It's always fun to join Peggy for a Daybook entry. A time to share the comings and goings of my day with you. Enjoy! And, I know, today is Friday, the 13th! But, in spite of the rain it's going to be a great day. ~big grin~
Outside my is still dark and dreary the rain continues to fall. To say that I am sick and tired of wet weather is an understatement. Thankfully it looks like we are in for lots of sunshine next week and I hope Mother Nature doesn't throw a curve ball to change that.
I am thinking...that one of the really great things about Grandparenting is that you get to give them back. We have had our time of full responsibility with our own children, so this is our reward. ~nothing like them~
I am thankful...that we had the opportunity to have Clancy with us for 4 days this week. He was able to meet his new cousin and play with Hanna Beth. They are so cute together and enjoy each other so much. They are almost exactly a year apart and are now 5 and 6 years old.~great ages~
In the kitchen...there have been a lot of hot sandwiches at our house lately. I got a new George Foreman Grill and it makes the best! We had an old, old one but this one has the temperature control, a timer and pre-heats and that makes a big difference. Of course, there are many other uses for it as well.
I am wearing...waders! I'm joking but everything is so wet around here that I could definitely wear some.
I am creating...a more streamlined closet. I have been cleaning out my current closet(s) and keeping only those items that I really love. I want my new closet to be filled with only those items. I've finished the clothes and about to start on my shoes and accessories.
I am where really. Hubby and I have stayed close to home since our new house construction began last June. But, hopefully once we get moved and settled we can get our "going shoes" on again.
I am wondering...when we will get to move. It's looking like it may well be June. I've just about reached the point where I can't pack much more until just before we actually move. But, there's lots of other things that must be tended to.
I am reading...I just ordered Sophie Hudson's, "Home Is Where My People Are." Sophie is the author of the blog, Boo Momma. If you have not read it, you need to click here and enjoy a laugh or two. She was just in our area for a ladies event at a nearby church and I so wanted to attend but was not able to. I'm sure it was a delightful evening and I'm looking forward to reading her newest book.
I am hoping...that my Dad's cataract surgery on the 31st will give him some increased vision. Any improvement would be great as he is legally blind. The Drs. have just now okayed the surgery for him as they didn't want to risk it but now his vision is such that they feel it is worth any risk to possibly give him some vision. There are no guarantees but we are so hopeful.
I am looking forward to...looking out our back windows in our new house and seeing water. It's just a small pond but nonetheless, it is water. I think there is something so peaceful and calm about looking out at water. And, who knows, I may even be found fishing in it. ~chuckle~
I am learning....that there is so, so much to building a custom house. It takes a construction crew, electricians, plumbers, flooring folks, cabinet craftsmen and on and on the list goes. And, coordinating all of their work is a feat unto itself. It's a pretty amazing undertaking for sure!
Around the house...the boxes are piling in around us. ~smile~
A favorite quote for today...
Greatness is not found in possessions, power, position,or prestige. It is discovered in goodness, humility, service and character.
One of my favorite watching Andi Kate grow and develop. She was a month old this past week and she has already changed so much. I thought when she was first born she looked a lot like our son and then almost overnight she began to look like our DIL. She now looks at us and especially when we are talking to her.
A few plans for the rest of the week...not really any big plans. We've had a big week so we will likely "lay low" this weekend and prepare for the week ahead.
A picture worth sharing.....
I can't believe that Easter is less than a month away. I have been enjoying a book of devotionals leading up to Easter. It's so easy to get distracted and just think of it as another day. But, for Christians, it is the day our lives were forever changed.
What a blessing!
What a blessing!
I always enjoy these day books. And yes, one of the nicest things about visiting grandkids is that they go back home, lol. I LOVE LOVE the time with mine that's for sure, but they are definitely a handful and that's why you do it when your young. I love watching how quickly a baby grows and changes. Such a fun time. I can honestly just imagine all that goes into the building of a home. Melody and her hubby are going to build one in the next year, and she is already feeling a little overwhelmed, lol. Lots, and lots of decisions. Enjoy your week-end Lea!