Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Random Dozen Wednesday

 1. Have you, or has someone close to you, ever won an award for anything? During Hubby's 36 years as an agent with State Farm Insurance he has won countless awards that have blessed us with the privilege of traveling to some of the most wonderful vacation spots in all the world.  
Hawaii was one of our favorite trips
 2. Who is the nearest relative to you who has served in the US Military? My Dad served in the Navy from 1950-1954
3. Share something that stirs the patriotic spirit in you. I had the honor of hearing an exceptional orchestra and choir perform selected patriotic songs with the America flag waving in the background.  It was such a moving experience for me.

4. Where are you in the birth order in your family? Do you think your "placement" made a difference in your personality? I am the "firstborn." I have read Kevin Leman's The Birth Order Book and I do fit a lot of the descriptions he talks about in the book.  But, I really think that I would have had my same personality regardless of where I fell in the birth order.

5. Name one trait you hope you carry that was evidenced in your parents or grandparents. Both my Dad and Mom were very thoughtful and giving individuals and I like to think that I exhibit that trait. My parents never had a lot monetarily but the wonderful thing about thoughtfulness is that it doesn't have to cost anything but perhaps a little bit of time and action.

6. If female, do you prefer wearing a skirt or pants?
I wear more pants but I would have to say that I really prefer skirts. I am "old fashioned" enough to think that skirts are still so feminine and I love the look of a sassy skirt. I think every woman should have at least one classic black skirt in her closet. There's no end to what can be done with that one skirt. 

 7. Approximately how many times do you wake during the night? What do you do to go back to sleep? I use to never wake up but in recent years I have begun waking up at least 2-3 times a night. I usually can go on back to sleep but if not, I just lay there and think pleasant thoughts and rest until sleep comes. ~smile~ 

8. Share a favorite movie quote.
This is from the first movie I saw in a movie theater, The Sound of Music in 1965.......
"I could never answer to a whistle. Whistles are for dogs and cats and other animals but not for children and definitely not for me." 
 9. What is your favorite Fall candle scent?
Cinnamon and cloves

10. What is one Fall activity you're looking forward to?
Our city will be hosting an Arts and Crafts Day at our local Farmer's Market the first week-end in Nov.  My 80 (he will be 81 on Nov. 9th) year old Dad will be featuring some of his gorgeous wood crafts and I will be helping him in his booth. I feel so blessed that I still have my Dad and that he continues to lead a very productive life and continues to enjoy one of his lifelong hobbies of woodworking.

11. Tell us about a pleasant surprise that happened to you recently. I came in from being gone most of the day and Hubby had unloaded the dishwasher.  That may not sound like a big deal, but that is something that he rarely does and it just thrilled me too death that I did not have to come in and do it. You know it doesn't take much to make some folks plum excited. ~chuckle~

12. What was it like when you first met your in-laws-to-be?
  I had known my husbands parents for about 5 years before we became engaged. They were friends with my parents so it wasn't like I had just met them when their son and I fell in love. 

If you want some more Random Dozen check out Linda's blog and enjoy the fun with us.  It's something new and interesting each week.  Thanks Linda for "dreaming up" our random questions each week. 
Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. Too true....a black skirt gives endless possibilities. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, SusanD

  2. Good answers! Those awards that your husband won sound nice, especially the trip to Hawaii:)

    Have a great day!

  3. So true on the childrens performances, they always bring tears to my eyes. My parents were that way too, it was such a blessing that I didn't realize until I was older. I love Arts & Craft shows. That would be a pleasant surprise in my house too!

  4. I so enjoyed meeting you for the first time today. Yes, a new blogging friend. I loved learning a bit about you too. Hawaii ...oh, how I wish I were there right now walking on the beach. :)

    Blessings and thanks for sharing,

  5. I love Sound of Music and I almost used a quote from there: "You may call me Captain."

    Thanks for your kind words on my blog!

  6. Hm...I like that black skirt you've got pictured.

    I agree; a black skirt (my DMIL called it a 'uniform skirt') is a wardrobe essential.

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! ;)

  7. I understand you're being excited that your hubby unloaded the dishwasher. It took years before mine would do it! He's a good helper now!

    November is the month that there is a big arts and crafts fair here too. I love to go! Hope your dad does well!

  8. Lea, I loved all your answers and how you illustrated them! This was really a great Random Dozen. I didn't participate because I've had family in from out of town, but I really enjoyed reading yours.

  9. I love your blog! Thanks for visiting mine. It doesn't take much for me to get excited either. If I came home to find the dishwasher unloaded, I would jump for joy!

  10. Great list! And yes, a black skirt is a must in any closet. Sound of Music-classic.


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!