I was a mere 7 years old when Ricky Nelson made this song popular. So, I certainly don't remember it from that time in my life. But, jumping ahead to the 60's and it was one of my most favorites and Ricky was such a heart throb!
It's Late (1959)
Unfamiliar with this week's song. Hear it here.
1) Ricky Nelson laments that he should have been home hours ago. When is the last time you stayed up later than you should have? What were you doing?
Well, I can't remember the last time I stayed up later than I should have. I'm pretty much asleep by 10:15 - 10:30 every night. On a rare occasion it might be 11:00, but I'm a morning person (usually up by 5:30) and I sort of wilt as night falls.
2) Compounding Ricky's problem is that he's nearly out of gas. How is your gas tank right now? When did you most recently fill 'er up?

It is very close to 1/4 of a tank and that's my cue to fill it up. I don't push the envelope on running out of gas. I filled up about 9 days ago and since I was gone for 4 of those days, I haven't had to fill up this week. But, that may be on the agenda for today.
3) It gets worse! He can't call home because he doesn't have a dime for the pay phone. Have you recently been in a situation where you've been glad you had your cell phone handy?

Hummm.....I find it safe to say that most of us are wayyyyy to attached to our cell phones but I'm always glad to have my handy. I can't think of a particular incident but, as I said, I'm always glad to have it handy. ~just being honest~
4) The video for this song is from an episode of The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet. Ozzie Nelson, Ricky's father, was in charge of the show and made the rules. One was that no one was allowed to smoke on the set ... except his wife, Harriet. Do you smoke? Have you ever lived with a smoker?

Oh, my goodness, NO! Now, I did try it about a million years ago and nearly choked too death. And, NO, I have never lived with a smoker. My husband is one of those who has never even tried smoking. I mean, really! I know, hard to believe, but he swears to me that he never has, so I believe him. It really seems to me that less and less folks are smoking but it may just appear that way since it is not allowed in public places anymore. And, I just read on Google that the average price for a pack of cigarette's is $5.51 and are as high as $8.00 a pack in some places. That's a whole lot of money!!!!
5) Life magazine coined the phrase "teen idol" to describe Ricky's popularity. According to Tiger Beat, today's teen idols include Johnny Orlando and Ruby Jay. Johnny was born in 2003, Ruby in 2004. Sam admits that before today, she had no idea who these young people are. How about you?
Well, I'll join Sam in saying I have never, ever heard of either one of them. I don't know if that's good, bad or indifferent. ~smile~
6) While Paul McCartney and Bob Dylan have posthumously praised Ricky Nelson's music, 1950s music critics dismissed him as a lightweight. What's the last review you read? Was it written by a professional critic, or was it contributed by a consumer to a site like Amazon or Yelp?

The article I read was written by a professional critic and she said he was one of the first "Teen Idols" and that his music was a staple to the world of rock and roll.
7) At the height of his popularity, Ricky tried his hand at movies, appearing in the western Rio Bravo with John Wayne. He turned 18 during the filming, and Wayne celebrated by playfully throwing Ricky into a sack of horse manure. Do you think pranks and practical jokes are funny?
No, I'm not much on pranks or practical jokes, especially if they are carried too far and, often they are. Some that are just silly, I might laugh at those.
8) In 1959, when this song was popular, the St. Lawrence Seaway was completed. It connects Canada to our Great Lakes. Without looking it up, can you name all 5 Great Lakes?

I cannot tell a lie, I was only able to remember 3 of them.
9) Random question – You drive past a local motel and see the car of a very married friend right there in the lot. Would you ask her about it?
No, I don't imagine I would unless after a lot of thought and prayer I really felt led to do so. That would be the ONLY way I would.
Enjoy your weekend!
I drew a blank on the Great Lakes as well. I should however, have remembered Lake Huron because we stayed on the edge of that lake and Lake Michigan when we visited Mackinac Island. And who doesn't remember Lake Superior? Oh well, so much for my memory and mental capacity for trivia. BTW, I referenced you in my Wed. blog post. Just FYI!
ReplyDeleteI believe your hubs because I've never tried smoking either. I think growing up with it cured me of any curiosity.
ReplyDeleteFun questions today! I had such a crush on Ricky back in the day. Happy weekend!
ReplyDeleteSmoking just isn't for me either. There are a lot of people vaping now...I am not into that either, but I guess a lot of the high school kids are doing it and it is a real problem. They say it is more dangerous than smoking. So sad. Loved your answers! Have a great weekend!
I am always amazed by the power cigarettes have over people...paying those prices when they don't have a dime to spare on anything else. I agree with you answer to #9. It would really bother me to know something like that and I know I would turn it over and over in prayer, but unless I knew God was nudging me to speak up I wouldn't.
ReplyDeleteJust recently moved to a new apartment, but the last tenants were smokers!! Oh no the smell was so bad!!! We diffused Lemon Essential Oil for like a week just to get rid of the smell from the carpets. Thankfully it worked a charm!
Wow, I had no idea cigarettes cost so much. That's a lot of money to burn up.
ReplyDeleteI had a crush on Ricky Nelson also. Loved the Ozzie and Harriet show. I saw him perform in person when I was in high school and he was a heart throb.
ReplyDeleteI can't stand cigarettes and someone smoking nearby me bothers me. My brother-in-law just died of lung cancer and if anyone could have seen his suffering they would never touch a cigarette.
I would not have remembered all the great lakes.
Like you, a quarter tank of gas is my personal cue to get to the filling station. That is especially important now because we live out from town and the closest gas station -- isn't!
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I am very dependent on my cell phone because it's the best way I can call out for help beyond yelling!
I loved Ricky Nelson! You and I are so much alike:) NO SMOKING, and I hold my nose if I walk past someone smoking. I go to bed at 10:00, watch a little news and off to sleep I go. Up early, just like you! I don't do practical jokes either! Enjoy your day dear friend! HUGS!
ReplyDeleteI just wrote a long comment and all of a sudden it vanished!!!!!! Maybe it was telling me I wrote too much???? I loved Ricky Nelson...loved his music and loved looking at that gorgeous face! Wonder why Ozzie only let Harriett smoke when he wouldn't anyone else. Didn't he care about her health??? My husband used to smoke years ago but thankfully he wised up and quit. A great way to remember all the Great Lakes is....HOMES:) I agree we are all waaayyyy too connected to our cells...I now feel naked without mine. I do feel we are safer with them though. About reviews...I don't trust them. I have read both good & bad reviews that I ended up disagreeing with. I prefer to make up my own mind. And I agree with your answer to #9. Why is it we would automatically think the worst? She could be there to visit an out-of-town friend or something. At any rate, I would think it wasn't something I should stick my nose in unless I truly felt God had led me to! I always enjoy your answers.