Monday, February 25, 2013

Miscellaneous Monday

Monday + Carissa = Miscellaneous Monday.

What's the deal?????
Mustaches are the "thing" in case you didn't know or haven't noticed.   Don't ask me why because I really don't know. But, I do see them on t-shirts, birthday party themes and in your larger cities there are even mustache stores.  Really?  Hanna Beth and I were in the $$$ store the other day and they had a pack of 5 for $1.  We had more fun with those silly things, and they make for a fun photo.  Here's to mustaches!

Cute rain gear..........

  Okay, ladies, have you heard of the RainRap?  It's a new fashion accessory and serves as protection from the rain at the same time.  Wraps are all the rage and how cool that two gals came up with the idea of making it serve a dual purpose.  If you are not familiar with them, you can check it out here.  There's a color for everyone! Some folks are blessed with such creative minds! Mine, not so much.

Inexpensive fun........
  Plain paper and a sheet of stickers can provide more enjoyment to a 3 year old than the most expensive toy on the market.  Again, while Hanna Beth and I were in the $$$ store the other day she spotted these Easter foil stickers.  They were $1 and they provided for her almost an hours worth of fun when we got home.  Oh, that all fun were so inexpensive.

Decisions, decisions........
Do you find that the older you get the longer you think about decisions you make?  Maybe it's just me,but I use to just make a decision and never look back.  Now, it seems that there is so much more to think about and while I hate to say this, I think it's something called "age." ~Yikes I said it~  I don't have as much time to recover if I make an unwise decision and when I was young, it just didn't seem to be that big of a deal. Seems I do a whole of pondering these days in regards to decisions that I make.  How bout' you?  And, I'm not just talking about financial decisions, I mean all kinds of decisions.  Something I really try to remember is to pray earnestly about any and all decisions and not get ahead of God's plan. It always works best this way. I'm reminded of Proverbs 3:6 that says, "in all they ways acknowledge Him and He will direct they paths."

And, I leave you with this.....

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. Funny that last post I just tagged on Pinterest yesterday! Hope you have a good week.

  2. good morning! Love the rain gear, will check out that site for sure.

    I do that every Christmas...BIG tablet of paper, several packages of different stickers, big box of crayons and washable markers, and sit all the grandkids down together to "design" they always love it, and occupies them forever it seems, haha.

    Enjoy your day!

  3. T#4 is just now beginning to show a little interest in stickers. I'll have her this weekend ... maybe we should plan a stop at the Dollar Store to pick out some stickers. ;-)

    And yes, making even the simplest decisions requires a whole lot of thinking/pondering/praying.

  4. If anyone can rock a 'stache''s YOU! ;) They really are everywhere! Super cute rain gear. With as much of that wet stuff we've been getting around here, I could sure use it! Oh, I think and rethink any and every decision I make anymore. You are not alone!

  5. Haha- love that pic with you and the mustache. I'm with you. I don't understand the fad!!

  6. Yes they are the rage, especially as we get older.....I have mine waxed :-) It doesn't come in as thick as yours, I'm just say'in.....

    Stickers are the best, I buy them and send them to my niece and she too has hours of fun with them.

    That rain wrap is really cute, can't justify buying one. I have two raincoats and rarely have the need for them...Southern California doesn't get much rain.

    Thanks for a great start to my week!


  7. Actually I think I am better with decisions today then in the past.
    I bought a few packs of mustaches 1/2 price after Christmas for the guys next Christmas. Love your photo. I have not heard of the RainRap but will check it out. Have a great week!

  8. Oh my, that mustache is YOU! Love it and that you are enjoying your little Princess so much.

  9. i LOVE that think saying. it's so wise and beneficial. i always forget about it. go figure!

    cute rain gear, for sure.

    and if anyone can rock a mustache it's you!!! cutie pants! : )

  10. That rain gear looks pretty cute. However, we don't get much of that in Phoenix. I have to listen to rain music on my computer as I love the sound.

  11. Ha ha, Debi! :D

    Good to check in with you again, Lea! Hope you all are doing well.

  12. We have that Think sign hanging in our classrooms.

    I don't think that rain thingy would hold up here; I just see the rain sliding down into my lap!

    I will decide to paint one day and have it done the next. My MIL will look at paint for a month before deciding. I really hope it's not age!! :)


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!