Friday, February 1, 2013

Friday's Letters

Time for a little letter writing with Ashley this Friday, the very first day of February.

Dear Apple, thank you so much for the storm warning setting on the IPhone and Ipad.  It nearly scares me too death when it goes off, but I might not otherwise know that weather conditions are less than desirable without you. This past Tuesday night was a reminder of how much I like that feature.

Dear Ziploc, I may have already written you, but that's okay.  You definitely deserve two letters, you are that awesome!  I cannot imagine life without you.  I find a new use for you everyday.  And, you come in any and every size imaginable, how wonderful is that!

Dear Vera Bradley,  how on earth do you keep on coming up with new fabrics?  I love to go in your stores.  It's like fabric overload and I love it.  Just when I think you cannot possibly come out with anything I would like better, you do.  And, your products tempt me beyond words.  But, I love that I'm on your email list and you email me about great sales and I can often get a "real deal" on your items.  Yea!

Dear Etsy, you are amazing!  You are my "go to" place for sure.  If I need a gift, a label of any sort, a scarf, jewelry, you name it, it's on your site and I've never, ever been disappointed in anything I have ever ordered.  Way to go!

Dear Daddy, it makes my heart so happy to hear the words "I'm doing great" come out of your mouth.  You've had a tough time the past few weeks and I'm so glad that you are beginning to see light at the end of this dark tunnel you have been in.  I thank the Lord!

Dear Son and DIL, I am so thankful that I can keep the Princess for you when she is under the weather.  It makes it possible for you both to go to work and it gives me precious time with her.  I'd say that's a "win win" situation for both of us.

Dear Comment Moderation, just so you know, I. DO. NOT. like you!  But, I suppose you serve a purpose for those bloggers that use you and apparently like you. ~smile~

Dear Downton Abbey, I think I could so enjoy your aristocractic way of life. I love, love your fashions and your decor.  Not so sure I could ever get use to having a maid by my side all day, every day, but all the rest, I could definitely "get into."  

Dear Winter, I don't mean to hurt your feelings, but I am ready for Spring.  A little winter goes a long ways with me and we've had enough. ~just wishing~

Dear New Orleans, I sure do hope you are prepared for this weekend.  With the Super Bowl and Mardi Gras both going on in your grand town, you'd better "have all hands on deck."  I'm so glad that I live in the other end of this great state. ~grin~

Dear American Idol, really? I'm convinced that some of these folks that try out are paid.  They surely, surely cannot be for real.  And, by the way, I'm not happy at all with your selection of judges this year and I may loose interest all together.  The jury is still out on that.

Dear Readers, thanks for stopping by and I leave you with this thought.....

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. What a great quote :) I really cant even bring myself to watch the audition episodes of American Idol - some of them I just feel bad for. Do they really want to be on TV that badly, or do they really think they are good singers?! I dont know what is worse ;) And Downton Abbey - I could watch all day. Love it! Glad to hear your dad is going well :)

  2. that feature on your phone what is it called. I would love to download it. Glad your Daddy is doing well.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Good morning! I know what you mean on American Idol....sooo ridiculous! haha. And I agree on the judges too, we will see. Though I love Keith Urban and Mariah ought to know something about singing, haha. Glad your dad is doing better, my poor mom just can't seem to get her meds OK. Back to the doc AGAIN today! Enjoy your week-end!

  5. Enjoyed your Letters this morning. I got a glimpse of one audition on AI the other night as the kids were flipping channels. That one was enough for me and reminded me again why I don't watch it at all. So glad your dad is doing better. I did the WC alert the other night as well and was so grateful we didn't get any alarms as our wake-up alarm was scheduled for 3AM. RE. winter: I love it and featured it on my blog today. Have a great weekend.

  6. Wasn't able to watch American Idol but from what I have heard (and read) I didn't miss much. Glad your father is doing better.

  7. Glad to hear that your dad is doing well. I, too, would like to know how to receive storm warnings on the iPhone. And I love the quote you closed with.

  8. What a fun post! I'm glad your Daddy is doing better. My Daddy is having health problems too and it's so hard to see parents in declining health.

  9. I wasn't aware of a feature like that on iPhones...please tell us more! I'd love to download it to mine! That's such wonderful news about your dad...keep the FAITH!

  10. What is the name of that weather app? It sounds good and bad.

    I'm a zip lock bag lover too.....they have tons of uses!

    I may be the only woman in America who doesn't like Vera Bradley......:(

    So glad your daddy is better. I miss mine so. And you are so blessed to be close enough to keep your princess! I am so far from mine.

    I do like comment moderation, but not word verification and won't usually comment when it's on. I have to have comment moderation because my oldest son puts inappropriate comments.

    Great post.....have a great weekend!

  11. I love me some ziplock bags too : ) So glad your father is doing better. Enjoy your weekend!

  12. Again, let me say I am so glad you found me because I so enjoy your blog!!

    I'm convinced most the horrible voices on Idol are for real....It breaks my heart when the judges laugh at them...they are so serious and excited and how horrible to be laughed at. I'm a gift, mercy :-)

    I think Ms. Carey is very talented and know Niki is totally and act..that sells. I think she laughs all the way to the bank. They both know music so I think they are good for that reason as judges. They both play the diva roll well. I didn't think I would like last years new additions and ended up loving them and sorry to see them go. Hope the same happens here. Time will tell!
    Sorry about the long comment :-)

    Blessed weekend


  13. What a wonderful letter listing, such a great idea! We will be in the process of moving items from mom's this weekend and today is the day that Mardi Gras celebrations are going on in her small town as well as in the larger town of Lafayette. Next week my daughter is coming in for the Lake Charles & our small town celebrations. Thankfully we will not be in NO. Have a great weekend, xoxo

  14. Hi Lea! Found you over at The Sweet Season! As for American Idol, once Simon left it went downhill from there, lol. Can't wait for my daughter and SIL to have kids!! Your! Love your blog as well...following it now! Have a blessed weekend!

    Michell @Prowess and Pearls


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!