It's Wednesday and that means more questions from Joyce. And, today's is on one of my favorite subjects - birds.
Vegetarians keep calm and Hodgepodge on.
Oh, my goodness, yes, Hubby is a big time deer hunter and has been for about 55 years. Deer gun season opened this past Saturday and it was the first time in Tommy's history of hunting that he has not gone the first day. The past few years his interest has lessened somewhat and this year he's sort of distracted by the new house. But, he has some gorgeous trophy's from his years of hunting and thankfully he has an office to hang and display those in. I am not a fan of wildlife in one's home, but that's just a personal preference. I have eaten venison and duck but am not a fan of either. Ground deer does make some really good chili though and it's much healthier than beef for sure.
2. What high spot have you visited that gave you a wonderful 'bird's eye view' of something below?
On one of my trips to NYC we went up to The Top of the Rock in mid-town Manhatten. Talk about a bird's eye view - breathe taking for sure!
3. Do you have any birds in your home? These could be either real live pets or decorative, as in bird prints, knickknacks, fabric or pottery.
I do not have any of the live kind, but every other mentioned, I have. I love bird decor! I have some beautiful Andrea birds, I have some of the fat pottery type birds and a couple of beautiful bird prints. Birds will definitely find a spot in our new house.
4. Tell about a time you 'killed two birds with one stone'?I guess that's sort of what I'm doing now as I begin the packing process and while I pack I'm going through things and getting rid of things. It's a most fulfilling process.
5. Your favorite song with a bird in it's title?
I have always loved Snow Bird by Ann Murry. In fact, there wasn't a song by Ann that I didn't like and still do.
6. What most recently gave you goose bumps?
Well, this is pretty silly but watching Mark and Sadie do the Rumba last week on DWTS. It was perfectly beautiful and done with such style and grace. We are so proud of our North Louisiana sweetheart. I do believe she and Mark are headed straight to the top.
7. Halloween is this Friday...any plans? Did you trick or treat as a child? Carve pumpkins? Share your most memorable costume.
No plans as of yet and probably won't have any. I did trick or treat as a child and it was all fun in those days and the neighbors always made homemade treats for us and there was never any worry with us bringing it home and eating it. We did carve pumpkins but never had any that would have won a prize for sure. But, we sure did have fun trying. I cannot even remember any costume so guess none were all that memorable. ~sigh~
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Are your mailboxes as full as mine with all the Christmas catalogs? I think I started getting them in early Sept. and probably have thrown 90% of them straight into the trash. First, I've pretty much finished my Christmas shopping now and I will generally just find the item I'm looking for on the internet rather than browsing through catalogs. I have found myself browsing through home decor catalogs lately and that's pretty much the only catalogs that make the cut here. I know these catalogs cannot be cheap to print and it makes me feel a little bad that I just chunk them before ever even opening them but, it's just the way it is.
~so much for my random thought~
Oh the catalogs! We probably get three or four versions of Pottery Barn (home, outdoor, Christmas, soft furnishings) and Orvis every week. It's excessive and a lot of overlap. I look through the catalogs, but normally order online. I am a big fan of birds in decor too : )
ReplyDeleteWe love DWTS and Sadie and Mark's rhumba was beautiful. We also love SYTYCD and went to their concert last Thursday.
ReplyDeleteLike you, Lea, I'm a fan of Ann Murray. My fav is "May I have this dance for the rest of my life..." Beloved will actually take the initiative to get out of his recliner to dance me around the kitchen when this comes on.
ReplyDeleteI only have seen one catalog but I'm thankful for that. It seems like the mail is mostly political ads right now.
ReplyDeleteI am the same way with catalogs. Many of them go straight from the mailbox to the trash. They would save a lot of money, if they would stop circulating them (and maybe pass those savings on to us consumers. I do an awful lot online as catalog needed. Hope you have a great day.
ReplyDeleteYes, I'm getting several catalogs too. Some interest me, most do not.
ReplyDeleteI included a picture today on my answers and used your idea with the heart to cover my cousin's face. It's an old picture but thought I'd still cover her face. :)
I'm sort of 'going through and getting rid of" too, in hopes of making it easier when we do eventually move. No sense keeping what we don't love or use, right?
ReplyDeleteBirds will always be in my decor, too:P)
I haven't been getting too many catalogs in the mail ... but if I do, they go straight into the recycle bin!
ReplyDeleteSame thing with all the political flyers we're getting. I'll be glad when this election is over.
It's always fun to read your answers to these questions. I also love Ann Murray and am very familiar with that song. She has a beautiful voice. Years ago, I used to get so many Christmas catalogs but not so much now. I guess they don't all know my new address and I'm happy to keep it that way.
ReplyDeleteHi, Cici!
ReplyDeleteI love to eat wild game.
My husband is not a hunter.
We have been blessed to have friends who are hunters or we go to wild game meals.
When my sister was first married her husband would have stuffed fish on the walls. Kind of creepy, if you ask me.
I do like to see a good moose or deer head on a wall, though.
Ann Murray is a new artist to me.
I think she has a beautiful voice.
It's a shame that all the fun has been taken out of Halloween.
With the gory outfits and the tainted candy.
Have a great weekend.
Remember to set your clocks back.
I hope to visit NYC someday. I would love to see central park from a birds eye view with the Fall foliage. I agree packing and going through things is definitely two birds at one time. Snow Bird is a great song. Yes I have been getting a lot of catalogs and way to go on getting your Christmas shopping almost done. I'm just not in the mood yet! Happy Halloween.....