It's Saturday and that means 9 questions and answers. And, I doubt any one reading this has not heard Winter Wonderland. Now, I have not heard it by Herb Alpert and The Tijuana Brass, but I've heard it by plenty of others. Let me get started.................

Welcome to the last Saturday 9 of 2018! Thanks for a great year, everyone.
1) This is an unconventional take on an old familiar song. Over the holidays, do you prefer traditional carols? Or do you like to mix it up with with more contemporary fare?
I do love the traditional carols but I also enjoy the more contemporary ones as well. So, I like to mix it up.
2) Now that Christmas is behind us, are you enjoying a relaxing week? Or do you have socializing/celebrating/chores to do?
I have been busy but it's been a good busy. I got all the Christmas decorations down and put away and have done some cleaning out. I always seem to get the fever to clean out at the start of a new year. I've been working in our home office and will head to my closet next.
3) Winter is a time for cocooning. What book or movie did you enjoy in 2018 that you would recommend to your fellow Saturday 9-ers?

No doubt about it, The Greatest Showman. I enjoyed everything about this movie, the story, the music, and the choreography. I highly recommend it!
4) Looking back on the past year, what was one of your happiest moments?
I had many happy moments but the first one that came to mind was the trip that our daughter and I made to Pawhuska, Oklahoma for my birthday. We did and saw all things Pioneer Woman and stayed at her Boarding House. It was a wonderful time for us.
5) What was the smartest thing you did all this past year?
Hummmm..........I have drawn a total blank on this one. Hopefully I've done a lot of smart things but there is not just one that stands out in my mind or least that I can remember.
6) As 2018 comes to a close, what are you most grateful for?

Of course, I'm always grateful for my family and at this point in my life I'm so grateful for my good health. Hardly a day goes by that I do not hear of someone being diagnosed with some life altering health issue and we never know what tomorrow holds.
7) This week's featured artist is Herb Alpert. Because of the style he popularized and the name of his band, people assume he's Hispanic. Yet his parents were Jewish immigrants from Romania. What's something we'd be surprised to learn about you?
About 14 years ago I had a gift packaging business called, "It's a Wrap." I did gift wrapping for any and all occasions, and gift baskets and boxes. I had such fun with it. I gave it up about 10 years ago but I still enjoy pretty presentations when it comes to gifts, no matter how large or small. I'm always on the look out for pretty and unique wrapping paper and ribbon and new and different ways to wrap without using a traditional box. Now you know......
8) He performed an instrumental version of "The Star Spangled Banner" at Super Bowl XXII. How did your favorite sports teams do in 2018?

I'm really not "into" sports but when our LSU Tigers are playing I can sometimes get quite excited. The Tigers had a decent year and will be playing Central Florida in the Fiesta Bowl on New Year's day. Geaux Tigers!
9) Random question: When did you last check your social media feed?
Last night before I went to bed but I'll be checking it just as soon as I publish this post.
Happy last weekend of 2018!!!
Happy last weekend of 2018!!!
I enjoyed hearing about your business. Wrapping is a lost art, isn't it? I prefer packages to gift bags. Tape and ribbon and bows just make me happy.
ReplyDeleteThat was an interesting little-known fact about Herb Alpert's heritage. I didn't know he has European roots.
ReplyDeleteYou and your daughter have such fun times together. I anticipate more of the same for my daughter and me now that we live in Florida and especially as we move 1+ hours closer to her.
I love the name of your business and what a great business idea! Sounds like a Hallmark movie.
ReplyDeleteOf course!!!! The Greatest Showman!!! You are right! I had forgotten about it. I did enjoy it very much though. That would be my answer too!
My mom wants to go to the Pioneer Woman place. Happy New Year! I loved your answers!
Fun questions and I really enjoyed your answers!! Interesting about your gift-wrapping business!! Creative and fun!
ReplyDeleteGreat business. I wonder if it would be a "go" today with the loss of so many retail stores? I'm putting The Greatest Showman on my watch list. Thanks for the referral! Happy New Year to you!