Friday, August 28, 2015

Friday Letters

It's been quite a while since I wrote some Friday letters and today seemed like the perfect morning to do so. After all, letter writing can be very therapeutic, but so can blogging.  So, I'm getting a whole lot of therapy this morning. ~big smile~
Dear New are feeling more like home each day but it might just take a while for us to feel as comfortable as we did in our "old" house.  I mean, when you live somewhere for 34 years, you get very, very comfortable and it's a bit hard to replace that, but we're getting there. ~grin~
Dear Readers....just so you know.  Our daughter has Blake Shelton's nephew in her class this year.  Yep! his Mom is Blake's sister.  Who knows, Blake may just pay her class a visit and bring along his guitar since OKC is his stomping grounds.
Dear Donald....I cannot hear what you have to say for your arrogance and ego. You might need to be reminded that we all put our pants on the same way, "one leg at a time."  A little humility goes a long ways.  ~just sayin'"~ And, I could truly care less if it's your hair or not!
Dear Andi Kate....I have never personally seen a more active child at such a young age in my life.  You have been on the go since you were barely 4 months old.  You are now 6 1/2 months old and pulling up, crawling all over the place and I'm sure will be walking in the coming weeks.  You are such a tiny little thing that doing all this  doesn't really fit you.  But, those blue eyes just sparkle the whole time you are moving.  You are growing up so quickly!
Dear AT and have the WORST customer service I have experienced lately.  I'll just leave it at that!
Dear Ashley Madison....I had never, ever even heard of you before last week and my goodness, your website has wrecked so many lives and torn so many precious families apart.  You should be ashamed of yourself!!  It has made my heart sad for all the hurts families are experiencing as a result of your website.
 Dear Fall....we have so enjoyed your little tease this past week with the much cooler weather.  I'm looking forward to the full dose of fall, so you can show yourself anytime you want to.
Dear Clancy and Hanna Beth....I can hardly believe that you two will be having birthdays in just over a month.  You are such sweeties and Poppa and I love you sooooo much!  It makes my heart so happy to know that both of you have started off to a great school year.
Dear American Family help to start my day on such a positive note each day as I listen to your music and your encouraging conversation.  You are the BEST!
Dear are a very special month to our family. We have 3 immediate family member birthdays the very first week.  And, it is extremely likely that our baby boy will be born that same week and that will make 4!  Guess we'll just celebrate the entire week! 

Have yourself a great weekend!!!!

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. I enjoyed your Friday letters. I hope you have a great weekend!

  2. Thanks for sharing your morning and your thoughts! Always fun stopping by!

  3. Cici, What GREAT Friday letters. I could not agree with you more about "the Donald" needing a big does of humility - and perhaps a side order of a reality check would not go amiss either.
    Fall is almost here - hooray!!!

  4. Hi there, Here it is the last Friday in August and it already feels like fall. Loved this post-especially several of the people you shared your thoughts with. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
    Hugs, Noreen

  5. I love your letters and so happy your house is starting to feel like home…happy weekend!!

  6. Your Friday Letters are great. Amen especially to the one to Mr. Trump.

  7. I always enjoy your Friday Letters. I'm not willing to put all the shame and blame onto the Ashely Madison site ... they wouldn't have been able to stay in business if they didn't have customers, and I suspect that their customers would have found some way to "misbehave" even if there was no Ashley Madison website. It takes a while before we got used to really thinking of our new house as our home ... and to being able to find our ways around the house in the middle of the night, remembering where the light switches are, where we've put stuff away, etc.

  8. Dear Lea.... great post. My fave is your letter to the Donald. Have a good weekend.

  9. Right on!!! So glad the house is starting to feel like home! I love that about trump! HA!

  10. Sweet letters, many that mirror my own feelings. It was cool hear last week. This week, we're apparently going up into the upper 80s! Looking forward to fall, too. I've never heard of American Family Radio; I will have to check that out!

  11. Sweet letters, many that mirror my own feelings. It was cool hear last week. This week, we're apparently going up into the upper 80s! Looking forward to fall, too. I've never heard of American Family Radio; I will have to check that out!


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!