Time for Miscellany Monday again! I love being random and the week usually finds me keeping notes on what I'm going to be random about on Mondays. If I don't, I might forget one of my random thoughts.........~pitiful~ But, hey, you gotta do what you gotta do.
A Calming Substance.........
When our son was about 3-4 years old he developed an undying love of Silly Putty. I think I might have put his first in an Easter basket. Well, little did I know that the relationship he developed with that little wad of pliable stuff would be a life long affair. I kid you not. I went in his office the other day to put something on his desk and the drawer to his desk was open and the picture above is what I saw. Can I just tell you that I could not help but laugh and to also wonder what I might be missing by not rubbing some of this beige tacky substance between my thumb and forefinger. ~smile~ Brandon never sucked a pacifier or his thumb but I can guarantee that he found just as much comfort in his Silly Putty and obviously still does.
I just thought I knew........
I have been taking pictures for 50 years. ~Yikes! am I really that old? ~ I have watched camera evolve into the masters that they are today and I thought I knew quite a bit about picture taking until this past week. I decided to take a photography class that was being offered locally. Off I went, I took my big Nikkon Coolpix P90 and my little bitty Nikkon Coolpix S8000. It didn't take but about 30 minutes for me to realize that I had a whole lot more to learn. She began talking about Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO and White Balance. I have no doubt that those words are just everyday words to most of you reading this, but not to this gal. I was most intrigued by Shutter Speed and what one can do by adjusting it to fit the occasion you are photographing. We were told to play with the Aperture and Shutter setting this week and take photos to bring back to our class this week. So, two of my photos are shown above. Can you see the difference in the two pictures? I sure hope so! The photo on the left is at a slower shutter speed than the one on the right. I love the difference it makes, even in water out of a faucet. I left the class with overload, thinking that there is no way I can ever learn all there is to learn. But, I'll give it my best shot and like a lot of other things in life, the more I play with it, the better I will become.
Most of you may remember that I took a Concealed Weapon Course back in Oct. to get my Concealed Weapon License. I did learn a lot about guns, gun safety and laws regarding both. After completing the course and shooting with a Sheriff's officer, I was off to complete the rest of the very involved application. A part of it was to be fingerprinted. I went to our local jail to have this done and they do it digitally but they had a very difficult time getting my fingerprints to be acceptable. The tips of my fingers are smooth with very few creases and apparently, the machine doesn't like this, nor do the "powers that be" at the state level. I sent the prints in along with a host of other items and began my wait. Well, last week I got this very official envelope from state and I ripped it open thinking it was my Concealed Weapon License. Well, NO, it was a rejection letter stating that my fingerprints were not acceptable. Mercy me! I had 10 days to resubmit a new set or my original application was null and void. So, back I went to the jail and when they saw me, they knew what had happened. They did redo my prints but they were no different from the last set so they decided that I needed a letter from them stating that they were as good as they were going to be. I returned everything and now will wait again to see if I'm going to get to be a "Pistol Packing Momma" or not. I'm not even sure this Momma wants to be Pistol Packing but I think it's kinda neat to have the license anyway. Sounds impressive!
An evening to remember..........

Happy Monday my dears!
Wow, you could be a criminal and they would never catch you with fingerprints that is. How nice that you helped your friend have such a good party. Have a good day.
ReplyDeleteGood morning! haha on the silly putty. Haven't seen any of that stuff in years...glad your friend enjoyed her birthday party! Have a wonderful day...HUGS
ReplyDeleteOh! How fun! A camera class : )
ReplyDeleteI love the silly putty. It made me laugh out loud to see all of the containers in his drawer. Kids are the best!
I love the toys of our childhood ... Silly Putty, Slinkies, hoola hoops. How funny that your son still loves his Silly Putty .... and is stocked up. ;-)
ReplyDeleteOh the silly putty....Benjamin was just playing with some yesterday..what memories, and how much fun to see them in your adult son's desk drawer.
ReplyDeleteFingerprints rejected..too funny, but go girl on getting that license.
Great party..you all looked great.
Oh camera...I took a course in high school and another after marriage...I don't remember a thing and that was in the dark ages when I took the courses.
What program are you using for your pictures? I loved SILLY PUTTY.
ReplyDeleteI think silly putty is a great stress buster : ) I feel a little overloaded in the photogaphy dept. too. So much to take in and I'm not young! There's already a lot of stuff in my head taking up the space!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your week!
I really need to learn more about my Nikon. It's a D50 and takes amazing pictures just with lil ole clueless me! I can only imagine the great pics that it could make if only I got serious. Silly putty--a drawer full! Now that would make me laugh, too. I hope you get your license after all your efforts.
ReplyDeleteI love reading the random things that make up your life, most of which bring you delight. Sorry about the rejection hopefully the letter helps them reverse their decision!
ReplyDeletethat looks like a fun evening! sorry for the rejection. i hope your prints fit the bill this time. ; ) girl, there's so much to learn about photography. i think it takes a whole lifetime to learn. and the silly putty? hilarious!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you are learning more about photography! You will have fun with it. Did you see my waterfall photos recently? They are examples of using a very slow shutter speed. - I know all about conceal carry. My fingerprints didn't get rejected, but I have to tell you that the photo on the license is horrible! After a long day at work my husband made me stop by and get one of of those passport photos at our local pharmacy. I was tired and truly having a bad hair day. I wish I would have gone back later to get a new picture, but my husband was really pushing me to get my application done. I'm stuck with that photo for 10 years!
ReplyDeleteSilly putty is so fun! When I babysit kids, it's my favorite thing to do with them!
I loved silly puddy as a child. We use to get the color comic pages from the newspaper and we'd play with it for hours. Sorry about the fingerprints. Geesh are they picky or what!