Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hodgepodge Wednesday

1. What is more important-doing what you love or loving what you do? Well.............I imagine there will all kinds of "deep" answers to this, but for me, I think  they are both important. Although there are plenty of times in our lives that we just have to do something because it needs to be done, and love has nothing to do with it.  So, we get over it and do it, plain and simple.

2. Do you like bleu cheese?
Yes, yes, yes but my husband almost gags when I eat it. Blue Cheese dressing is just the best!

3. What is the most difficult emotion for you to handle?
 I think it would be sadness. Thank goodness I have not experienced a lot of sadness in my life, but when I have I have cried, and cried and cried.  I think tears are the best dose of medicine in the world and I always feel better after a good cry. And, while I don't cry that often, when I do, I make it worth my while. ~smile~

 4. Fresh flowers or a box of chocolate? Oh, hands down, flowers! I'm just not a lover of chocolate, I like it, but not enough to be given a box of it. ~smile~ Plus, flowers are "calorie free."

5. What's a song you love that has the word 'love' in its title? It doesn't have to be a 'love song'.  It was hard for me to settle on just one, but "Because You Loved Me" by Celine Dion is one of my all time favorites for sure. 

6. Are you the person you wanted to be when you grew up? Overall I think I am but there is always room for improvement. ~smile~

7. Any special Valentines Day plans?

Yes, we will be going out to dinner with other couples on Friday evening to celebrate Valentine's together.  It will be fun time for sure! And, then I'm planning on having the kiddos for dinner Sunday evening for a "love celebration."
8. Insert your own random thought here. It seems there cannot be a post without the mention of weather right now.  We're expecting snow, ice and all things wintry this morning.  It appears that we are NOT going to miss it either.  It is so, so unusual for us to have this type of weather 3 times in one winter, but looks like this one is going to be different.  Did you hear me say, I am so ready for SPRING!!!

I'm linking up with Joyce at Hodgepodge Wednesday and invite you to do the same.  If not to link up, then I invite you go over and read more fun Hodgepodge entries.

May the sun shine brightly wherever you are!
Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. It's been a very intense winter, weather-wise, hasn't it? Snow is one thing, but ice ... ugh. I'll be praying that the weather won't be too awful ... stay safe.

  2. Love your sweet Wednesday posts! I agree about the flowers...chocolates ARE my favorite, but then again, flowers are beautiful and totally guilt-free :) Oh, and I'll let you in on a little secret...I'm going to Vegas in March (to celebrate my bday) and I'm seeing the opening night of Celine's new tour at Caesar's Palace :):) LOVE that song, also :)

  3. We are 'snow free' today. Lots on the ground but none falling. Thank goodness! I am really tired of it...we've had too much this year.

    Enjoy all your Valentine celebrations!

  4. True... flowers are calorie free! smart! :)

    Finally - someone else who likes Bleu cheese... I think we're in the rarity today!

    I am now doing my best Celine Dion impersonation :)

  5. I agree, I thought they were the same too for #1. I picked sadness too. I'm not sure if we are going out for Valentines day but it won't be on the day, my husband doesn't like crowds.

  6. We are expecting ice/snow mix here in Central Alabama. Loved your song choices. Enjoyed dropping in on you.

  7. We are actually having a bright, sunshiney day today, and the temperature is supposed to hit 72. I'm enjoying it while I hear how everyone else is suffering. : )

  8. I also believe #1 could have some deep answers.

    Have fun going out with the other couples while celebrating Valentine's

  9. WE are buckling down for the weather here, too. Yesterday I got my closets cleaned out but today I am having trouble getting motivated...I am FREEZING...all I want is to cuddle under a warm blanket and read a book with a mug of hot chocolate in hand!

    Hope you all stay warm and safe!

  10. Hold on...spring is on its way! Perhaps the Valentine's Day outing will make things seem better :)

    I enjoyed getting to know you better through your Miscellany Monday post :)

  11. Hope the winter weather is not too bad. We've had snow on the ground for over three weeks here. Have a fun Valentine's weekend!

  12. How special that you'll be celebrating love with your entire family. I wish my family was all close enough to get together.

  13. So--did you get the predicted precipitation? We wound up with about 3 inches. I think it's snowed at least once a week since before Christmas. Luckily, it doesn't stay around long!

  14. I'm with you on the bleu cheese. I love it! ~ Thanks for praying for us today. We got our pipes thawed out and no busted ones. We have low temps the next day or so though and so we still need prayer that we will get through one more day. We are going to be gone tomorrow night also which makes me a little nervous.

  15. Okay, not with you on the bleu cheese, but so there on the flowers. If I had the money to spend, I would have flowers in every room!

  16. Enjoyed your answers. Yep I will take the flowers over chocolate any day!
    until next time... nel

  17. I actually drafted a post last week for Hodgepodge but only got around to editing and publishing it today .

    Anway, I'm with you on the flowers bit. I like chocolate, but I LOVE flowers. Any time, any kind ,for any reason! Bring 'em on, baby.


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!