Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Wednesday Hodgepodge

 It's Wednesday and time for Joyce's thought provoking questions......
NOTE:  I have no idea why Blogger will not allow me to increase the size of my font in the first 6 questions.  So, so aggravating but I guess it has a mind of it's own this morning.  I'm so sorry as I know it is almost unreadable! Ugh!

1. Give us three rhyming words that say something about your Thanksgiving holiday (or your most recent holiday gathering if you didn't celebrate Thanksgiving).
I'm not a poet and I know it! 😏  But, 3 "unrhyming" words would be: fun, memories and lots of noise!
2. When did you last say, 'the more the merrier'? Did you mean it?

I'm sure I have said it, but I have no idea when the last time was that I said it.  And, I'm not sure that "the more the merrier" is always true.  Sometimes "less is better."😄
3. What's one piece of advice you'd give someone who is your same age?

Just one piece?  I have lots but one piece would be to enjoy each day because we're not getting any younger.
4. You're ordering a veggie plate, what four veggies are on it?

Oh, I could live on veggies. My four would be: corn, okra, cabbage and broccoli.
5. Shop til you drop! Did you? Have you ever? Will you between now and Christmas?

No, I did not!  I don't think I've ever shopped in actual stores on black Friday and likely never will.  I did get a couple of items off the internet on Black Friday but that's it.  I have definitely "shopped till I dropped" but will not be doing that between now and Christmas.  90% of my shopping is done.  I just need to get it wrapped.
6. What's your favorite chair in your house, and why is it a favorite?

Oh, my recliner!!!  It's where I land after dinner each evening that we are at home.  Hubby has his and I have mine and we share a table that is between them. ~isn't that sweet~
7. Share an early memory of faith, religion, or spirituality.

When I was about 8 years old I wanted a Chatty Cathy doll for Christmas.  Funds were very, very limited at that time and I remember my Daddy telling my brother and me that we would get very little that year for Christmas.  We had some precious neighbors that did not have children and loved us dearly.  They asked my parents what they could get us for Christmas and they ended up getting us the 2-3 items that my brother and I really wanted.  Afterwards my Dad explained to us how the Lord used our neighbors to provide us what he and Momma could not afford for us that Christmas.  And, he further explained how the Lord always provides our needs and often provides over and beyond our needs.  My childhood was filled with many examples of HIS faithfulness through some tough financial times.  But, those times provided me with some precious memories  and gave me a firm foundation of God's faithfulness.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I am always singing the praises of Amazon and that's especially true this time of year.  It has to be the easiest shopping there is.  My daughter and DIL make wish lists in Amazon for the Grans and I merely go over and check the items I want and "wa-la" it's done.  It's scary, it's so easy and if you are a Prime Member, the shipping is super fast.  I mean, why would anyone want to do any other kind of shopping.  I know some folks just have to see, touch and feel, but I don't.  And, should you need to return something, Amazon has made that a painless procedure as well.  I think Amazon should hire me to be their "poster girl."  😀
Added note: Don't forget Dolly Parton's Christmas of Many Colors: Circle of Love is on tonight.  I can't wait!

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. I LOVE Amazon, too. So convenient and Prime gives me free shipping. Have a great week, Lea.

  2. We are both much too regimented for "more the merrier" aren't we. And being PK's we have many spiritual lessons and experiences that have made us who we are now. Yes! to comfy recliners. Re. Amazon Prime - I mentioned to D that I wanted to get a couple books for Ava Grace and he simply whipped out his phone and ordered them. Easy peasy! I messaged you a suggestion for the font issue. Hope it helps.

  3. I'm a big believer in the ease of shopping via Amazon, too! The only issues I've come across recently is that two of my orders went through and were confirmed. Then, a few hours later, I received e-mails informing me the items were no longer in stock, so I had to start over, again. A little frustrating, but it all worked out in the end.

  4. I agree Amazon is a great place to shop. I've done some online shopping at other places for this Christmas, but I'll be hitting Amazon real soon too.

  5. What a sweet Christmas story! :) And I don't know what I would do if Amazon didn't exist. I've gotten very spoiled.

  6. I enjoyed your heart-warming answer to #7. Someone once did the same thing for me during a particularly tough Christmas. I've never forgotten the kind gesture.

    I agree, I love Amazon shopping, and use it for most of my Christmas shopping. I, too, am looking forward to the new Dolly Pardon movie, tonight :)

    Have a great day!
    Kathy (Reflections by Kathy)

  7. I loved your Christmas story! That's just the best! And yes, your recliners are sweet : )

  8. Yes, I do think the table between the recliners is lovely! Thank you for the reminder about the Dolly Parton movie. I sure loved the last one. Trying to find the network. That's a wonderful story about your neighbors helping out at Christmastime. Don't you just know that it blessed them to pieces to be able to do it and your dad was a great one to allow them to do it. (Some men are so proud.) Love abounding!

  9. I enjoyed seeing your response to #7, and I remember Chatty Cathy dolls. How wonderful that you began to learn of the Lord's faithfulness at such a young age.

  10. I've been reading Hodgepodge posts all morning and I definitely have to have a veggie plate for lunch! Love your story on Faith. Enjoy your weekend.


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!