Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wednesday Hodgepodge

It's Wednesday and that means the Hodgepodge with Joyce.  I'm not even sure what I'd find to blog about on Wednesday if it weren't for Joyce so hope she keeps those questions coming. ~big smile~

1. It's October so let's get this out there first thing...have you jumped on the all-things-pumpkin bandwagon? How so?
Well, as a matter of fact, I have.  I added some pumpkins and fall decor to the inside of the house last week and then had the front porch decked out the past two days.  I love a welcoming front porch and am so glad that we have a porch on this house as we had a porch on our former home and I love their presence. As to cooking with pumpkin, that will not likely happen until on into November.

2.  "We have more power than will; and it is often by way of excuse to ourselves that we fancy things are impossible." Francois Duc De la Rochefoucauld

What's something you once thought impossible, but in hindsight see as more a matter of lack of will?

Several years ago I bought a 35mm camera and very shortly afterwards decided it was just not for me.  Way too much trouble and big.  I don't know that I thought it was impossible but I certainly lacked the will to "hang in there." 

3. The rose is America's National Flower, but every state also has its own (click here to see the list). Are you happy with yours? If you were in charge what would you declare your state's flower? If you're outside the U.S. what bloom would you like to see labeled as your country's national flower?
Indeed I am. It is the Magnolia and I think most folks associate the Magnolia with the South.  I am having an arrangement done right now that is going to have some beautiful silk magnolia's in it.

4. What have you lost interest in recently?
The Presidential race  and our state Governor's race.  Gracious, enough is enough and the Presidential election is still over a year away.  And, I'm sure I should not be losing interest but should be really paying attention, but right now, not so much.

5. In your opinion, who's the best living musician?

Not so sure who I would label the best, I have a lot of favorites and Kenny Gee was one of the first who popped into my thoughts. I love instrumental music and guess that's why he came to mind.  But, as I said, I have so many favorites from all musical genres.
6. S'mores-love 'em or no? Ever make them indoors? Last time you sat around an outdoor fire? Are making s'mores and sitting round a fire pit on your autumn bucket list? Do you have an autumn bucket list?

I am embarrassed to say that I have never had a S'more but there is no doubt in my mind that I would absolutely love them.  Thinking it is time for me to remedy that and make some.  There is no autumn bucket list here.  Guess that doesn't sound very exciting but we are still in the "recovery mode" from our move. ~smile~
7. Your favorite small town? Why?

The one we live in because it has been home to us for 41 years and my husband has built a successful business here .  We have dear, dear friends  and while a lot of tough changes have taken place here in recent years, it is home and we love it. 
8. Insert your own random thought here. 

Taken on her 1st birthday
Today is our little Princess' 6th birthday.  She has brought so much joy to our lives and we are so thankful for her.  She said to me the other day, "CiCi, I love you more than Jesus loves me."  Now, if you don't think that didn't melt my heart, then think again.  I thought that was a very profound statement coming from a nearly 6 year old.  Hanna Beth, we are celebrating the blessing of you today!

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. I'd don't have a lot of interest in the Presidential race either. I never had enough thought to be able to lose any. :)

  2. I'm kind of losing interest in the presidential fiasco as well. Your granddaughter's pic is precious. They grow so fast! Enjoy your week.

  3. Happy, happy 6th birthday to Hanna Beth! She is so precious!

    As for your Magnolias, I love them, too. They can't begin to grow in Colorado's harsh climate, but I take great delight in spotting them whenever we are in the South.

  4. Dick asked me yesterday if I knew it was early voting in the governors race. I did not, and furthermore am so disinterested in that and our local elections even though I recognize how important they are. And to think we have a whole year to hear about the presidential candidates. Happy birthday to precious Hannah Beth. What a blessing she is to all of you.

  5. Happy Birthday to your little granddaughter! So sweet! I'm all for the magnolia, too...just screams southern to me.

  6. I am melting from the cuteness! I don't have enough small children in my that in-between stage where all the children in our extended family are almost grown, and grandchildren are still far away. :)

  7. Yes the presidential race is definitely something to lose interest in. I think it is time for you to eat a S'more! Happy 6th Birthday to your little Princess.

  8. I'd love it if we could call a two month time out on all things election. Ugh! Happy birthday to your little sweetheart : )

  9. What a darling she is! That statement would melt me, too!

  10. Funny post. Enjoy Kenny G! She is precious. So glad you are enjoying your new home and decorating for fall. I pray the new grand is also doing well.


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