Monday, March 28, 2016

Monday's Musings

Last week was pretty much all things Spring and Easter here at the Culp house.  The Princess stayed with me during the day.  She was on Spring Break but her Mom's break wasn't until this week.  I'm thinking that Louisiana needs desperately to declare Spring Break the same week state wide, for both public and private schools.  I mean really!  I know this is already the way it is in Oklahoma and Mississippi and probably a whole lot of other "smart" states.  Okay, enough on that subject and on to the issues at hand. ~grin~
Hanna Beth and I started off our week by getting our nails done.  She loves getting a manicure and having her nails painted and sits perfectly still for the technician.  And, she was very patient as it took me 3 times as long to have mine done as it did her.  
Pillsbury makes cookie decorating so easy these days.  I found these pre-cut bunny cookies and snatched them up.  I baked them and then Hanna Beth had a fun time decorating them and I mean she decorated every tiny inch of them.  
On Wednesday I took Hanna Beth and one of her friends out to breakfast and then on to see Zootopia.  They both love breakfast and one enjoyed chocolate chip waffles and the other strawberry waffles and of course, a side of bacon.  The movie was very cute and they both enjoyed it.  

We had our family Easter celebration on Friday.  It started with an egg hunt for the girlies.  It was so cute to watch Andi Kate take off in pursuit of some eggs.  She is only 13 months old but she caught on very quickly and even found a couple of the prize eggs.  It was a gorgeous afternoon to be outside and we all enjoyed the fun.  Later we enjoyed a meal of grilled pork tenders, potato casserole, mixed beans, congealed salad and rolls.
 We had birthday cake for dessert as it was Tommy's birthday yesterday.  He thinks his birthday has fallen on Easter Sunday only about twice in his lifetime.  So, we just doubled up on our Easter celebration and celebrated him as well.  Of course, the girls are always looking for a reason to have birthday cake.
My Dad joined in on the fun and had such a good time.  He stayed for a little over 3 hours and that's pretty much a record for him.  Notice that vest he has on.  It is probably 40 years old and he wouldn't part with it for anything in this world.  It is dingy, permanently stained and very tattered, but he loves it and when you are 86 years old you can pretty much wear what you want to and no one had better say a word.  God love him!!!  He's doing very well and still so full of Godly wisdom and I feel so blessed to still have him. 

Yesterday we enjoyed a wonderful worship service and a delicious lunch  with friends.  Then it was home for a rather quiet afternoon.  We did a little work on preparing plants for the back porch and patio and Tommy enjoyed some fishing.  

Have yourself a wonderful week!

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. It all sounds soo good. Your dad looks great, and happy birthday to your hubby! Have a good week!

  2. Lea,

    Looks like y'all had a wonderful Easter. The girls look precious in their bows, and Easter outfits.

    Happy Birthday to your hubby,

  3. Your Dad is positively dashing in his vest. My Dad went to Duke and he has a Duke jacket that he hardly ever takes off. It's about 50 years old. Looks like you had a wonderful week and Easter.

  4. Your dad is such a doll, Lea...he is styling! So happy to hear that your Easter was wonderful and blessed!

  5. From one grandmother to another - love spending time with them. You and the beautiful Princess seem to really enjoy each others company. So special for you both. I know you are enjoying celebrating all the firsts in you new home.


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!