Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hodgepodge Wednesday

1.What word or phrase would you like to see banished from our everyday vocabulary in 2011? You can choose one from the 'official list' or you can get creative and come up with your own. Oh, I didn't even have to think on this one.  I would love to see the word SUCK banished from the way some folks are using it these days.  It just makes my skin crawl when I hear someone say "this or that sucks."  It just has such a nasty connotation to me. 

2. Do you consider opportunity something that comes to you or something you create for yourself? Probably both. Often folks are just in the "right place at the right time" for a great opportunity.  Other times folks avail themselves in such a way as to create opportunity for themselves.  I think we often miss opportunities that are practically staring us in the face.

 3. Since we're all eating healthy this month, ahem, what's included in your favorite salad? Is there dressing?
Oh,I love, love spinach, craisins, walnuts, purple onion, fresh mushrooms and feta cheese tossed with Red Wine Vinaigrette.  Yummy!
4. The fourth Monday in January is said to be Blue Monday...aka the most depressing day of the year. The date was calculated using many factors including weather, debt level, time since Christmas, time since we've failed at our new year resolutions, low motivation and feeling a need to take action. Do you get the blues this time of year and if so what is something you do to lift your spirits? I do feel a  let down following the holidays.  I always use January as a "cleaning out and getting rid of stuff" month.  That keeps me very busy and I love the feeling I get when I get drawers, closets and cabinets all back in order.  It keeps my spirits lifted and seems to help me forget the doldrums. 

5. Do you wear a watch? Any other everyday jewelry essentials? I ALWAYS wear a watch, I'm lost without one.  It doesn't matter that there is a clock in my car, and 45 throughout my house, I still have got to have a watch on my wrist.  Guess you might say that I am very time conscious. ~chuckle~

And, I always put on my wedding rings when  I leave the house.  I do not wear them inside the house.  I always, always have on earrings too and probably a bracelet or two.  I enjoy accessorizing. ~smile~

6. What is something useful you learned in high school? 
I was not allowed to dance when I was in high school and dancing was a pretty big deal at that time.  I learned that it really was okay , and I could still have a good time and to this day, I don't really think that I missed all that much by not dancing.  I still had a lot of fun and that was the bottom line!

7. Do you use an accountant when completing and filing your income tax returns or do you attempt to muddle through all by yourself?  Oh, my, we would be "hard pressed" if it were not for our Financial Adviser!  He totally takes care of our income tax and all things concerned.  Since my husband is self employed, it can be very tricky and we've never wanted to take care of it ourselves.  I am the queen of Quick Books though and I do my husband's staff payroll and I make sure that Quick Books is always "up to snuff" for our Financial Advisor.

8. Insert your own random thought here. I've heard so many comments on the Arizona shooting suspect the past couple of days.  Some are arguing that he is a terrorist, some say a sick and deranged individual.  Well, I'm thinking they are "one in the same."  Sometimes the media just "babbles" on and on unnecessarily.  It makes my ears tired!

Joyce is a wonderful hostess each Wed. and I look forward to Hodgepodge.  I thought this week's Hodgepodge was especially fun. For more Hodgepodge, click the button above and enjoy yourself!

Happy mid-week to each of you!

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. I've had kindergartners say, "Well that sucks" after losing a game during speech. That gets nipped in the bud quickly.
    Have a great day!

  2. Oh my the media makes my ears ache too. They have too much time to fill so they have to talk even when they have nothing to say.

    I dislike your chosen word too-ick!

  3. Loved your answers, Lea! Every time I read your replies on things like this, I have to remark on how much we have in common (the dancing!). I always enjoy your blog. Have a lovely day!
    PS I probably won't be doing the HodgePodge today because I'm planning on doing a Biggest Loser update.

  4. Oh by the way...I heard a preacher who was preaching the funeral of a young boy who died of alcohol poisoning say, during the funeral sermon, "This SUCKS!" I understood the sentiment--it was a tragically unnecessary death--but his use of the wording was, in my opinion, totally inappropriate.

  5. I agree with your feelings on the chosen word.

    I was aloud to dance but didn't learn how. My sister is the gifted one in that area. My parents danced and I always liked to watch them float across the dance floor.

  6. I totally agree with you on #1! That word is never appropriate when used that way. I don't allow any of my boys to say it.

  7. Enjoyed reading your "Hodgepodge"....what fun to get to know you more (and learn some interesting facts about you!) Blessings to you~
    Cindy :)

  8. I think I say "that sucks" often, I better watch myself. (sorry, I don't mean to be nasty) Your salad sounds great. I agree that there is a let down after the holidays. I always have to have my watch on when I leave the house. I don't care to listen to the media for that very reason.

  9. YES YES YES!!! on number 1..right there with you.
    Well you wear my jewelry than I wedding ring is about all I get on...too many years of little ones, and I need to learn again.

    So agree on the shooting.

    I did drill team dancing and majored in dance at college...but I have never been dancing!!! My kids now go country western dancing and there is part of me that would like to go...I just never liked the places that I would have to dance in and my husband doesn't know how to either...we have survived 30 years without dancing, but it does sound like fun!

    Have a great week..enjoyed, was fun to read

  10. Enjoyed reading your hodge podge today Lea. I thought it was interesting that you don't wear your wedding rings in the house. I imagine they stay in better condition that way! Mine needs a good cleaning! I only take mine off when I shower or am doing something dirty or messy. In fact, if I have taken my ring off while fixing dinner and forget to put it back on before going to bed, I notice right away and have to go put it on. I can't sleep without it on!

  11. Fun reading a little more about you!! Cute watch! I used to wear one all of the time, but not so much recently. The batteries are dead in all of my watched (all 3 of them!) and I've been way too lazy to replace them. I should!

  12. Your salad sounds tasty!!!

    Oh, and I certainly agree with #1. I'm especially becoming more aware of what I say with little ears around our house!

  13. My grandmother just hated the word "suck" too! And, I love the exact same salad. So, when I finally get to come visit you, we'll have this salad and your fudge. Deal? And I promise, I won't use your most hated word! :)

  14. i'm with you...the press are babblers. have had the pp in tucson on my heart; such a hard thing for those families.

    happy new year!

  15. lea, your blog is beautiful! thank you for your sweet words on my blog today. i loved reading your answers on this post-so fun! xxoo

  16. Confession: I used to say "sucks" all the time as a teenager. Now though, I wholeheartedly agree with's overused and most people don't understand the connotation.

  17. I love your clean it up January. It's something I've kind of started but it make enough sense that I think I'll make it a habit now. Thanks!


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!