I'm always on the "lookout" for a new meme to participate in and I ran across this one a few weeks ago and decided to "give it a whirl" today. So, here's my first,
"Five on Friday."
1. I have been on a search for new rugs for our kitchen and am pleased to report that after about 2-3 months of looking and looking, I finally found the "right one."
The rugs I had before had a dark background and I knew shortly after I got them that I had made a mistake. I mean, really, in a kitchen and eating area, who wants a dark background. I'm thinking that this golden background is going to make this Momma much happier.
2. I had a major "cooking attack" on Wednesday of this week. I was prompted by the fact that we are having out of town guests next week and I like to do as much advance prep as I can. And, I was cooking part of dinner to take to a friend that had surgery, so those two things combined put me in the mood to cook.
I did Pulled Pork and Baked Beans to take to my friend. Then I made a Breakfast Casserole(it can be found under my recipe tab) to have on hand for our company. I decided to do them in smaller portions and freeze them and I will pull them out as needed. I love the aluminum pans with lids that you can get at Dollar Tree. They are 3 for $1. You cannot beat that! Well, I don't love them like I use to because a dear friend informed me a couple of weeks ago that I shouldn't be using aluminum pans because of the link they have found to it causing Alzheimer's. Well, as I put the food in them yesterday I just pretended that probably a myth. Ugh! What's a gal to do??? Anyway, I also made a Crawfish Casserole and it made up 5 of these little pans. And, I made Hubby and me Taco Salads for dinner. I felt very productive and I just love having a stash in my freezer. Yes, I really do!!!
3. I walk every morning on a treadmill and have done this for probably 30 years. For many years I just watched the morning shows to pass the time, but with the invention of the Ipod and then the IPad, my choices have been widespread. As of lately I have watched some of the best movies and thought that you might enjoy these as well, if you have never seen them. I've watched The Good Woman, based on the 1892 play by Oscar Wilde, Jane Eyre, a British romantic based on an 1847 novel, and Pride and Prejudice, a classic 1813 novel. I watch them on my Ipad with my earplugs in and float off into another world for that 30 minute walk. I have decided that I would have so enjoyed living back in the 1800's. I absolutely love the fashion, the furnishings and decor of that era. Women were so feminine with their ruffles and lace and carefully coiffed hair. I know, you are probably reading this and thinking, really? But, yes, really! ~big smile~
4. I've decided that we are never, ever too old to learn something new.
While shopping with a friend the other day we ran across these tortilla bowl makers. I have seen these pans forever and never before realized that you merely put a soft tortilla in them and bake them. My friend told me that she uses them and then makes taco salads in the bowls. Well, all these many years I just assumed that there was some recipe that you used to make tortillas with and then "somehow" poured them in these pans and baked them. Now, how crazy is that? I was so excited to learn that it was an easy process that I bought myself 6 of these little fellas. And, yesterday, I baked 4 tortilla bowls that turned out to perfection. I can't believe that I have not been doing this for the past 40 years. But, like I said, it's such fun to learn something new, even though I think the rest of the world has known this forever.
While shopping with a friend the other day we ran across these tortilla bowl makers. I have seen these pans forever and never before realized that you merely put a soft tortilla in them and bake them. My friend told me that she uses them and then makes taco salads in the bowls. Well, all these many years I just assumed that there was some recipe that you used to make tortillas with and then "somehow" poured them in these pans and baked them. Now, how crazy is that? I was so excited to learn that it was an easy process that I bought myself 6 of these little fellas. And, yesterday, I baked 4 tortilla bowls that turned out to perfection. I can't believe that I have not been doing this for the past 40 years. But, like I said, it's such fun to learn something new, even though I think the rest of the world has known this forever.
5. Sometimes it's just important not to make a fuss, keep things really simple and enjoy.
And, that's exactly what I did yesterday. I had 5 ladies over for a Chicken Salad Sandwich, chips and dessert. And, I plan to do it again. I think we often get so caught up with what we think people expect when we entertain that we make a bigger deal of it than we should. I went to little to no trouble at all and might I say, it was a "smashing success!" We had the best time visiting that what we were eating did not matter. The value of friendship far outweighs making a "fuss" over entertaining. Hey! I did use really pretty dishes and that does count for something doesn't it? ~smile~
5. I'm thinking that the media really does not have enough to do and are always sticking their nose up in business that's not theirs. I'm talking about the birth of the "royal baby." For goodness sakes, leave Kate and William alone and when that baby is born I bet that they will let "the powers that be" know. I cannot believe all of the reporters that are camped out at St. Mary's hospital. I mean do they think that Kate is going to stop and chat with them as she is being taken in to deliver. Probably not! She would probably like to spray them all with pepper spray and rightfully so. Babies are born everyday and I was quite sure when mine were born that they were "royal babies" too. ~chuckle~
A happy weekend to you.......
where did you get your new rugs? I love them. I didn't know about those bowl makers either. I learned something in this post. I think I am going to go out and get some. I am going to check out your recipe for Breakfast Casserole! Have you seen the new Kris Jenner show while you walking? Its on at 11 channel 5. well that's what it is here in NJ.
ReplyDeleteHow did you get the text on those pan lids so nice and neat? I hadn't heard about the connection to aluminum foil. Seriously? While I try to make as many healthy choices as I can, I also have to balance that against practicality and convenience ... and the knowledge that if you wait long enough, everything you eat and cook with will eventually be determined to be unhealthy or dangerous.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know about those taco bowls either. I'd love to pick up some as we love taco salad here.
No-fuss is certainly my approach to entertaining. If my guests are coming to admire a fancy tablescape or an immaculate house, then they'd best go elsewhere ... but if they're coming to see DH and me and spend some time with us, then they're more than welcome. ;-)
With my dad having alzheimers, I am constantly reading about probable causes. Aluminum is always at the top of the list....including coke cans. Even aluminum foil that we all use in our kitchens.
ReplyDeleteGreat new rugs. I am a LIGHT person and therefore, I would have chose light colored rugs as well. sounds like you have been one busy bee....enjoy your company!!
Good morning! Well you have given me MUCH to comment on, haha. First of all I LOVE the rugs! Honestly, looks like something I would buy. And then, I may just pick up those little pans today. What a wonderful idea. And I was thinking, they would make a wonderful little dish for chili in the cool months too....maybe sprinkled with a little cheese? And your right, sometimes just keeping it simple is the best way. Keeps me from being too stressed to enjoy the company, which at the end of the day is the point in the first place. And finally, I sooo agree on that royal birth...goodness! Enjoy your week-end!
ReplyDeleteCan I keep this short? Ha!
ReplyDelete1. Your new rugs are so pretty. Glad you found some after a long hunt.
2. I would much rather have a chicken salad sandwich on a fancy plate with a good friend than a gourmet buffet on any kind of plate without company.
3. What a thrill to "put food up" for the future. About the aluminum--I say "everything in moderation." I think Alzheimer's is much more likely to run in families than in serving dishes.
4. I'm glad I'm not Kate! It was hard enough having unwanted FAMILY here when my babies were born. I can't imagine pesky papparazzi.
6. When you watch a movie for 30 minutes, can you stop there and retart where you left off? Just curious.
Hi sweet lady, love this post. I am glad you did it. I agree totally about the media. Love the new rugs and hope you decide to do another of these post. Have a great week end!
ReplyDeleteI love your chicken salad luncheon for your friends! Weeks go by and I realize I've had no real contact with women friends. That needs to change...and this is a simple and workable way to do it.
ReplyDeleteCindy at Notes in the Key of Life
Lea, this was a delightful blog today. Do it again. Now, 1st, I love the rugs. Glad you waited until you found the just-right thing. Worth the wait. 2nd, where did you get those little taco bowls? I must have some. 3rd, love the luncheon idea and those beautiful ladies are just that - beautiful and special. Wish I could have been among them. 4th, thinking about preparing dishes ahead always reminds me of Dixie and her unbelieveable organization. 5th, could not agree more on the media. It is sickening what they become fixated on and impose on the rest of us. Great blog and Happy Weekend!
ReplyDeleteOne more thing--I love tortillas shaped like bowls and now I want to try making my storebought ones this way. Thanks for the tip. Oh, and BTW, I changed my No Reply Blogger setting so maybe you can reply now:)
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed this post!
ReplyDeleteI love your new rugs. I desperately need a rug to stand on while I wash dishes. Standing on our hard tile for long periods of time really makes my back ache some days. I'll be choosing a pretty (and hopefully comfortable) rug or mat soon.
My mother-in-law had a set of taco bowl makers sitting around her kitchen for over a year. She purchased them on a whim and never put them to good use, so she eventually just handed them our way. We've used them a few times and love them. But I, like you, had no idea how to use them before she let me in on the big secret. =)
I love the idea of pre-prepping breakfast casserole! (Not such a fun idea to think that those aluminum containers may be linked to alzheimer's... ignorance is such bliss, isn't it? haha.)
I need a treadmill in my life! And I can never watch enough of those classic Jane Eyre type of movies! They are the best!
Have a great weekend!!
((( Big Hugs )))