It is a most beautiful day outside. I love looking out my windows and seeing the sun shining. I am definitely a "sunshiney gal." And, I've always wished that the Lord had designed it where it would only rain at night and the days would always be filled with sunshine. :) But, He knew exactly what He was doing becuase He is the Master Designer.
I've been doing a lot of soul searching in recent weeks and have been very burdened about my lack of scripture memorization. That old saying, "if you don't use it, you loose it" is certainly true. I have memorized so many scriptures over my lifetime, but, sad to say, have great difficulty recalling most of them now. Why? I guess because I thought I would NEVER forget them without continually keeping them before myself. Well, that's sort of like exercising and dieting. We MUST stay with it! So, I searched the web today and found a nice set of Scripture Memorization cards designed by Beth Moore. I ordered them and they are set up to memorize a scripture a week. So, that will be my goal when they arrive. I'm excited and hopefully I will only need to "refresh" my memory on many of them. I desire to be able to recall scriptures at "the drop of a hat."
I've also been longing for some type of good Bible Study to attend and have not been able to find one within our area. Any Bible Study I have ever done has blessed me and certainly enhanced my walk with the Lord. I felt such a longing today that I checked out Beth Moore's website to see what she might be offering online at this time and BINGO there it was - a study of 1st Peter, Proving Us Genuine. It was as though the Lord said, "here it is, now do it." So, this afternoon I began the study and did one session. It is a 10 session study and I can do it however I choose. I think I'm going to do at least a couple of studies a week but will see as I go along. There are study guides that go along with each session and I have downloaded and run those off. I can either listen to Beth or watch her and listen to her. It is so wonderful that this "high tech" age offers such great opportunities. Of course, there are those that might not care to do a Bible Study by sitting at a computer, but it is sometimes a most convinent option and you do not have to comply with anyone else's time schedule but your own.
I'm exited about both of these and look forward to the weeks ahead and I strive to be "more about Him and less about Me."
Hopefully the scripture memorization, along with the Bible Study will be the "boost" that I have been needing spiritually.
Arkansas Weekend
25 minutes ago
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