Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Hodgepodge Wednesday

1. What's something you're never too young or too old to enjoy?
Oh, my, there's all kinds of things but one thing that comes to my mind is electronics.  I have enjoyed staying "in touch" with the computer age and am so glad that I know what I know as it seems that our society is becoming more and more a touchscreen world.  I'm afraid it's going to leave those who haven't jumped on board in a cloud of smoke. ~sort of sad~

2. Share one happy memory from your high school years.
Getting to go with my friends after a football game to the A & W for Coke and French Fries.  Yes, that was a big deal for me when I was in high school and something that I did not always get to do.  My parents were pretty much of the opinion that you come straight home after an event but, ever so often I got to go with friends and I was a happy girl when they allowed me to go.

3. A nationwide strike of fast food employees took place in the U. S. last week...they're calling for higher wages and the right to unionize? Your thoughts?
I'm all about higher wages if your work merits it and you've been at the job for a time. But, in our area many of the fast food employees do such a poor job that they are likely making exactly what they are worth.  It's so nice to occasionally come across one that is obviously doing their very best and it's those that you would love to see get a raise.

4. September is National Honey Month...what's a favorite dish you make or eat that calls for honey?
I have never used honey for anything except smearing on a biscuit once in a blue moon.  I'm sure I should use honey for other things as it is suppose to be good for you. But, as I said, I do love putting it on a biscuit and chowing down. ~yummy~

5.  If you notice someone with a tag sticking out, a button unbuttoned, a shirt on inside-out, or some leftover lunch stuck between their teeth do you say something or do you keep quiet?
If it someone I know well, then I would very discreetly tell them.  If a stranger, well, not going to tell them. ~sorry~

6. What movie always makes you cry?  Or at least makes you feel like crying?
Oh, there have been many but the one that came to my mind immediately was "Dead Man Walking."  It was a 1995 movie staring Susan Sarandon and Sean Penn and is about a convicted killer in prison on death row.  It was the whole capital punishment argument tearing at my heart after seeing it. Can I just say that I cried and cried.

7.   'Mary Had a Little Lamb' was written in May of 1830, and published in Juvenile Miscellany in September of that same year.  Now for the fun part...create your own four line rhyme using that same tune.
Oh, this brings back nightmares to me.  I had to do this once or twice in English and did very poorly, so think I'll just skip right on to the next question. ~shame on me~  I bet there will be some folks who will come up with some really cute ones.

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 

 Yesterday was Hanna Beth's first day of Mother's Day out and Clancy's first day of Pre-K 4.  Hanna Beth will go to MDO two days a week and Clancy will go to Pre-K3 two days a week.  They are growing up and are just so stinkin' cute this CiCi can hardly stand it. ~big smile~
Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. I love reading your answers! You are always entertaining but honest. I would tell a friend but have to agree ...not a stranger. The kids look adorable. I wish they were in my class!

    Blessings and love,

  2. good morning! Enjoyed this as always. I forgot about that movie, and I agree, cried my eyes out too! Enjoy your day!

  3. Hey Cici,
    That was a fun read, as always. That was a great movie, I feel that way about Shawshank redemption too...
    I cry very easy..often even a Hallmark commercial can get me going.. :-( I'm a mess !


  4. Geeze...just looking at your Debbie a common name or what!!! :-)

  5. I had to skip on the rhyme, too, so you're not the only one, if that helps! Your grandkids are so adorable...lucky you! :)

  6. I love your honesty. You are unfortunately right about being left in the dust if you are not tech savy these days, everyone seems connected some way. (phones, IPads, IPods, MP3 players, I'm afraid we are going to forget how to have real conversations with each other)
    Hope your day is a good one

  7. You have some readers named Debbie : ) So many non-rhymers today. Your grands are adorable...I love that age!

  8. We use to hand out at a custard stand with friends and those were fun times in H.S. Dean Man Walking was an excellent movie.

  9. Right on with #1! I'm enough of a dinosaur ... I am glad that I've stayed on top of things in the electronic/digital world.

    Your grands are adorable ... and growing up so quickly!

  10. I enjoyed reading your responses to this week's questions. Some of them were pretty challenging and I almost did not do the Hodgepodge this time. I like it that you can decide to not answer some questions if you don't want to.

  11. fun answers...precious pictures! Rolls and honey, now that isn't anything better!


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!