Wednesday, October 11, 2017

The Wednesday Hodgepodge

From this Side of the Pond  It's the Wednesday Hodgepodge, nothing else needs to be said............

1. On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your sense of direction? 1=can't find my way out of a paper bag and 10=if I've been somewhere once I can find it blindfolded ten years later.
I would definitely be a 10!!!  I was the reason that Navigation Systems were invented.  It was a glorious day when MAPS came into existence.  I just wish it had happened 30 years earlier because me and a map just do not "gee haw" at all.

When was the last time you looked at/used a map you could hold in your hand? (phones don't count!) 
back east, down south, out west, up north
I think I may have looked at a map while we were in Memphis this past spring.  It was a small map inside an information book in the hotel room.  I was trying to see where something was located in relation to the hotel.  Other than that, I couldn't tell you when I've held a map in my hand.

Choose one of these directional expressions and tell us why you chose it.

This is so me!  I need you to give me landmarks, like turn left at the Kroger Grocery Store, I have never grasped north, south, east or west. ~much to my husband's dismay~

2. Did you do more talking or listening yesterday? Is that typical? Describe your yesterday in one word.

I did more talking as I was on the phone taking care of Dr. appointments and other arrangements that took way more time on the phone than I cared to spend.  But, it was necessary!  No, that is not typical, thankfully.  I try to be mindful that the Lord gave me 2 ears and 1 mouth for a reason, that I should do more listening than talking.  I fail at times but I really do try.

3. Time, money, water-power-resources, opportunity...which one on the list are you most guilty of wasting? What might you do to change that?

Oh, my, surely I'm not the only one guilty of wasting all of these at one time or the other.  I sure hope I'm not!  I am very time conscious and try so hard to be wise with mine, but, I seem to still waste it on occasion.  And, I can say the same thing for the other 4 on the list.  To change that I need to be intentional in making sure I do my VERY best to not be wasteful in any of these areas.  Being intentional is key to a whole lot of issues!

4. Did  your family take regular vacations when you were a kid? Tell us something you remember about a family roadtrip from your own childhood.
We did and most of the time it was to see family because we lived 1000+ miles away from my Mom's family for a time and then 1000+ miles away from my Dad's family.  We would generally incorporate interesting stops along the way.  Memories of our traveling is forever etched upon my memory for sure.  We traveled in un-airconditioned cars, and the wind noise was deafening and I couldn't stand the wind blowing through the open windows.  And, their were no baby seats whatsoever and my dear Momma would hold our baby brother in her lap all the way.  Can you imagine?  And, there sure wasn't any seat belts.  Everything about traveling was UNSAFE back "in the day."

5. If you could grow anything you wanted, what would you grow? Why?

I have drawn a complete blank on this, can't think of a thing I want to grow.  I can't wait to read everyone's else's answers to this. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.

This is the newest litter of the Broome Corgi's.  Yes, they made their appearance one week ago today  Our daughter and her husband raise and breed Corgi's.  And, these little puppies are precious but would I have ever dreamed in all of my life that my daughter would be plum silly over raising and breeding any kind of dog.  Not in a million years! They have flown these dogs across the miles to their new owners and they've met their new owners at the airport and given them their puppy.  Some folks don't like for their puppies to fly alone.  They have had some folks drive 800+ miles to pick one up.  Anyway, it is an interesting business for sure and it seems that Corgi's are a most popular dog and make a wonderful pet.  We'll get to see these next week as we're going for a visit and no, we will not be bringing one home with us. ~smile~ So, if you have an interest in one, just let me know and I can sure get you the "hook up."

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. Great minds think alike... I used the same travel quote. Darling little pups. Have a great week, Lea!

  2. The travel quote is so funny. Only concern is nowadays they move landmarks so frequently. Your road trips sound like ours only yours were much farther away. A thousand miles in an un-air conditioned car sounds miserable now, but we survived, didn't we? And I remember my mom holding my baby brother, too. Those puppies are adorable. When my miniature dachshunds had puppies, I was very careful about the people I sold them to.

  3. I also like to be told directions by landmarks. My grandma does too but when the landmark changes we are in trouble :). xoxo ERIN

  4. I'm so with you on the directional challenges and that whole North South thing : ) Occasionally my husband will say something like, 'Well you can see where the sun is in the sky' Huh? Love my GPS! Have fun with those puppies!

  5. Liked the directional quote and can see T getting a bit frustrated with that. John and family had a Corgi that we all absolutely. They really are one of the smartest dogs and an excellent family pet. I still miss her.

  6. Enjoyed your answers dear Lea. Glad to join you today.

    1. On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your sense of direction? 1=can't find my way out of a paper bag and 10=if I've been somewhere once I can find it blindfolded ten years later.

    Well my family would say I have no sense of direction! And most often that is true. I am more of your looking for landmarks kinda of gal. If I've been a few times then I can get you back there. Now telling you how to get there is another story! And...when I am the rider, I pay NO ATTENTION whatsoever! LOL!

    When was the last time you looked at/used a map you could hold in your hand? (phones don't count!)
    Maybe once in my life and then I didn't know what I was doing! I am such a whimp!

    Back east, down south, out west, up north...choose one of these directional expressions and tell us why you chose it.
    The first thing that came to mind was "Up North". A friend of mine used to live "Up North" and she told me just recently that she misses living there and with Florida heat she was ready to go back.

    2. Did you do more talking or listening yesterday? Listening which is a miracle! LOL! Is that typical? Well yes and no. Depends on the situation. Describe your yesterday in one word. Out of the norm but good.

    3. Time, money, water-power-resources, opportunity...which one on the list are you most guilty of wasting? What might you do to change that?

    Loved your answer and I am right there with ya girl. I don't waste money as I truly do consider myself a frugal gal and I live with a frugal man. I try real hard not to waste water,power, resources though I do get in a mess at times by sneaking around when the husband ain't looking to change the thermostat for cooler temps to agree with my HOT FLASHING self. And though I am always doing something....staying busy, I think TIME is still one of those things that I could do better with and I truly miss opportunities that I wish I had not missed by allowing TIME to slip away from me.

    4. Did your family take regular vacations when you were a kid? Tell us something you remember about a family roadtrip from your own childhood.
    Not really and very, very few. We couldn't afford it for one thing and secondly, we had a farm with veggies, chicken houses with laying hens and cattle and that's how we ate and that's how we made a living so that itself took up most of our time. The few times that I actually felt I went on a vacation was with my granny to Alabama as all of her family was from there. I loved those getaways with her. We did go camping some. I didn't really know what a vacation was until I married and began having children.

    5. If you could grow anything you wanted, what would you grow? Why?
    I planted sunflowers and they seem to be growing good right now! My answer would be all sorts of fruit trees! I love fruit trees. I have a pear tree that every other year it produces. I have a plum tree that has never made more than 10 plums! GRR! I have some peach trees growing right now and trying to keep them alive. I also have a tiny lemon tree and orange tree and I am desperately trying to keep them alive.I just wish it was easier!

    Asking God today to help me to not miss out on what He has for me because of the busyness of life.

    Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  7. Oh I totally relate on the north south thing. I have such a hard time with that. Hubby will say just go east and I'll say, no tell me right or left, lol. The puppies are sweet. Have a good day!

  8. Amen! Give me left, give me right! Lol! No compass crap, ha! What sweet Corgi's! Have a wonderful day!

  9. I think I may have seen that travel quote on facebook the other day...and that would be me exactly. If it weren't for the compass built in to my nav system, I would have no idea which direction I was heading! What sweet puppies...corgi's are adorable!

  10. Oh my gosh we are one and the same as far as directional abilities! Give me a landmark any day before you tell me North, South... ha.

  11. Hi Lea,
    I just found your blog when I went to click off leaving a comment somewhere, got distracted looking up, hit send somehow I was off to your blog. That is a good thing because I think it was meant to be...(I'm goofy like that-think God has a hand in everything)

    I am your newest follower and will put you on my sidebar so I don't miss any posts. Hugs- Diana

  12. Too funny! I think that I definitely can't remember holding a paper map with the exception of one I used for cutting up for a Sunday school craft a few weeks ago haha! I'm pretty good with directions in general though. Your vacation memories are hilarious -- right?? How did we all survive haha??! You really transported me back in time with your description! The puppies . . . well, I would take them all!!!

  13. The pups are so adorable, your description of your trips reminds so much of ours, especially with no ac nor seat belts, we certainly had a lot of room to move about.
    I could never handle hand help maps either, and don't know what I would do with out google map,.
    Thanks for sharing and thank you for your sweet thoughts when you visit.

  14. I'm okay with directions but I love having GPS today!! I am so tired of being on the phone making appointments. It seems like that is all I do these days. The puppies are so precious.....


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!