Ah, it's time to answer Joyce's questions for the week. Thankfully she always comes through for us as I do not imagine my brain could put together a post of my own today. It's too weary and worn from the final phase of building a house. So, off I go for a little mental therapy by answering this week's questions.
1. June 23rd is National Pink Day. What's your favorite something pink?
I really like pink clothes but they seem to be hard to find for me. I do have one pink item that I absolutely love. It is a bamboo nightshirt by Yala. It's yummy soft and super comfortable. If you aren't familiar with Yala, you need to check it out. And, yes, among other places, you can find it on Amazon. ~is there anything you can't find on Amazon~
2. What did you enjoy most about gym class when you were in school? How about the least?
We generally had a lot of good laughs in gym class and I've always been about some good laughing. The thing I hated was the navy bloomers we wore in Junior High. My goodness, they were horrid but it was the uniform of the day and I put a smile on my face and wore it. The white top wasn't so bad. ~thank goodness~ Part of our laughter was because of our lovely uniforms.
3. What memory is brought to mind by the smell of roses?
I can't really think of a memory, but I always think of Hubby when I smell the rose scent. He has always loved the fragrance of roses and I use to wear Tea Rose perfume and just recently found it online and ordered some more of it. It's an old, old perfume but is the perfect fragrance of roses.
4. Do you prefer to read or write?
Humm.....I would have to say write. I enjoy writing my thoughts down and that's what lead to this blog. It's been so enjoyable to have this means to express myself and if someone else enjoys it, then that's just icing on the cake for me.
5. Sam Keen is quoted as saying, 'Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability.' Would you agree? Is laziness ever respectable? How will you be lazy this summer?
Well, our deep summer here in NE Louisiana gets so hot that it's real easy to just do nothing, and if there are those that do that, I'm find with it. We all need a time to "stop and smell the roses" and what better time than in the deep of summer. I will NOT get to be lazy in the least this summer. I have way to many fish to fry!
6. The Florida Keys, Disney World, or a resort somewhere on the Gulf Coast...which Florida destination would you choose (and why) if the trip were today?
Oh, I'd take off for Seaside, Florida tomorrow if I could go somewhere right now. I know folks that have been there and have given it such high rankings. It appears to be a very nice place for some R and R.
7. What question do you hate to answer?
I'm racking my brain and cannot think of one. But I bet when I read some of the other responses to this question that will spur a response from me.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I really like pink clothes but they seem to be hard to find for me. I do have one pink item that I absolutely love. It is a bamboo nightshirt by Yala. It's yummy soft and super comfortable. If you aren't familiar with Yala, you need to check it out. And, yes, among other places, you can find it on Amazon. ~is there anything you can't find on Amazon~
2. What did you enjoy most about gym class when you were in school? How about the least?
We generally had a lot of good laughs in gym class and I've always been about some good laughing. The thing I hated was the navy bloomers we wore in Junior High. My goodness, they were horrid but it was the uniform of the day and I put a smile on my face and wore it. The white top wasn't so bad. ~thank goodness~ Part of our laughter was because of our lovely uniforms.
3. What memory is brought to mind by the smell of roses?
I can't really think of a memory, but I always think of Hubby when I smell the rose scent. He has always loved the fragrance of roses and I use to wear Tea Rose perfume and just recently found it online and ordered some more of it. It's an old, old perfume but is the perfect fragrance of roses.
4. Do you prefer to read or write?
Humm.....I would have to say write. I enjoy writing my thoughts down and that's what lead to this blog. It's been so enjoyable to have this means to express myself and if someone else enjoys it, then that's just icing on the cake for me.
5. Sam Keen is quoted as saying, 'Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability.' Would you agree? Is laziness ever respectable? How will you be lazy this summer?
Well, our deep summer here in NE Louisiana gets so hot that it's real easy to just do nothing, and if there are those that do that, I'm find with it. We all need a time to "stop and smell the roses" and what better time than in the deep of summer. I will NOT get to be lazy in the least this summer. I have way to many fish to fry!
6. The Florida Keys, Disney World, or a resort somewhere on the Gulf Coast...which Florida destination would you choose (and why) if the trip were today?
Oh, I'd take off for Seaside, Florida tomorrow if I could go somewhere right now. I know folks that have been there and have given it such high rankings. It appears to be a very nice place for some R and R.
7. What question do you hate to answer?
I'm racking my brain and cannot think of one. But I bet when I read some of the other responses to this question that will spur a response from me.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
If you read my last entry you saw that we had grab bars, higher toilets and wider doorways put in our new house. Well, one of my young blog readers commented that she had fallen a couple of weeks ago and injuried her foot and she would give anything to have a grab bar in her shower. She's about 40 years old. So, see, all ages need grab bars, they are not only good for aging, but for accidents, surgeries, or illness. I'm pretty sure we made a wise decision.
We went to the Carillion Beach Resort Inn for a week long New Years break and there were many coastal towns along the 30A. Seaside was charming, and had lot's of fabulous places to dine. Rosemary Beach also had beautiful architecture, and lot's of home décor shops. Perfect little getaway!
ReplyDeleteJust popped back and read your post about the hand rails. Seems perfectly sensible to me, especially as you're doing it now so can fit these in with the design and they blend in. We will look to downsize at some future point and one of the things I will be looking out for will be that the stairs could take a stair lift - our current house couldn't. If like your friend one of us had an accident that made stairs difficult in our current home it would be a nightmare.
ReplyDeletei enjoyed hopping back on the Hodgepodge this week....I always enjoy it. Now those gym bloomers you had to wear were hysterical! lol. We just had plain navy blue shorts...lol. As for the bar in the shower, personally I think it was brilliant. We added a bar in the tub/shower in the guest bathroom and one beside the toilet and another on the steps coming up the back porch when mom moved in. it was just a necessity. And you could tell they had been added, and I never felt they were secure enough...though I am sure they were. Yours look BEAUTIFUL! And your right too, necessary for many things sometimes besides old age. Enjoy your day!
ReplyDeleteOh my those bloomers! We didn't have those even in my day. They are horrible! I know this is very busy time for you, but do hope you can find time to relax and smell the roses during these lazy days of summer.
ReplyDeleteI agree about the grab bars. When we moved into this house there was already a grab bar in the tub. I have used it numerous times, especially when I suffered with dizziness. I still like to use it for balance when shaving my legs and when I am leaning over to clean :)
ReplyDeleteAmazon does have just about anything you could want. I love shopping there.
Those gym shorts are actually CUTE compared to what we had to wear. Ours were 100% polyester red knee-length shorts. Is anything more horrid on a preteen girl? I love roses of all kinds .Happy weekend.
ReplyDeleteHa ha, my sweet friend! And thank you for the subtle mention! I still stand by my stance of saying that you did the right thing! I also say, "here, here!" to Wendy's comment above about the stair lift! You don't know how many friends of ours have joked about that very thing since my fall! Whew! Felicia and I are hanging in there! I am so excited because we're "getting out of the house" tonight! I'm going out to dinner with my family and Wayne promised a Target trip! Yay me! He even went to my parent's last night and picked up a wheel chair! I might just buy the whole store out!
ReplyDeleteI always enjoy reading your Hodgepodge Wednesday, CiCi, The bloomer gym shorts are so cute, reminds me of mine. Having the wider doors, grab bars and higher toilets was a great idea, wish we had done that when we built our homes in 2000!
ReplyDeleteThe fragrance of roses is one of my favorite!
Looking forward to you showing the house when it is finished!
Enjoy your evening,
You know..... I can't think of anything I've ever looked for on Amazon that they didn't have.
ReplyDeleteLoved all your answers today (those gym class bloomers are atrocious!). The idea for wider doorways and grab bars is excellent. As we age the aches and pains come and go, so a little help is much appreciated. You have thought of everything for this new house!!
ReplyDeleteAnd I thought our gym uniforms were bad ... bloomers? Ugh! I'm ready to pack up and head to Seaside now. We've never been, but I wouldn't mind going ... after all, there's a beach! ;-)
ReplyDeleteI think you made the right decision with the grab bars and raised commode. We don't like to think we will need to use these things but, your right there have been times even in my younger years those things would have been helpful. Had to laugh at the bloomer shorts, I wore something similar, only my bloomers were yellow and we wore a short "dress??" over them...awful, I think the uniform was why so many tried to ditch gym...lol. Those were the days. Hope you have a nice weekend
ReplyDeleteP.E. outfits were always so ugly and unflattering. If you had those bloomers they look like a diaper cover. I'll have to check Seaside out. I was thinking that people must keep asking about when your home will be ready.