Monday, November 28, 2016

Monday's Musings

Okay, now where did I leave off?  It's hard to believe that one week ago our daughter and our 2 grandsons were here and we were preparing for Thanksgiving.  Now, a week later, and Christmas is staring us in the face.  I so wish that there was a longer time between the two very special holidays.  But, it's always been that way and I'm pretty sure it will continue to be that way. ~ho-hum~

Meanwhile, we had a good time with family this past week.  Bridget and boys arrived and then Tommy's sister and her husband arrived a couple of days later.

Andi Kate was just beside herself over seeing Coleman and couldn't love on him enough.  They are 6 months apart but she's already got this whole "mothering" thing figured out.  They were too cute!

Coleman is one busy little boy.  We never knew where we might find him if he got out of our sight.  And, looks as though he's going to be a climber. ~fun-fun~

Clancy could hardly wait to go hunting and it was a most successful hunt.  Poppa took him 2 mornings and Clancy killed a doe one morning and a buck the next morning.  I'm not sure who was the most excited, he or Poppa.  Tommy started hunting when he was Clancy's age and has been enjoying it ever since.  He definitely doesn't hunt like he once did, but he still enjoys it once in a while and especially when he gets to take Clancy and teach him the ropes of hunting.  They will have a freezer full for sure!  And, in case you are wondering, Clancy did kill both deer by himself.  He held his own gun and pulled the trigger.  He already has a very good eye.

Bridget left on Wednesday morning headed home to Oklahoma and it was extremely quiet around here.  But, if things work out, the whole family will come back for Christmas.  It's was a special family time and the kids really enjoyed being together. Susan and Steve left Friday morning and I spent the rest of the day catching up and getting ready to start some Christmas decorating.  As I said, I so wish there was more time between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

This is random, but wanted you to see our handrails at the front steps.  It took a while to get these once we ordered them but they were worth the wait.  We are so pleased and think they add a very nice touch to the front of the house.  And, they will serve as an aid  to anyone who may need some assistance coming up the steps.  

Wishing you a great week as we enter the Christmas season.  Try not to get your "tinsel in a tangle."

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. What a beautiful family Lea!
    And I love your handrails. They are beautiful.
    I am going to say 'don't get your tinsel in a tangle' when I feel stressed and think of you.


  2. Love the handrails! Beautiful grandchildren. Good luck decking the halls!

  3. The handrails do add a very classy and practical touch to the front of your house. Love the design. And what can I say about those adorable grands. So glad you had this time with Bridget and the kids.

  4. What beautiful and fun pictures, your house was full with overflowing blessings! Yes, I know those grands who are close in age! LOL Enjoy making new memories in your new home!

  5. So glad you got such a fun week with those adorable grands! Our company just left yesterday morning. We have a few sets of grands the same age and I LOVE seeing them together. It gets loud, but it sure makes it quiet now. I also love the hand rails. Welcoming looking and sooo practical too. I for one always use them just to be careful. Enjoy the rest of your week!

  6. My dear Lea, what a beautiful family! I am so glad you had a blessed and fun week :)

    And my, what stunning handrails! They are indeed very classy and look perfect with your home.

    Have a wonderful week. Hugs!

  7. Beautiful pictures (love the stair handrails!!), such cute kids, and what a hunter Clancy is!!! I'm so impressed!

  8. It looks and sounds like you guys all had a great time! And the new railing looks great!

  9. Dear Lea, Love the pics of your family-especially your grandson with his rifle. Both of our oldest grandsons hunt and so far have only gotten Pheasant. I wanted to mention I took down my post from yesterday-been more and more concerned about posting family pictures and yesterday got an email from a man who wanted to use a photo of mine-but he didn't tell me which one, so I took down the kiddos photos. Too many weirdos out there. My daughter and her hubby don't like me posting pics of their kids-for that reason. But I love seeing grands on my friends blogs. Thank you. Your railing looks wonderful! Your home is so beautiful-wish I could come have tea with you!

  10. The handrails are beautiful! Such sweet family photos. :)

  11. Hi Lea...your little grandbabies are the cutest! So happy you had such an enjoyable Thanksgiving with those you love! Ours was great, as well! Love your handrails!


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!