Monday, June 26, 2017

When Dealing with the Unexpected

This past Friday started out as an ordinary day.  I had a few errands to run locally and then I had my annual appointment with my Retinalogist at 1:00 that afternoon.  Tommy and I went down early enough to have a nice lunch before my appointment.

A little background first..............
I have been seeing an Ophthalmologist for at least 40+ years.  I started wearing glasses when I was 6 years old and I just saw an Optometrist until I was in my early 20's and then began seeing an Ophthalmologist.  My paternal family history is not good in the vision area, so I have always tried to take the best of care of my eyes and be very proactive.  About 5 years ago my Ophthalmologist wanted me to start seeing a Retinalogist annually as well. 

The only issue I have had has been floaters and while they can be a nuisance, they have never been a real concern.  

Back in early November this past year I got up out of the bed one morning and as soon as I opened my eyes I saw flashing lights in my far peripheral vision.  I knew that was generally not a good sign and I called my Opthalmologist office and told them I need to come in ASAP.  I went in and was seen by their Optometrist.  I questioned them about seeing their Optometrist and they said that if he saw anything that needed further attention he would send me to my Opthalmologist or Retinalogist.  He went through just a regular eye exam with me, thorough, but nothing like what the Retinalogist does.  He said that the floaters were causing the issue with the flashing lights and said I was okay.  I was relieved but still had some concerns.  But, the flashing lights stopped in a couple of days and have probably only happened  10-12 times since that time. I didn't think alot more about it.

Fast forward to this past Friday and my appointment with my Retinalogist.  As soon as my exam started my Dr. was asking me a lot of questions and saying things to his nurse.  I knew that he must be seeing something that was not goo.  He must have examined my eyes for at least 10 minutes and my eyes were so tired when he finished.  Once he finished he looked at me and said, "you have a very serious eye condition, you have tears in both of your retina's."  WHAT!!!! did I just hear him correctly or was it a bad dream.  Tommy was out in the waiting area and the nurse went and got him so he could hear what the Dr. was saying. I was in tears and the Dr. told the nurse to go get me some water.  I'm thinking, water, Dr. I need a whole lot more than water, how about a tranquilizer? :0))  But, he explained to us that I needed to have laser surgery immediately and that he would do it in a few minutes and for us to go on over to the eye surgical center.  He also explained that he felt sure he could repair the right eye but he wasn't sure that he could the left.  He said if the laser did not repair the left that I would need major eye surgery that would require hospitalization.  Oh, me, so, so much to process at one time!  I asked him why I didn't know this and why I was still seeing perfectly.  He said it was on the back side of my retina and not yet in my field of vision.  I had to think that was a good thing.  

Then he told me that following the laser surgery I could NOT do  bending at the waist, stooping, lifting or do anything that might put stress or strain on my eyes.  Good grief, this was getting worse by the minute.  I'm the gal that goes all day long, bends and stoops without even thinking about it, lifts whatever needs to be lifting and he's telling me that for 6 weeks I will NOT be doing that.

I survived the surgery and it wasn't as bad as I had envisioned but very unsettling.  My eyes were already so tired from all the exams and tests he had previously done and it was hard to follow his commands and move my eyes in the direction he told me to but I did and he said I had done an excellent job when the procedure was over.  And, he said that the laser went well and the left retina did better than he expected it to, so that was encouraging.  I will see him this Friday for my one week check up and then every week for 6 weeks.  He said he won't know the success until the end of the 6 weeks.

Waiting is not my forte and neither is limiting my physical activities.  But, you know what, the Lord never allows these situations without a purpose in mind.  Perhaps it's a time for me to "be still and know."  Perhaps it's another time for me to place my faith and trust completely in HIM for the outcome. And, perhaps I need reminding of how HE is in control and will work all things out according to HIS plan.  It doesn't mean that the outcome is going to be good, it just means that regardless, HE is going to be with me every step of the way.  I covet your prayers in the weeks ahead for full healing of my eyes. 

NOTE: I did mention to him that I had been in to see their Optometrist back in November when the flashing lights appeared in my peripheral vision.  And, I told him that the Dr. told me that it was a result of the floaters I had.  And, now I was sure that was when the retinas began tearing and he just did not see it nor did he send me on to you.  Of course, as Drs. do, he said he doubted that was when it started or my retinas would likely be completely detached by now.  I felt like that was his way of just covering for the other Dr.  Lesson learned! From now on I will really question and/or push to see the specialist!

Praying for these "peepers"

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Keeping you in my prayers Lea. Praying that God will keep his healing hand on you.

  3. Oh, Mrs. Lea! I'm so sorry you are having to go through this, but your water vs. tranquilizer comment made me laugh. I have very poor eye sight as well and floaters, too. Prayers for continued healing.

  4. Lea, this is so unsettling, yet we hear of this kind of thing for people in our season of life. I've had my own startling episodes, emergency trips to eye specialists and such.

    I do know it can happen very suddenly, no matter how conscientious we are about our exams, who is doing the testing, and such.

    It is hard to refrain from normal activities but I know you well enough (via your blog and FB) that you will be the very best patient, doing all that's been instructed and getting stronger for the experience.

    I pray this goes well for you. Do keep us posted because when we share these matters, it helps us all to better understand the ins and outs of life.

  5. I'm sorry to hear about this! Praying for good healing! It is hard to slow down and wait.

  6. I'm glad both eyes went well Lea and pray for good news on Friday. I've had that flashing light thing about a dozen times in my life and it was diagnosed as an aura migraine even tho I had no pain. In the meantime, I recommend a juicy novel ala audible. It makes the time whip by. Keep us posted on your progress.

  7. I have had a couple of "flashing light" experiences over the last few years, and they are kind of unsettling and scary. I did see the eye doc about it and he told me that it is pretty common for those of us in this season of life. Especially for those who are as nearsighted as I am. There was no tearing for me, but I do have floaters. Hubby had the laser surgery done to his however (his tearing was do to an accident) and honestly it worked just wonderfully. He hasn't had a single issue since with the exception of some floaters, so that's good. Thank God they can correct this problem! Praying that you will heal completely and uneventfully. And that the inactivity will not be an issue for you! Hugs!

  8. Oh my, I'm so sorry to hear this but I believe in God's plan for each of us and I am happy to hear that it sounds as though the laser surgery went well in both eyes. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  9. I will pray for your peepers too! I have recently started having floaters in my right eye! I better get that checked out! Have a blessed day, sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way! Take it easy:)

  10. Oh my! Glad they were able to do the surgery! Hugs and prayers!

  11. Lea, I know exactly how you feel.I have had retina problems for 6 or 7 years, macular degeneration, wet. fortunately it was diagnosed in the early stage and injections in the eyeballs ever 6 weeks is holding it at bay. But, personally, I think my central vision is slowly getting worse.

    It was an awful feeling when they refused to renew my drivers license due to my eyesight. Dr. Barron, my retina doc filled out a form so I could get a restricted license so I can drive if absolutely necessary. Actually Celie has done all the driving for probably 4 years , or more. I don't feel 'comfortable' behind the wheel and I trust Celie's driving, so there is no reason to put us, and other motorist, at risk.

    Lea, we will certainly hold you up in prayer as you adjust to a new lifestyle and contemplate future surgery. Not only do we have to react to the unexpected curve balls in life bu we must learn to play the hand we re dealt.

  12. Lea, I am so sorry to read of your eye problems. We do take our sight so for granted and I can certainly understand how threatening any issue could be. My mother had macular so I see my ophthalmologist on a regular basis. Thankfully, there have been no issues of concern. Know I will be thinking about you and praying that the Lord will direct you in how best to use this down time to His advantage, thus yours as well. Love you!

    By the way, Charlie mentioned Dr. Barron. He was my mother's doc as well and she loved him.

  13. That is so scary. I have been wearing glasses since I was 3 and have always had to see an ophthalmologist. In my 60's I developed glaucoma and had to start seeing a Retina Specialist. I have early symptoms of Macular Degeneration but no loss of vision. My husband has the floaters and lights. So I know what you're going through. The waiting is the hardest part.

  14. Thankful that he was able to to the laser procedure that day. Sounds very serious! I will e praying for you!

  15. That sounds so scary! I'm sure you were nervous. Glad to hear that things look promising. Good luck keeping yourself from doing too much activity!

  16. Oh Dear Lea, I am praying for you. Bless your heart. This makes me sad but at the same time I am so thankful that this was caught and something could be done. I am asking our Lord to heal your beautiful eyes quickly. And yes my friend....BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD! He so gently reminded me of those words when I experienced a mini stroke late January. I keep asking Him to be a constant reminder to me of those precious words too. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  17. Oh you sweet lady, I'm so sorry you had to deal with this! I know it's tough since you are a go get er done girl, but maybe you will find blessings in this. I know, I, will certainly be praying for you!! Hugs!

  18. Sending prayers and hugs your way. I know how scary it must be for you. But God is in control.

  19. Oh my goodness, Lea, I know you must've been so terrified, but I'm glad that you were taken care of right away, instead of waiting. You will certainly learn patience during these six weeks. Prayers for you sweet eyes will be lifted up.

  20. Oh Lea...I am so sorry to hear this but yet very glad that you were able to have this surgery before the tearing worsened. We just never know from one day to the next but the great thing is that God has got it all in His control...and yes, sometimes we may just need to BE STILL and KNOW. Prayers for those peepers of yours. ♥

  21. Well that must have been an unexpected turn of events. I am so sorry to know that you've been dealing with this issue. My sister-in-law had this condition and so I understand a little about all the limitations, etc. You'll be a good girl and do just as directed. Adding my prayers to your own.

  22. Lea, i can only imagine the waiting is so difficult. I will be praying for you. I know that God will comfort you and give you peace, Take care of yourself! Hugs

  23. Oh my goodness, Lea! So glad you saw the ophthalmologist and he was able to do the laser surgery right away. I had cataract surgery on both eyes and the not moving much and lifting anything over three pounds is not easy but necessary. I pray that you get through all this and you will be good as new. Take care...let that sweet husband wait on you hand and foot...ha! xoxo

  24. How scary! I get flashing lights or obstructions in my vision before a migraine and the first time it happened I thought I was having a stroke. Now I try to close my eyes and pray for the headache to come because my vision usually goes back to normal once the head pain starts. I am glad your doctor was able to do the laser surgery right away. How precious is our sight. I just prayed for you and the complete healing of your eyes. I will continue to pray. xo

  25. Lea,

    That must've been really hard news to hear. Sending you healing prayers.



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