It's Sunday and I'm playing along with Bev and the Sunday stealing questions and they are some good questions this week.
1.What is your favorite animal?
I am not a big animal lover, never have been, but this fella right here, well, he stole my heart the minute I met him. His name was Tater and he was a Goldendoodle that belonged to my brother and his family. This past February Tater passed away and need I say, it was a sad, sad day. If I were to ever have an animal/pet it would be a miniature Goldendoodle for sure.
2.Your dream vacation?

I have been fortunate to go on some wonderful trips over my lifetime but we've never been to Banff, Canada. We've given serious thought but somehow we've just never gone. I want to go and stay at the Fairmont. It may remain a dream at this point but, there's nothing wrong with dreaming. Right?
3.Last person's house you were in?
It was a gal that's in a study club with me. She was the hostess this month and our meeting was this past Thursday. She has a lovely home and we had a great meeting and lunch.
4.Worst injury you've ever had?
Several years ago I was reaching in the back seat of my vehicle with my right arm. I had my seat
belt on and didn't bother to undo it. I stretched and hyper-extended my shoulder and paid a big, big price a couple of years later. I ended up having to have surgery to repair a torn tendon. A lesson learned for sure.
belt on and didn't bother to undo it. I stretched and hyper-extended my shoulder and paid a big, big price a couple of years later. I ended up having to have surgery to repair a torn tendon. A lesson learned for sure.
5.Last play you saw?
It was at Northwestern College in Orange City, Iowa this past April. My nephew was the star and I cannot remember the name of it.. It was a great show and it really aggravates me that I can't remember what it was.
6. Ever go to camp?
Yes, but it has been more years than I care to admit. I went to church camp growing up and had more fun than a barrel of monkey's. I think camp is such a wonderful opportunity for kids.
7.Were you an honor roll student in school?

8.What do you want to know about the future?
Well, there are some things I would like to know but that will stay between me and the good Lord as He continues to teach me to not fret over the things to come. The future is completely in His hands and whatever may come He has always and will continue to see me through.
9.Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?

No, I do wear it occasionally, but not like I use to. And, what I wear is light and airy, not a heavy scent that knocks folks down. Jean Baptiste by Morgan Niven is my very favorite.
10.Are you due sometime this year for a doctor's visit?
Indeed! I have annual check ups with several Doctors and I haven't finished seeing all of them yet. I'm all about being proactive when it comes to my health.
11.Where is your best friend?
I have no idea.
12.Do you have a tan?

No! it's been so long since I had anything except a "tan out of bottle" that I can't even remember.
13.What are you listening to right now?
The LSU/Rice game on TV. Hubby is watching it and of course, I'm sitting here answering these questions and listening to it.
14.Do you collect anything?
No, I really don't anymore. But, I sure have in the past and still have a couple of the collections but sold the others. I decided several years ago that I needed to quit collecting as they just become more stuff that someone will have to deal with one of these days.
15.Who is the biggest gossiper you know?
I mean really, do you think I'd put it out here for all to read? I don't think so.
16.Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over?
It was about 6 years ago for speeding. I do not speed as in really speeding but I think I was going 55 in a 45. The ticket was expensive too, hurt my feelings really bad! ~grin~
17.What does your last text message say?

18.Do you like hot sauce?

19.Do you need to do laundry?
No, I do not. I did 4 loads today (Saturday) and my baskets are empty. ~love it~
20.What is your heritage?
Deep Christian roots. My Dad was a minister and our families lives revolved around the church and its activities. As a result, I accept Christ as my Savior when I was 7 years old. I treasure the richness of my heritage. something money cannot buy!

I love your answers, Lea. I think we really get to know a someone this way---things we would never talk about in general on our blog(s). I hope you have a blessed Sunday- xo Diana
ReplyDeleteFive weeks ago my boyfriend broke up with me. It all started when i went to summer camp i was trying to contact him but it was not going through. So when I came back from camp I saw him with a young lady kissing in his bed room, I was frustrated and it gave me a sleepless night. I thought he will come back to apologies but he didn't come for almost three week i was really hurt but i thank Dr.Azuka for all he did i met Dr.Azuka during my search at the internet i decided to contact him on his email he brought my boyfriend back to me just within 48 hours i am really happy. What’s app contact : +44 7520 636249
DeleteGoldendoodles have such sweet temperaments! Nice choice.
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine actually calling out a person as being a huge gossip?? Too funny. Glad you played it safe. You and I share the same secret to our beautiful tans! Happy Thanksgiving dear Lea! xx
ReplyDeleteAwww, Tater was so cute! I am sure he is missed very much. I loved your answers! Have a great day!
Goldendoodles are supposed to be good dogs even for people like me who are allergic to animal dander.
ReplyDeleteI always enjoy the pictures you have posted of Tater. He was indeed a sweetie dog, even though I never met him in person. I. Just. Know.
ReplyDeleteThere aren't too many of us today that like hot sauce! Glad to finally see someone else who likes a little spice! I enjoyed your answers today! Hugs!
ReplyDeleteYUM hot sauce:) I don't wear perfume but if I do, it has to be lightly scented. We all know that one gossiper, but I won't tell who that is either:) Have a wonderful day and week ahead! I enjoyed hearing your answers to these questions. HUGS!
ReplyDeleteThese are such great, fun questions! I LOVE Golden Doodles! Our Ava who died in April had a bestie who was a Golden Doodle and three times her size. They're such gentle giants!