Friday, October 30, 2015

Friday Favorites

It's been a few weeks since I participated in Friday Favorites and I've missed it. So, today thought I'd share some of my favorites and they may end up being some of yours as well.

Bernie Mevs, where the name came from, I have not a clue. ~guess I could Google and likely find out~ But, they are the most comfortable shoes.  I'm not particularly fond of their looks but it's generally  hard to find a really sharp looking pair of shoes that's 
comfortable as well.  But, there are days that these are the perfect shoes and they come in several styles.  They are referred to as "the 12 hour shoes."  So, sounds like they might be the perfect shoe for someone that has to be on their feet a lot during the day.  I like this style because it has some height to it and a strap across the top.  I have such a narrow foot that I probably could not even keep them on if it weren't for those straps. 

If you are ever in need of ready to use white chicken meat then you will love the Tyson Grilled and Ready.  I wanted to make Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti the other day but I did NOT want to take the time to boil chicken breasts for the meat to go in it.  So, I just knew that I could find something that was already cooked and here's what I found.  It worked like a charm and it's less than $3 a bag.  Of course, there are many ways you could use it and they come in 2-3 different seasonings.  I'll be making sure that I have this on hand from now on.  And, I used it a couple of days ago for Chicken Noodle Soup and it worked beautifully for that as well.  I'm not sure how long this has been out and I may be way behind times on it, but I'm so glad I now know about it.

Okay, are any of you out there Essential Oil users?  I have been researching Essential Oils for a while and am awaiting my first supply right now.  In my research I was most impressed with DoTerra and decided to go with them.  I know folks that have such great testimonials about Essential Oils and just decided I would give them a try.  I'll let you know my opinion after I get "into" them.  I also ordered the DoTerra Essential Oil Guide to serve as my reference.  After researching the various companies DoTerra was definitely my favorite and I'm hopeful it will stay a favorite once I start using them.  DoTerra is made from all natural ingredients and many of the others are made from synthetic.  Time will tell if I am a testimonial along with some other folks I know. Stay tuned........
Ladies, does this not look like a little piece of heaven that could be perched in your back yard?  It is called a She Shed. I had never heard of such until last week and then I went to the internet to check them out and feel in love.  They are the women's version of a Man Cave.  They can be build anyway you might like but they are all very tiny and cozy.  Now, even though it appeals to me, I will not be having one built I can assure you.  Hubby would tell me that this new house is the closest thing to a She Shed that I will ever have. ~and I'm good with that~ But, they are so, so neat and talk about getting away from it all...........there's no doubt it would be a favorite if I had one. ~wink~

Have yourself a great weekend and don't forget to turn your clocks back an hour Saturday evening. ~not a favorite of mine~

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. I'll be interested to hear about the essential oils. I know a couple of ladies that sell the DoTerra and have been doing my own research but want to hear from someone who actually used them, keep us updated. Hope you have a nice weekend.

  2. Well I am going to be checking into those shoes for sure. I am on a constant search for comfortable! And I have been a regular user of that chicken for a while. Your's soo tasty and good for MANY recipes. My favorite is just cutting up some of it for my salad for lunch. And I too will be really interested to see what your feelings will be on the essential oils. Enjoy your week-end!

  3. I'd need electricity for my She Shed ... to run my sewing machine and enough lighting for hand quilting! ha! I've pondered essential oils, but I'm clueless how to use them (and a little skeptical of all the hype they're given ... from what some people are reporting, they'll cure everything from the common cold to cancer). I can't wait for you to report back on how they work for you.

  4. Just sent your link to my Mr. with the words: I WANT A SHE SHED! I'll let you know his response. Have a wonderful Halloween weekend, Lea.

  5. Love the grilled chicken. I buy this product all the time. Extremely easy and useful to have on hand at all times.

    Love, the "she shed." Mine would need a wood stove since there would be snow just outside the glass walls, but what a beautiful sight it would be!!!

  6. I got into essential oils a few weeks ago. Michelle is a full believer in them. I am using Young Living and am very pleased. I am seeing results from several of them and plan to keep experimenting and learning. Get a diffuser while you're at it. I keep one on my bedside table and use lavender in it every night. I have another in the kitchen and lemon is so refreshing. Play and let me know what you like.

  7. I do like that She Shed...thank you for visiting, I am a little behind in catching up on blog reading/joining, please forgive me, smiles. Blessings

  8. Alise and I have been craving Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti ever since I bought casseroles for her teachers at Thurman's last week! I'll have to remember to try that chicken; I think I saw it today when I was at Walmart. Love my Essential Oils! I diffuse lavender at night and I sleep so much better! Peppermint is another favorite, especially for our migraines.


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!