Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Wednesday's Medley - All Things Mother

It's Wednesday Medley time and there's nothing more appropriate this week than questions regarding Mother's Day.  Mother's Day has never been the same since my Mom and MIL died.  It's  a bit strange but so thankful for the years we had them.

Mother's Day - Second Sunday in May

1. Where did your mom grow up? 

Image result for bryson city nc

My Mom was born in Bryson City, North Carolina and lived there her early years and then made several moves until finally landing in Newport News, Virginia.  She moved there when she was around 8 and lived there until she married my Dad.

2. Tell us about her siblings, if she has/had any. Did you have a favorite aunt or uncle?

My Mom had 2 sisters and 2 brothers.  She is pictured above with her oldest sister, Wanda (on the left).  I loved Aunt Wanda dearly and she was indeed a favorite.  She was the oldest and outlived all of her siblings.  She lived to be 92.  I'm hoping I inherited  her genes. ~chuckle~

3. What is ONE of your favorite memories you can share with us of your mom? 
Oh, I have so many fond memories of my Mom that it would be hard to narrow it down to just one.  She was such a Godly,  sweet and humble lady and set such a wonderful example for me. I have missed her influence, encouragement and prayers so much these past 10 1/2 years.

4. Please share a picture or two of your mom with us.

This is the last picture ever taken of my Mother and me.  In less than 2 months from this day she had a massive stroke and died.  It's just another example of the fragility of life. She was only 78.

5. Let's not leave out the grandmothers. Share what you will.

God love her, this is my paternal Grandmother with my Grandpa.  She was the most fun Grandmother!  And, she was a big mess and especially during the 14 years that I was the overseer of her care.  And, yes, she has on a wig in the above picture.  She was practically bald the last 20 years of her life so she bought this wig and slapped it on her head every morning and we always got so tickled over it.  And, her name was Bertha, a most appropriate name for her.

This is my maternal Grandmother holding me when I was about a year old.  She was the exact opposite of Bertha.  She was quite, quite and generally just sat and listened without a whole lot to say.  She was a sweet and gentle soul.

6. Do you have any special plans for Mother's Day? 
We will have lunch with dear friends and then enjoy a relaxing afternoon.  That's pretty special to me. ~smile~  Good food and relaxation, just what Moms need more of for sure! 

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. I will not be with the "fruit of my loins" either, Lea, but I also anticipate a nice relaxing day at my sisters after a busy weekend. No, we never stop missing our mothers do we. What a blessing ours were to us.

  2. You look just like your mom. Happy Mother's Day to you, Lea.

  3. Your grandma Bertha looks like she was most definitely a "hoot"! Have an especially blessed Mother's Day, Lea!

  4. That must have been hard, losing your Mum suddenly like that. Lovely photos. I hope you enjoy Sunday whatever you end up doing.

  5. What a lovely post Lea! Your mother is darling and yes, she looks so healthy in that last photo - I will hug my Mom extra tight after your words. HUGS to you!

  6. What a beautiful picture of you and your Mom, Lea. When I took a gander at Bertha, I just knew that she was a fun lady. I hope you got the wig in the will!! Have a great Mother's Day!

  7. Happy Mother's Day to you! I hope you enjoy your day.
    I bet your grandmother, Bertha, could brighten up any day!

  8. Loved seeing the pics of you and your mom!

  9. I loved this so much because I know how much you miss your mom and she sounds like the absolute sweetest....exactly the reason you’re such a gem! Happy Mother’s Day lovely lady! xo

  10. I loved seeing your mom and grandmas!! It was fun learning more about you and your family! Thanks for joining the Medley today! The pictures are great!

  11. Wonderful family photos. Your "quiet" grandmother sounds like mine. She was the gentlest, quietest person I ever have known. She lived alone for many years and planted and tended her own little vegetable garden every summer until she died at age 94. My mother is now 90 years old. Yep, hope I inherited their genes:) Happy Mother's Day to you.

  12. Love this little glimpse into the past and the women who have been part of your life!


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!