Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Accessing and such..............

Okay, readers, here's the deal..........I've been pondering  my blog for quite some time and am just not sure what direction I am about to take.  For those of you who are not bloggers, blogging takes quite a bit of time, some posts more than others.  There is content to produce, and pictures to edit for use and that can be very time consuming.  
I began blogging 7 1/2 years ago and it has been one of the most enjoyable things things of this nature that I have ever done.  I've learned so much in these 7 1/2 years and I'm a person that just cannot do something halfway.  It's either all or none!  By that I mean, I've always tried to be a consistent blogger because I think that is what readers enjoy and it's what I enjoy.  My favorite bloggers are those that blog with consistency and don't just fade away for weeks or months at a time.
I'm just not a "if it happens, it happens" sort of gal.  Now, I might be better off with my blog if I were.  It seems if I am not working on a blog post then I'm thinking about a blog post.  I'm constantly on the lookout for blog worthy pictures and then edit them and get them ready to put on my blog. I'm beginning to feel that my blog is a bit overwhelming and I do not do well when I feel overwhelmed in any area of my life.  So, what do I do????  

Do I quit something that I'm deeply passionate about or do I rethink the way I'm doing it and set up a new consistency routine? I want to master my blog, not my blog master me and I'm afraid that's sort of how I feel right now.  So, I'm pondering what is best for me and my time.  I want to be a good steward of my time and plain and simple, I feel that I am devoting too much time to my blog.
As I stated previously, I'm an "all or none" sort of gal and I'm not sure that cutting back to less posts, perhaps 1 a week would work for me.  But, it may be what I try before just throwing in the towel on 7 1/2 years of investment.  I am blessed to have a great audience of non-bloggers that read my blog and when they compliment my blog it is like "icing on a cake" for me.  I want my blog to be enjoyed by all who take the time to stop by.
And, of course, I try to be a faithful reader of other blogs, especially those that have become my "blogland" friends.  And, guess what, that takes time as well.  And, yes, I am at a stage in my life that I have quite a bit of time but again, I want to be a wise user of the time given me.  And, not that reading other blogs is wasting time, it is not, it's just that I am afraid that I probably spend too much time doing that as well.
So, here I am, thinking, pondering, praying and hoping to come up with an answer to my dilemma soon.  And, just so you know, this is a very small issue in the big scheme of life for sure.  But, it's a big part of my life and I want to do what will be best for me and the use of my time.  Perhaps I am overthinking the entire situation and need to just "go with the flow."  Blog whenever my heart desires, don't fret over it and just let it happen.  Sounds simple enough. 

But, for now, I'm just going to step away from my blog for a couple of weeks and see how I feel and I will return to let you know what I have decided around the first of March.  I feel I owe that to you, my faithful readers. It has always aggravated me terribly when a blogger that I've been following for some time just suddenly disappears, never to be heard of again and I never know what happened.  So, I'll return with my decision and in the meantime, know that I love and appreciate you all! 
Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. I understand your feelings. I really do.

  2. I stepped away and suddenly it's a year later! I've been thinking about starting back......I have printed most of the years of my blog into books and I read back through them and find that I had forgotten some in that way, it served as a diary of sorts.

  3. Well I have certainly been where your at right now with my blogging as well, so I totally "get it". My blog was started originally as a diary of sorts for my children and my grandchildren. I honestly though didn't think any of them were even interested in them [as none of them really even read it consistently] and yet you can imagine my surprise when it came up one of the last times we were all together and Melody said if I only get ONE thing when mom passes away one day I want those blog books [I print my blogs into a book at the end of each year] in which all of my boys then began protesting. No, they too want those books! In my astonishment I said WHY on earth would you want those so badly? And she said, "seriously Mom?" "they are like a long conversation with you" "it's the story of your life since you became an empty nester" "it's FULL of pictures, and your passions, and your feelings and your faith" "it's years and years of memories written down for us all to read and look back on" Well needless to say that put a different perspective on things for me. We figured the blog posts are all there online to print up into books if they are really serious and want them, or there to read as well. As for me I do try to do just what you said....Sometimes I only post once or twice a week..other times I manage 3 times a week. Rarely do I do less then once though. It is relaxing for me or it wouldn't happen either. Making wonderful blogging friends was never the point for me, but it sure has been the RICH frosting on the cake. I don't follow faithfully many as like you said it does take time. But I do have my favorites and you have always been one of those. I'd miss you should you decide to leave this behind, but I do appreciate knowing what you've done and why. It's frustrating isn't it when someone is just GONE, lol. Enjoy your break Lea, and many blessings to you!

  4. Sweet Lea, I'm praying for you this morning. I'm asking God to give you direction in all areas of your life as you seek Him (especially blogging, at the moment) and that you would be refreshed in this season. Enjoy your vacay! Love you!

  5. I definitely understand the need to re-evaluate and see how it all looks from a wider angle. I've backed away a good bit from social media (other than birthday acknowledgements, prayer requests, and linking my blog). It was easier than I imagined and I miss it less than I thought I would. My blog is different as it's a creative outlet for me. I know I'd miss you if you dropped out completely. Something to consider might be a schedule? Maybe just MWF? Or just T/Th? I think there's a lot of options but also understand letting it go completely. Just know you'd be missed if you go that route!

  6. I know exactly how you feel!!!! ;)

  7. I know, right?! That's millennial speak for, I totally get what you're saying. I have the exact thoughts. I want to be consistent even if I think I don't have anything to say. I would wonder how you were doing if you totally gave up on it. :) We all would. Have a good rest!

  8. Enjoy your rest! I know you'll make a good decision for you and this season. When I was ill I couldn't blog, and oh I missed it! But when I started back I changed the schedule, and the format to suit my new season. Blessings!

  9. I so understand what you are feeling, Lea. I have had the same struggle, and have found that I have backed way off of blogging. BUT, I love my blogging friends, there are so many rich relationships that we have formed, with like minded and kindred heart 'sisters'. I think you are very wise to step back and just see how God leads you. It may be that it just needs to be less, but not none. :) I sure hope so, but you will know... I always love my visits to your blog.

  10. I've never thought of leaving my blog. I only post a few times a week but I like it as a family scrapbook for future generations to read. Wishing you peace in the decision that you make.

  11. All I can tell you is this...been there, done that, still doing it. Blog or post when you feel like it...

    Whatever decision, like Debby wrote, "Wishing you peace." Many Blessings to you.

  12. Lea, you well know some of my blogging frustrations. Right now, I seem to be in a good place with only a Monday and Wed post. I started this Monday series that I am so enjoying. It not only gets me out of the house but meeting people while doing something I love. Once, Dick asked me why I was doing it and I realized my simple answer was, "for me." From then, how many followers I have or how many comments I get doesn't matter. I write and blog because it fills a creative bent I have and for me that is enough. I'm not doing nearly as much on other social media as I used to and am enjoying that break. You will find what works for you but I would hate to see you not blog at all. After all, I wouldn't be here if not for you and you add so much to our little community. Love ya!

  13. Lea,

    You should pat yourself on the back for blogging for so long. Sometimes, doing important life updates, or weekly posts are easier for other bloggers to read and catch up on, too.


  14. I know exactly where your coming from Lea, the best thing to do is take a break and pray about it. Life has overtaken us on occasion and I have had to step back but it's been my family that has encouraged me to continue, if only on an infrequent basis. The Lord will direct you in what is best for you.

  15. Lea...I can relate so well to what you shared. I think that ever since Abby moved out and returned home (praise God!), I've had a difficult time finding my place in the blogging world, again. Might take me awhile. However, I simply can't part with it. I've been recording our family history since 2008 and it's become such an integral part of me. So, I think stepping away for awhile might be what your soul needs. Praying for clarity for will be missed.

  16. I have so enjoyed the time I spent here this morning, reading down through your last posts. The pictures and the sentiments you share, always are a blessing to me! When I came to this post on your thoughts on blogging, I related totally. I have many of the same thoughts and questions on blogging. Thank you for sharing yours. I appreciate you and your blog, and learn a lot from you, as a gracious, Southern lady that you are.


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!