I haven't written any letters in quite some time so felt the need to do so. A little letter writing always does the mind good.
Dear 2014 - where have you gone? Wasn't January 1st just the other day? And, is it true that the older we get the faster time goes? I sure hope not!
Dear Jane.com - why did I even have to find out about you. You are even better than Zulily and you tempt me more than I need to be tempted with all your super discounted prices.
Dear Internet - you make Christmas shopping so insanely easy that now the most difficult part of Christmas shopping is the wrapping of the gifts. Some folks say that they have to "touch and feel" before they buy, well, not me. I'm good with just seeing it and I would say that 90% of the time I'm happy as a clam with what I ordered. And, it's so great when the kids just email you the link for the item(s) they want and then you do not have to wonder if you are getting the right size, color, etc.
Dear DWTS - I do not watch your show but this season I have been recording it so I can keep up with Sadie. She is like a breath of fresh air and I am hoping she takes it all the way to the finish line. I fast forward through everyone except Sadie but have seen enough that I'm thinking your show should probably be rated "R" except for Sadie's dances. ~nuff said~
Dear Cervical Injection - I'm going to get one more of you this next Thursday and am really hoping that you "do the trick" this time. The first two "did the trick" for about 6-8 weeks and then the pain returned, not as severely, but still a huge aggravation to me. So, my Dr. (a Neurologist) says that he wants me to try one more. If it doesn't work then he will go in and remove the bone spur and that will take care of the issue. I'm just so thankful for a Dr. that is willing to do the least invasive surgery should it come to that. I had seen another Dr. (Orthopedist) and he said I needed to have the disc removed. No, I don't think so, the Neurologist says that removal of the bone spur is all that is needed. And, I, personally, would NEVER let anyone one but a Neurologist do any surgery on my neck. ~just sayin'~ It's amazing to me how many folks just take the word of Drs. as the gospel and never get a second opinion or see a specialist.
Dear Hallmark App - can't believe I didn't know about you until a couple of months ago. I so enjoyed watching both seasons of Cedar Cove in the mornings while I walked on the treadmill. Now, I'm enjoying some of your movies. You rate right up there with Netflix except for your bothersome ads. But, since you are free, guess that explains the reason for the ads. Ugh!
Dear New House - a friend stopped by to take a tour of you the other day and her comment to me afterwards was, "this is one of the most livable houses I've ever seen." I'm not sure she realizes what a compliment that was to me, and, you are only half way finished! Bet she will really think you are livable when she sees the finished product. ~exciting times~
Dear Voters - election time is just around the corner and it is of utmost important that we all go and vote! We are at a most critical time in our country and I hope you will give much prayer and thought to those that you vote to put into office to make decisions on your behalf. This is serious business!!
Dear Care Zone Meds App - you rate right up there with the best apps available. It is so nice to have my medications scanned in and if I ever need to refer to them, they are on my phone. No more having to remember what I take, how much I take or when I need to have it refilled. I enjoy it and I'm only on two medications so I know if folks are on lots of medication they would really, really like you. And, you have lots of other features that make you very worthwhile, such as a place for other members of the family's medications.
Dear Voters - election time is just around the corner and it is of utmost important that we all go and vote! We are at a most critical time in our country and I hope you will give much prayer and thought to those that you vote to put into office to make decisions on your behalf. This is serious business!!
Dear Care Zone Meds App - you rate right up there with the best apps available. It is so nice to have my medications scanned in and if I ever need to refer to them, they are on my phone. No more having to remember what I take, how much I take or when I need to have it refilled. I enjoy it and I'm only on two medications so I know if folks are on lots of medication they would really, really like you. And, you have lots of other features that make you very worthwhile, such as a place for other members of the family's medications.
Dear Readers of my Blog - please know that I am more than appreciative of your sweet comments about my blog. Hardly a week goes by that some random person doesn't stop me to tell me how much she enjoys my blog. I'm often so surprised at the various ones that stop by my blog and it's like icing on the cake for me. I blog for myself and if others enjoy it, then that's all the better.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!!!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!!!
Well, am I excited to find out more about those apps. I have been doing more shopping for myself online but am still leary of doing it for anyone else. My bunch are all at ages, they just prefer money in hand, I think. Enjoyed reading your letters today. Hope you have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteI think I'll have to check out a couple of these ap's. I'm with you on getting second opinions, especially when it involves surgery, hope this injection gives you lasting relief
ReplyDeleteLea, what a joy to read... so fun and well thought out!
ReplyDeleteI get injections too but for arthritis in my lower spine. So I know what you are going through!
Thanks for the app heads up!
jane.com? Hmmm, I'm going to go check that out!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you regarding online shopping. I rarely have to return what I order online.
I, too, blog for myself, but there is a thrill from the sweet readers who stop by and comment, isn't there?
Praying that this final injection gives you some real relief.