Friday, August 16, 2019

A Bit of This and That

And, summer is winding down.  Schools are starting and everyone is getting back into their routines.  In our area, just about all the school systems start at a different time.  It sure makes it difficult if teacher's teach in one system and their children attend school in another.  In  Oklahoma, where our daughter and family live, ALL schools in the state start on the same day and have all the same breaks.  It sure makes sense to me but I don't get a vote. ~what a shame~

About once a year I will go to the deer woods with Hubby.  Tommy doesn't really hunt anymore but he still gets his stands ready and generally puts feeders out for the deer.  About 3 weekends ago he was going to check his stands and set off "bug bombs" to kill wasps and any other creepy critter that might have found a home in them.  I for him to climb the ladders to his stands any more but he still does but very, very carefully.  It was an extremely hot day, mosquito's were awful and the only time we were comfortable was when we were  riding the ATV and the breeze was hitting out faces.  I just prayed the entire time that the ATV would make it back out without any mechanical troubles as it seemed to me that we were at the ends of the earth and no one would ever be able to find us.  Thankfully we made it safely back home.

Last week found us in the Atlanta area visiting Tommy's two sisters and their husbands.  We always have such fun together  and this time was certainly no exception.   "The sisters" and I are "die hard" shoppers and the sky is the limit and the possibilities endless in the area.  And, it didn't hurt that the sales were abundant since it's the end of summer. It was a win win situation.
While we busied ourselves with shopping, the guys  enjoyed hitting the little white ball around the golf course.  Everyone was happy and making memories.

These little sweethearts have been hanging with their CiCi the past few days and will be with me next week.  Their Mom's school started last week and they don't start until the 23rd and 26th.  We went to Wal-Mart the other morning and as I was picking up some groceries, Hanna Beth spotted these animal print dresses in the little girls department.  I thought they were so cute and they had sizes for both of them and I couldn't resist getting them.  AND, they were a whopping $5.88 each.  I mean, could they have cost any less.  They wore them all day the day we got them and if they never wear them again it was worth the fun they had in them that one day.  I thought they were so adorable!
Yesterday morning we enjoyed a big breakfast at our local Huddle House.  Other than it taking an extremely long time to get our food (which is very unusual in our experience) all was good.  I think they had some cooks that were just not on top of their game.  The girls love pancakes and enjoyed our time there.  

These big guys started to school on Tuesday.  Coleman was absolutely beside himself with excitement but that's really nothing new, he's pretty much excited about all of life.  Clancy is a big 5th grader and will have the privilege of having his Mom as his Math teacher this year.  She's a great Math teacher and he's a whiz in Math so they will make a great combination.  

And, this gal, well, she's hanging right in there and hoping to get about 4 weeks of school "under her belt" before baby boy #3 makes his arrival.  Her first day with students the a/c decided to quit working and it was only 100+ degrees outside.  It was not a good start but, bless her, she survived.

This little guy is "snug as a bug in a rug" and is scheduled to make his entrance into the world on Sept. 10th through  induction.  We're just hoping he doesn't decide to come earlier as that's about 2 1/2 weeks before his actual due date.  But, her Drs. did not want to take any chances and decided the 10th would be a good day for his planned arrival.  We certainly like the plan as that allows us to plan on being there for this big day.  The ultrasounds are so detail today that you pretty much know what they are going to look like before their arrival.  Amazing!  Of course, no hints as to his name but we do know it starts with a C.  They have always been very secretive about their babies names as they say it's the only surprise left since we know the sex.  So, there's no monogramming of initials before the birth. Again, I didn't get a vote on this decision. ~it's really fine, I just like to tease them about it~

And, that's the big news from here as we wind down our summer and await the arrival of our
 "icing on the cake." 

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. Great catch-up, Lea. Must be so exciting to have grandbaby number 5 on the way soon.

  2. Oh the excitement of a new baby and having fun with them all, sounds perfect to me! It sounds like you had a great time in the ATL:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. My hubby just came in from the deer woods and is sweating up a storm. I don't really like him going out there by himself anymore but there is no stopping him. I do go hunting with him sometimes (I just watch), but I leave all the prep work to him!!! I know you are so excited about another little baby in the family. Our niece is expecting her second little boy and it is amazing to see the changes in the sonograms! I do sort of miss the surprise of it all though! I think that's an awesome idea about all the schools in the state beginning on the same day. Makes so much sense, but as a retired teacher I know that all in education doesn't always make sense!!!! Love the leopard dresses and the price was awesome. I'm one of those that doesn't care where it comes from...Chico's or Wal-Mart...if it's cute and the price is right I say go for it!!! Plus Wal-Mart has really seemed to amp up it's clothing lines.

  4. Those dresses (and the girls) are adorable! They are shoppers too! Fun times with Tommy's sisters and their hubbies! ATVs are fun rides but I wouldn't want to get stuck out in the woods if one stopped running either!

  5. Another grandson how exciting! And you scored on those leopard dresses. I bet they are not complaining at all to have to stay with Cici.

  6. You are certainly showing your granddaughters what great taste surely is!

  7. Whew, being pregnant and teaching in 100 degree heat does not sound like fun. I loved hearing all the updates on your family. I wouldn't climb up in the deer blind either!

  8. Mom for his math teacher. That's interesting.

    All the children have such bright and happy faces. I join you in looking forward to the arrival of Grandson #3!

  9. Mom, Teacher, Baby! Wow!! Congrats on the new baby coming into your lives. September babies are lovely--just old enough to be aware of what is going on around them at Christmas time.

    I would be worried about hubby climbing up like that, too. Glad the jalopy got you home! lol xo Diana


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!