Wednesday, December 27, 2017

A Christmas Recap

Whee! Christmas came and went and now, as far as I'm concerned, we're in the longest week of the year.  I have never cared too much for the week between Christmas and New Year's.  It just seems to drag and I'm always ready to jump into the new year.  For now, I'll share our Christmas with a whole lot of pictures and a few words.

Bridget and her boys arrived on the 17th from Oklahoma.  Once she arrived, the wheels were in motion for an early Christmas on the 20th for us.  
We had matching tee shirts and decided it would be fun to wear them while she was here.

A trip to Wal-Mart was needed for a few last minute groceries and Mr. Coleman went with us.  And, can I just tell you that a trip with this little guy will keep you on your toes.  He's busy even when he's confined to the basket of the buggy. ~not joking~

We took 3 of the 4 Grans over to see my Daddy.  We stayed out in the main area of the facility so the kiddos would have room to move around.  Daddy enjoyed the short visit with his Great Grans.

Clancy and Hanna Beth had a good time decorating their Gingerbread houses and playing with the karaoke machine.  The weather was rainy and dreary so it was good we had some inside things to keep them occupied.

Bridget pulled out her American Dolls that she had gotten 25+ years ago.  I have had them carefully stored away.  She redid their hair and put them in the dresses they came in.

And, here they are, Kristen and Samantha.  You can certainly tell that they have been well cared for and she plans to give them to two very special nieces in the near future.  And, she's keeping her third one for herself.  

It came time for our family Christmas  and we always begin it with a birthday celebration for Jesus. As we were closing out the birthday celebration with prayer, Coleman decided to break loose (see above photo).

He took baby Jesus out of the manager, checked him out, then decided to ride the manager like a horse and then thought he'd see if he could lay down in the manager.  I'm telling you, this child can give you a "run for your money."

It then came time for opening gifts and while I like for it to be done somewhat orderly, that was only somewhat possible with the little ones.  But, it was fun and everyone seemed very, very pleased.

Bridget and the boys left headed to her inlaws on Friday and then on home on Saturday so they could celebrate Christmas at their house.  I was a bit frazzled and exhausted from all the celebration but got it all back together pretty quickly.  

We waited and had Christmas with my Dad on Christmas Eve.  It was much quieter then and he enjoyed being at our son and DIL's and playing with Bella, their toy poodle.

Brandon and Bridget and their families ready to attend their churches Christmas Eve services.

Tommy and I attended the Christmas Eve service with our son and his family.

Christmas morning we went over and had breakfast with our son and his family and then we came home, where we remained the rest of the day.  And, while it might seem rather "unconventional," I spent the rest of my Christmas day taking down the tree and decor.  Yes, I did!  When it's over, it's over and I'm always ready for the decor to be down.  So, we got up to a house yesterday morning that looked as though Christmas had never happened .

And, Tommy and I went out to breakfast yesterday morning and then headed to the theater to see, "The Greatest Showman."  What a great movie!!!  The music is awesome, the story is great and the entire production was amazing.  Yes, I highly recommend it!

And, that pretty much wraps up our Christmas celebration.  A lot of family, a lot of love and a lot of memories!

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. What a wonderful Christmas! LOVE the matching t-shirts and OH MY that little one made me smile! The manger scene will be a picture to keep and pull out every year:) My tree will stay up until the New Year! Trust me, I will be ready to get things back to normal until next Christmas! Have a blessed day and stay warm!

  2. Lea, your Christmas looks perfect with all of your family! I loved looking through your photos! My tree and decorations will stay up until the weekend. I have friends that will arrive this afternoon for a couple of days! Happy New Year!

  3. This sounds just right.. some high energy and some relaxing activity; the very young and the older family members .. some of everything! I read your blog regularly and had to comment today when you mentioned taking your tree down on Christmas Day. I very nearly did the same thing! I had people over until late on Christmas Day, so first thing in the morning on the day after Christmas, I put everything away. And I am so glad. For me, the decor is beautiful all through Christmas, then at midnight on December 26, all I can see is a chore that needs to be done!

  4. Looks like you and your family had a wonderful Christmas! Now that I finally got the tree up, my heart simply isn't in to taking it down just yet! Happy New Year, Lee!

  5. Sounds like a very busy and fun filled Christmas! The kids are a lot of work and noise and fun, but they bring in the magic. You and hubby look fabulous!
    We leave everything up until after my birthday which is exactly two weeks after Christmas. It helps with the January blahs! The last two years I have called my oldest daughter from my sunny birthday trip and told her I would pay her to take everything down! That was the best birthday present! I think I will do that again this year! I love to put it up but hate to take it down!

  6. A beautiful family Cici and that's what makes any celebration special, having a family with us. If I'd had the energy my tree would have been down yesterday too, but we had to be up at 4 AM to take our daughter to the airport to begin her journey home to Japan. I came home, had breakfast and slept for 3 1/2 hours.

  7. Wonderful photos of your beautiful family, Lea! Love the picture of you and your daughter in your cute tee shirts!. I wish they still played the Christmas movies about the American girls...Samantha was one and Felicity was other I remember...great holiday movies! I pray many blessings on your 2018, my friend!

  8. Looks like you had a wonderful holiday! My daughter's dolls are packed away and I am just waiting for one of them to have a girl!! Happy New Year!

  9. Loved this post! Coleman with baby Jesus and the manger -- THAT stole the show!!! And the American dolls. I love dolls. Like you, we began taking down the decorations on the 26th. THANK YOU for your honesty about feeling frazzled ... I have been there.

  10. Wonderful memories of Christmastime with your family. We're taking our tree down today, while watching the Queen's and President's speeches.

  11. I'm happy that you and your family had such a fantastic Christmas celebration. Here's wishing the best for you and your family in 2018!

    Ricki Jill

  12. Lea, I loved seeing your Christmas activities and family together. The little ones do make it special and to share with your Dad is extra nice.
    Great pictures. I love seeing your family.
    I haven't taken down my decorations yet. We were gone for five days visiting my daughter so I am still enjoying the lights and sparkle from the tree. I will take it down on New Year's Day when my husband is watching football.

  13. Your photos are so beautiful and it looks like it was a wonderful Christmas for you and your family. I hope to see that movie soon, glad you liked it.

  14. I have been soo absent from blogging but it sure is nice to catch up some. Sounds and looks like you had a wonderful Christmas. LOVE your matching shirts with your daughter. Your grands are getting big! I can say I wish are decorations were down and stored away again, but guess we will tackle that tomorrow. Wishing you and yours a blessed and wonderful new years!

  15. Wow, how you rock it in red! I love these family photos....such a sweet and beautiful one you have! Happy New Year sweet friend!

  16. My youngest daughter just left a few minutes ago as she has to return to work tomorrow. We had a houseful for New Year's so I'm just beginning the sheets and towels, but will start un-decorating tomorrow. Not looking forward to it, but until that's done I feel like I can't get moving into the new year. It's bitterly cold here at the moment, so a day inside is appealing. Sounds like you had a nice holiday and time with family. Happy New Year! We may go see that movie this week. I've heard so many people say they really enjoyed it.

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  19. A Christmas Recap offers a delightful journey through the magic and memories of the holiday season. From cherished traditions to heartwarming moments, this recap captures the essence of Christmas joy. Whether you're reliving your own festive experiences or seeking inspiration for future celebrations, this succinct summary brings the spirit of the season to life. Join us as we revisit the warmth, laughter, and love shared during this special time of year. Dive into "A Christmas Recap" and let the enchantment of the holidays fill your heart.

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So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!