported by others. And I'm giving up Bloglovin, too. Tried it for a couple of weeks and was missing updates from some blogs (including yours - which is why I'm late with this comment).


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!