Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday Letters

It's Friday and no better time to do a little letter writing......
Dear Sea Salt seem to be the "ultimate" these days and I have to say, you are the best.  I haven't tasted anything with you in it that I didn't thoroughly enjoy.  The salt does the magic, cuts your sweetness to just the right amount.
Dear Precious Gran #3.......we find out what you are next Thursday and I can hardly wait.  It doesn't matter a bit, but it will just be fun to talk about you more specifically.  
Dear New House......we are so thankful that things have rolled along so smoothly thus far.  We can only hope as we get further and further into you that we can continue to say that.
Dear Stitch first "fix" is due to arrive on Oct. 6th.  I can hardly wait to see what my stylist has chosen for me.  I have never done anything like this, so it will be interesting to see what type of clothing she picks out for me.  I think you do a great job of getting proper info and preferences from us, so we shall see how it goes.  Stayed tuned........I'll definitely be giving a report as to the outcome. If you are not familiar with Stitch Fix you can check it out here.
Dear DWTS.......just know that a whole bunch of Louisiana folks will likely be watching your new season.  Since Sadie Robertson, from the famed Duck Dynasty family, will be a contestant, it should be most interesting.  I normally do not watch your show, but since Sadie (who lives about 35 miles from us) is going to be on there, then I'm in!~more out of curiosity than anything~
   Dear Common Core Math......heaven's to Betsy if they had taught Math your style when I was in school I would have never passed.  I just simply don't get it at all and it is insane as far as I'm concerned.  But, then, it doesn't matter a lick what I think. What ever happened to the good ole' ordinary way of doing Math?
~just wondering~
Dear Clancy and Hanna Beth......I am so happy that you two are enjoying your first year of "real" school so far.  I know that you both are "shining lights" in your class.  You are growing up so fast!
Dear Hallmark......I'm so enjoying your first season of Cedar Cove. I'm almost through with the first season and will go right into the 2nd season when I am through.  It is a great way to pass the time on the treadmill each morning.  Your cast of characters is awesome!  I may even enjoy you as much as Downton Abbey ~did I really just say that~
Dear Younique......I have just ordered your mascara and I can hardly wait for it to arrive.  I've been trying all kinds of different mascara lately trying to get a fuller lash look.  I hear that you are the answer.  I'm about to find out. You are a 3 step process, so I'm a little concerned about that, but they sound pretty simple and quick.  I do not want to add any more minutes to my beautification process.
Dear Summer.......I am beyond ready for you to end and Fall to arrive!  You've really been rather mild this year but, nonetheless, I love Fall and all that it brings..... mums, pumpkins, sunflowers, falling leaves and cooler temps.  My favorite time of year.


Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. Good morning! Enjoyed this as always...Don't you just love that they can find out the sex of the baby soo accurately and early in the pregnancy? It's just soo exciting and nice to know as you prepare for baby. Don't know much about the new kind of core math, but have heard some homeschool moms talk about how much they dislike it. Wish they would just leave things like this alone. Watched Cedar Cover (all of them) earlier this summer and thoroughly enjoyed it...soo cute. Enjoy your week-end Lea!

  2. Let me know what you think of Stitch Fix. I did it for awhile but hardly kept anything and I thought the items were a bit pricey. I am a bargain shopper with clothes and always use coupons so I get good deals.

  3. I loved reading this! You are so fun! I'm so glad I met you! Looking forward to reading more and hearing what you think about Stitch Fix. I've been thinking about checking in to that for a while now. Blessings on your day! *We are having a precious baby boy in November! Can't wait to hear what you are having!

  4. I have a friend who sells the younique stuff and swears by the mascara. She has daughters in pageants and on college pom squads and they rave about it.

  5. Love the Younique mascara, love it!!

    Have a great weekend..


  6. Couple of things...Common Core is ridiculous!!! I'm so over the governments attempts in education. Let teachers TEACH! So excited about your new house coming along. I have heard of that show, but I'm off to look for it on Netflix? Have a fabulous weekend, Lea.

  7. I just bought and new organic sea salt and caramel coffee that I simply cannot get enough of - it's amazing!! I can't wait to hear about the younique mascara - always looking for a new one to try! Happy weekend ~

  8. I LOVE sea salt carmel. Problem is, I can't eat just one! How exciting to find out the sex of your new grand baby. My daughter is just 8 week along with our first, but I cannot wait until we found out what she's having. I've always been intrigued by StitchFix. I cannot wait to see you model what the sent you. I do not understand Common Core math. Sadly, both of mine are in public school. Next year when I homeschool again I will be able to choose curriculum that is not aligned to CC. Have a beautiful weekend.

  9. No, it doesn't matter whether Grand #3 is a boy or a girl, but you're right ... it's fun to be able to say "he" or "she" instead of just a generic "the baby" ... not to mention buying correctly gendered baby clothes! ;-)


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!